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Cinderella 99 F1 Grow - Organic


Day 38

They have a few weeks left. Only using Liquid Karma and Molasses as usual...

Fruit Punch (#5)


Purple, sweet smelling (#1)

Lanky, more sativa leaning (#2)

Group - Here you can see 3 #5's in the middle and back center. #1 on the left and #2 on the far right.

Temp's have been low in the the past couple of weeks...although #1 will purple no matter what. Enjoy.


Active member
Lookin tasty azz hell at 38 days hashit....nice work.

Have you thought of using any teas as you mentioned at the beginning of the thread?


Lookin tasty azz hell at 38 days hashit....nice work.

Have you thought of using any teas as you mentioned at the beginning of the thread?

I am next time-around. I am growing four #5's in 5 gallon smart-pots next...gonna brew them nice tea's and veg for a long while as well.

By the way, they are at day 38 from when they started to bud up (about one week) -- If I count when they were flipped, they are at day 45.


Active member
By the way, they are at day 38 from when they started to bud up (about one week) -- If I count when they were flipped, they are at day 45.

Do you have a preference on when ya like to start the count of flowering........flip of light....or when flowers show themselves?

I have been thinking that it makes more sense to me to start the countdown when flowers show and not the flip to 12/12.I would take a pretty good guess that just about every body on this site would agree with the "let it go another week or 2 and it's fatter,stinks more and taste better" thought.Add in the "extra week or 2" and that cancels out the first week or 2 from the switch to 12/12.

I've only been at this for a bit over a year and i've run L.A. confidential since the start.7-8 weeks is flowering time........let that girl go 9-91/2 weeks and it is MUCH NICER smoke to me.

Ya gotta toss up some more dry nuggie shots........good lookin buds!


Chop time! C99 #5 at 58 days from 12/12 switch:

The more purple-lanky pheno was chopped at day 52:



These are truly fast finishers!

I will post dry shots and a smoke report once they're dry/cure!

My next mission is to grow out 4 fruit punch phenos in 5 gallon smart pots...then C99 will retire from my garden.


Think for yourself, question authority
ICMag Donor
Great journal I really enjoyed your selection. Looks like that 600 beef em up good.Thanks for sharing.


Great journal I really enjoyed your selection. Looks like that 600 beef em up good.Thanks for sharing.

Oh yes, night and day difference. I am going to veg the C99's with the 600w Eye Hortilux HPS until they are about about 2 - 2.5 ft then switch to 12/12. By the way, I am going to give them all tea's through-out their growth next...I will post the progress on those as well!


Think for yourself, question authority
ICMag Donor
Im running a 400mh about to switch to a 600hps-hortilux for a few weeks of veg then flip and change to a 1000. Should provide some fantastic results prolonging my bulb life as well. Any tips while vegging with a hps Ive never done it.


Any tips while vegging with a hps Ive never done it.

I'm currently looking into this...I've heard the EYE Hortilux HPS provides a nice amount of blue spectrum for veg...this is why I am going to attempt this. I may start off the clones under the 400MH for a few weeks.

Speaking of clones, here are all my C99 Fruit Punch cuts/clones:


I take initial cuts when they are vegging...I place them in small cups and/or pots when they root...once they get big enough I take more cuts if I am still in the middle of a grow...then start the process all over again. These are the 3rd/4th generation of #5's. This method works for me best as I never have to worry about space/time constraints...I just take more cuts as I need.

They are under a CFL in a corner of my bathroom...it's really a set-it-and-forget-it method...I just water and wait.

Hemphrey Bogart

Active member
Great grow thread, hashit!

I got come C99 f1's going that have been in veg since early december of last year.

Your thread has been a great resource for me and I figured I should stop lurking and give you some props for posting your grow.

Haven't really noticed many people posting a thread on these. Seems people prefer the bx, but I got the f1's instead and I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who decided to give these a go.

Congrats and I hope you can post up some dried nug shots and a smoke report if you have the time.

Thanks again for the informative thread.


Here are some dried nug shots as requested...smoke report after cure:

about a week drying.

Covered in trichomes...I have to watch how I handle the buds else my fingers get really sticky :D





A thing of beauty.........great job hashit........respect and good karma your way...!!!:ying:


btw I have about ~4oz dry of #5, another ~2oz off of the other C99 phenos (not shown in the pic). ..so about 6oz give or take dry. The 600watter did it's job in producing a bigger yield outa Cindy...although they should produce more in my 5 gallon smart pots next time around!

I've transplanted 4 clones into #5 Smart Pots and they are under the 600w Hortilux (not so close of course). I want to veg them until they get about 2.5 - 3ft then switch to flower...I am determined to increase my yield by about 2 - 3oz. I am going to get all the items I need to brew tea's next week...Can't wait to see results with the addition of teas!


great job and useful tool for me, I have had C99 for a while now and always like to see other peoples results and what they write... I use it as a learning tool for my own endeavors.


Even in Arcadia I exist
Wow man, beautiful buds!

I've got a Mosca Chem99 finishing now that leans way to the C99 by the smell of it, I'd really love to run this strain!



Chopped at 56 Days
Dried: 7 Days
Cured: 4 Weeks

Smell: Pineapple acidic with hint of citrus/lemon. During flowering she smelled like Fruit Punch...but the smell has evolved after the cure.

Taste: Tastes just like she smells...and she leaves a nice dank flavor in your mouth afterwards.

High: Immediate high in the eye socket/forehead area...make you want to get up and go. I love smoking her before doing yard work. But beware: She will knock you on your ass if you smoke too much...

Some of the best smoke I've had in a while...

By the way, here are the last of the #5 which were put into 5gallon smart pots:


They've been vegging for about 3 weeks under the 400MH...I switched it out and put in the 600w HPS...going to let them veg until April 30th, then flower for 8 weeks.

I've been using the following when watering:

Liquid Karma
High N Guano (Mexican)
Oregonism XL (strains of 6 endotrophic and 6 ectotrophic mycorrhizae species, 2 trichoderma, 13 strains of beneficial bacteria, yucca, and soluble kelp)

I don't have a set feeding schedule...I change it around a lot and give them various combinations of the above...but I almost always include LK and Molasses when I water. I'm hoping to break the 8+oz barrier this time around...I'll keep yall posted.