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The perfect square pot?


I am in the process of building an 150 watt hps cabinet and have most of the kinks worked out. Now I am on the subject of a nice square pot for SOG.. So my question is, does the perfect square pot exist? I have searched online and have came up empty handed. I saw some ok ones but I don't feel comfortable know I am loosing space for roots due to all the space lost between the pots. I know I can always grow hydro and not worry about that but I am wanting to grow soil on this one. Can anybody point me in the right direction? I am also trying to think of items such as tall thin trash cans or maybe square pvc pipe to make into pots. I just want to hear some thoughts on this. Thanks


I'm looking for something around the size of a two liter only square. runningriot do those come taller and thinner? Thanks for the link though!


ICMag Donor
Its difficult to beat Rubbermaid brown trashcans for the price,I go to the goodwill around my area and someone is always throwing out a rectangular plastic trash can.I have a ton of them..Last week at a goodwill a few towns over ,i hit the jackpot...6 rubbermaid trashcans from an office,,but their the giant 5 gallon type for 2 bucks a piece .Anyhow their everywhere if you look...


Try these guys.

The TPOT9 or the CPOT125H are close to the size you're looking for.

I was looking at these! I think I am going to go with these if I can't find anything better. Although with these I run into the same concern because I still lose potential root space at the bottom because the pots thin out as they go down


Matter that Appreciates Matter
Try coco and you can grow in any size pot you want. Feed them frequently and they will out grow anything you can do in soil.

I have some nice 6" square pots that do not waste too much space. I love beercups for my small space. Here is a SOG run I did a while back.



New member
Have you considered grow bags?


These are one gallon grow bags. A 25 pack only cost me $2.99. They aren't exactly square though, as these 25 measure in at 3 feet by 3.5 feet once filled. Still though you can't beat the price. The half gallon bags should be even less expensive than the one gallons.


Although with these I run into the same concern because I still lose potential root space at the bottom because the pots thin out as they go down

You need some air between the pots, because the roots need to get oxygen when the soil is in it's drying phase. I doubt you'll see any measurable improvement with slightly more soil over having slightly less soil with adequate drainage and aeration.


To Have More ... Desire Less
check these out widely available......a buck a piece.......@ wallymart.....in the laundry / housewares dept.....





they are taller than wider......and compact together welll.............
get still giving roots extra breath-ability...........................cause the bag is poris fabric........like smart pots.......


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
look no further than your refrigerator ..... i/2 gallon milk jugs work great !!! or the 5lb plastic coffee jugs .