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Twitchy stoners



Are there other people who get twitchy after they smoke? I don't mean constanly kicking legs or anything, but a couple of more noticeable twitches say per 5 hrs spent stoned. For me, it is usually the legs that twitch, and not every time I get stoned, but often enough for me to have noticed.

I also feel that if I have had a break from smoking, the twitches are more prominent, if I keep smoking for several days continuosly, the twitches almost disappear, or maybe I am so stoned I just don't notice anymore.

Would like to hear from the other twitchers out there!
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Nice to hear I am not the only one. I've smoked with very few people, they always claimed to not know what I was talking about...

Can you guys also feel the blood vessels in eyes pop when super stoned?


Active member
All these things, twiching, shakes etc etc have very littel to do with weed...

of course weed sometimes to blame if its shitty but 9 out of 10 times its latent psych condition which gets distorbed by smoking and comes to the surface... dont blame weed


@Hubbleman - Do you have any actual evidence for that, or is it just your opinion?

I get a little twitchy on some occasions when I'm a few tokes over the line, not bad usually, but it can sometimes be a little irritating. I very rarely get that high, though.


sunshine in a bag
i dont know if it's something i notice less when i'm sober or if it's something that happens when i'm high, but i notice more jerkiness in my neck/head and everynow and then i'll twitch but it's never just like, my arm twitches or my foot, it seems more like a total body thing, like i just sort of twitch to the right through my arm or through my hip, if that makes sense. which i'm assuming does not.

it makes me wonder if i have fucking parkinsons when i'm stoned or something.

it's never been more than just a fleeting thought, though. i dont pay much attention to it.


Twitching through the hip sounds very familiar! Hip twitches always ( or so far) happen when I am laying down though, as do most of the other twitches.

Parkinsons doesn't sound very nice, but I half expect there to be something wrong ;) Funny how some people get it and others don't.

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
sounds like an anxiety response showing up in your legs... Mj seems to help you relax. like a warm bath for me is needed daily to keep the tension in muscles down. fibroymalgia syndrome...

try and notice if you are more relaxed with days in a row of weed.

ain't no doctor tho, but relate to what you are talking about...