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Outrageous police conduct in Nimbin. Police serach cerebral palsy patient on scooter!


Guest 26753

This is a fucking outrage. This image was just taken on the main street in Nimbin, Australia, out from of the Nimbin Hemp Embassy. Exactly what aspect of justice does this serve? What sort of trust does it foster?

Please share this around to highlight what reefer madness looks like at its very worst.


auto guerilla

man this is a new low... poor fella. wish i could help him. he's defenceless and harmless lets get him!!!

Guest 26753

Smoulder has had a pretty hard time with the authorities all his life, poor fella:

PRESS RELEASE - 21st May 2003



First Question- It was thought my Cerebral Palsy could have been from a difficult birth. All seemed normal till I was about 18 months old, then my parents began to wonder about my conditions. Who knows?

Father- Dad had a glass business, manufacturing mirrors, he was always behind with debts. He was addicted to gambling, the TAB got all his money.

Mother- Mum was neurotic and used my condition to camouflage hers, also to extend her conversations. I got sick of that. She made me feel bad alot!

Brother- 2 years younger, He was dyslexic, my mother wanted me to have that problem as well.

Sister- 6 years younger, never had any confidence.

Brother- 10 years younger, just like everyone else.

My earliest memory is of my mother telling people about my Cerebral Palsy.

School- My first day at school being the first day I spent without my mum. I went straight to a Special School and was made to wear leg irons, even though I could walk. I would see all the kids bouncing around but I had to sit and watch.

Observation- I could work out how to do things as the other kids were struggling, I always had the answer. Saying- Not many people can work and think at the same time.

Intelligence- I considered myself more intelligent than those around me, I was able to compere my family with others I met, teachers, doctors, etc.

Moving away from home- By the time I was in my twenties I really wanted to get out on my own, I had met a few people who could help. I'd made enquires with the Spastic Centre in Sydney, they had a factory with 800 workers, half were disabled. I was told I could have a job if I could get to Sydney. Those around me knew I was getting ready to do something. A boss lady at the Victorian Spastic Centre even rang the Melbourne YMCA to NOT take me in!

Realisation-I had to get away from women, they always have their own ideas on what I should do.

Observation- Women are 'classist' men are 'sexist'.

The Big Camp- After a lot of planning, I went on a 1 week camp to Torquay with the Spastic Centre. I remember we played a lot of cards, I kept winning so they would change the games around so I couldn't work out what was going on all the time, then I could never win.

The Escape- I'd had a sign made for me a month earlier, I showed it to one of the teachers at the camp. The next day she drove me out to the highway near Bairnsdale, I got out of the car, she drove off, I opened my bag, got my radio out and turned it on. Then I pulled out my sign 'Disabled person wants a lift'. After about a half an hour I got a lift.

Away- My ride got me to North Sydney where I met up with some Kiwi friends. They got me organised into some accommodation.

Observation- When I left home, I didn't understand much either.

New Life- For the first year away from home I had never had such peace.

The second year went on forever, it was the loneliest time.

Interruptions covered the loneliness. This continued till about four years ago.

Making My Way- I worked my guts out in the factory for 3 1/2 years. The job was to tap holes in steel using a hole tapping machine. My output was so good, it was 150% better than the able bodied workers. But I used to get so sore. What I didn't know was that my superviser had been writing down my output to half the average output of the normal workers! This kept me on the lower disabled wage.

Two Decades- I cut grass on and off for over 20 years during my life. I owned my own business, and I could push a Victa Scout around for 5 hours without a break. At one stage, I would service 16 blocks of flat and 11 houses every month. I used to wear out wheels on my lawnmowers. As I got more equipment I started getting burgled.

My Own Home- I was about to buy my first house, I was naive, I didn't realise what rip offs people can be.

Back In Melbourne- Until 4 years ago I'd been living back in Melbourne for 12 years, in all this time my sister rang me once as did my mum. That's the ruling class syndrome (part of ). I became aware that most people are farting above the neck. Most people know when to fart and when not to fart, but they don't realise when they are farting above the neck.

Observation- I am aware of female demensia (and male), but I don't use it as a weapon. I use my knowledge to promote thought and to laugh.

Drugs- People who are always desperate for money to feed their drug habit find no relief from being miserable. Misery is one word that would describe the average day of a drug addict.

Cerebral Palsy- I should have been dead 10 years ago, Cerebral Palsy sufferers don't get around, They don't get exercise, they eat themselves to death, they smoke themselves to death. They die at about 53. I am aware that when you're in a home, the people who work there make sure you do nothing, they do everything for you. You become more and more dependant. Intstead of the other way around. It's the opposite of when your young, you become able and gain muscular control.

My Dear Mum- I asked my mum recently what she thought of my mind, she said "you always used your money to keep you away from home."

John Daryl Brunsdon

Mr John Della Bosca MLC
Special Minister Of State
Parliament House
Macquarie St
Sydney 2001

Dear Mr Della Bosca

Nice to see you in Nimbin, always nice to meet someone well meaning. I'm the man with severe Cerebral Palsy who spoke to you at the Nimbin school. I told you I'd get a written letter to you.

My argument for decriminalisation and legalisation begins with the assumption that the problem will always be there, as we know it.

As I know myself, it was in 1983 after being burgled and having my car stolen 3 times with all my work equipment in it. I realised that I had a problem other than what was obvious. 'People look for easy targets to rip off'.

About 15 years later, after living in Nimbin for a few years, I am now aware that I not only have this handicap I was born with, I've also encountered a slightly similar problem in that all my life, people have regarded themselves as being more intelligent than I. My problem then is, that their intelligence level dropped when I came into their lives. Today I am very unhappy about these problems, to the point where I can argue that combined, both of these are bigger trouble than Cerebral Palsy, which was always incidental to me.

Although I have physically manipulated lawn mowers and vacuum cleaners for the best part of 20 years, with sun stroke and a prolonged bad liver, and then they ripped me off. I am having great difficulty in forgetting the people behaviour, the memories haunt me.

I have hardly ever been to a doctor, or cost the taxpayer much in that way at all. I wish to state that someone like myself and anybody who is permanently incapacitated should have the right and the preference to their medicine. By far for myself, cannabis provides me with mental and emotional satisfaction in my life. On the other hand, millions of people smoke more than 100 grams of tobacco a week, just to service an addiction. I only need about 30 grams of good quality cannabis.

Eventually I realised I had to grow my own. I can't keep relying on people to give it to me, though the people of Nimbin have been very kind to me.

Mr Della Bosca, on the 3rd of September 2002, I was at Parliament House in Sydney to demonstrate for some law reform around cannabis. The following day, police in Nimbin raided my house on the property on which I live. What was uncovered and admitted is that, I was living at the property and met a good person, a trustworthy man I coerced into moving in with me to grow cannabis for me at the property. My friend was the only person present at the property (which has two houses and several occupiers) and was charged (loaded) with all that was found. He is able bodied. About a week later I went to the Nimbin police station and made a full admission. From what I have seen and know, outlawing cannabis has created nothing but mayhem.

Prior to this and currently, I am spending more than half my income on good quality cannabis, which is much better for my mind and body.

I am a 62 year old Cerebral Palsy patient with more knowledge and experience about the problem than those who rule in Parliament. I am very anxious to know when and if I will ever be allowed, to continue to grow and use cannabis. Most Cerebral Palsy patients get laid up in bed and eat or smoke themselves to death by the time they are 53.

I need to know why I should be a victim and subjected to the criminal justice system when for the last 25 years I have already suffered from Government prohibition. I blame prohibition for the fact that I have to pay rent today, I almost had my own house in 1980.

I hope you can pass this message on to Mr Carr.

Your sincerely
Daryl Brunsdon


Active member
Look at him, you can tell that any second he would have gone into a marijuana fueled frenzy, and driven that scooter into a crowd of children at top speed.
Good job officers, way to save the day.

auto guerilla

Look at him, you can tell that any second he would have gone into a marijuana fueled frenzy, and driven that scooter into a crowd of children at top speed.
Good job officers, way to save the day.

lol thats hilarious :laughing:


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Typical draconian bullshit we have to put up with in Australia, thanks for posting this moose, maybe one day this sort of bullshit will come to a end down under, and our lives will be a whole lot better off :)


When will the madness end? We need to do more to end the madness now!
This bullshit is going on in US. also!
Makes you feel like creating an army of stoners & taking over this F**KING mess!
:fsu::plant grow:


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
I use a walker exactly like this one pictured, TOO many times I've had it searched going into concerts, sporting events etc...


I've been VERY tempted to set up a false colostomy bag looking device in it that's rigged to 'BURP/BLAST/BLOW' a load of chocolate pudding with corn & marshmallow chunks in it when someone gets nosy enough to piss me off.

Could you imagine the face of the security guard that's hit with a load of what they think is shit from fat Dave's ass bag??? Personally that would send me off puking rather instantly.

or imagine their face when I quickly wiped it off of them while apologizing and then gobble it up from my hand, fuckers would faint dead away and would NEVER look in a walker seat again.......

just thinking ya know.


stoke this joint
ICMag Donor
Fucking pricks!,, why harass him, did they feel threatened ? ,, what was found on his person, house breaking implements or firearms?
Can't have criminals like him roaming the streets.

They've obviously run all the meth heads out of town.