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Forgot to close closet door


I'm 5 weeeks in to flower and forgot to close the closets door last night, so today she experienced about 4 hours dark, then about 8 hours with low light from the light coming through the closed blinds. Omg, I can't beleive I did that. Am I screwed now?


yeah man you are so screwed they gonna make a shit ton a seeds and throw tons a nanners so you'll be fightin errrant pollen forever!
j/k man! you should be ok, whats the strain? have you run it before and seen any stress qualities from her?


This is why I run my lights in the day time. In the long daylight months I try to time the lights with the position of the sun so that any light leaks i get dont have adverse effects. You should be ok for just 1 mistake but if you do this often then you may get some nanners.


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
It's hard to say. Some strains can handle a little light stress better than others.
I once had a digital timer freak out and was turning the lights on for 30 minutes halfway through the dark cycle. I realized it after 6 days and replaced the timer. But all the plants dealt with the stress okay and I never got a single hermie or a seed.

Watch em close for nanners and pray to Mary than Jane remains Jane instead of Juan.


Strain dependent more than anything.
I have a heater and surge protector in my closet both with those red lights that everyone is always fretting over and neither is covered and I have had 1 strain in the 3 years I've been growing in that closet throw nanners.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
i heard if even one photon reaches any plant within 10 ft of your grow that your entire crop would turn male overnight.

I think you're screwed, dude.

rick shaw

At five weeks flowering I don't think you stressed them enough to herm. I'll bet you stressed yourself enough to never let it happen again.