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Cloning Dispute????

I clipped a clone off of my friends blueberry haze plant,

it was a fairly big plant so when I topped it the clone still has large long stemmed fan leaves coming off the main stem, should I get rid of them? or should I keep them, I know they are important, but they are weighing down my clone even with the leaves cut in half.

pics if needed.:tiphat:

I was going to cut off the fan leaves then cut the main stem shorter to reduce the size and fit it in a dome, but I didn't want to make any harsh decisions before asking someone first.
So make 3 clones out of this 1 massive top? or cut the fan leaves off and keep it as it is? Even if I make 3 clones do I keep the fan leaves or do I not keep them?


I'm pretty sure i could get 4 viable clones from that ...

I'm pretty sure i could get 4 viable clones from that ...


I was going to cut off the fan leaves then cut the main stem shorter to reduce the size and fit it in a dome, but I didn't want to make any harsh decisions before asking someone first.

I'm pretty sure I could get 4 viable clones from that ... "cutting".
It must have been a huge plant for that to be a minor "pruning" operation. Based upon your picture, you could either turn that into 4 clones, or else trim back about 1/2 of the fan leaves. You might want to consider remaking the cut at the base, fresh clean and sterile, about 1 inch higher, and immediately dip it in rooting gel, if only to avoid any "air embolisms".

Could it be that you and your friend have something of a difference of opinion regarding method of growing, with him favoring a "tree" while you favor a "bush"?

FWIW: When I saw the headline "Cloning Dispute??" and read the bit about you taking a cutting from your friend's plant, my thought was "Oh, shit! He didn't ask his friend before he did that!". LOL


Smoke Buddy

Top clones are more of a challenge to root than lower branch clones because the root hormone is in higher concentration lower on the plant. So it will take longer to root. This means you really dont want alot of leaves because then the plant may contiinue to transpire. What you want is dim light and a moist, not wet medium. Temps need to be 70+ to get them moving 75 is good, I use a seedling heat mat with a layer of ceramic tiles between the mat and my clone tray. Then cover with a dome for a week or so keeping the cut humid. I spray mist oin the inside of the dome rather than the plant and then make sure you add a little bit of water as your clone medium drys from the heat... should need a little water about every other day or even every day depending on temp. I find keeping them on the dry side makes them root faster.

peace :rasta:


Yes. That!

Yes. That!

Top clones are more of a challenge to root than lower branch clones because the root hormone is in higher concentration lower on the plant. So it will take longer to root. This means you really dont want alot of leaves because then the plant may contiinue to transpire. What you want is dim light and a moist, not wet medium. Temps need to be 70+ to get them moving 75 is good, I use a seedling heat mat with a layer of ceramic tiles between the mat and my clone tray. Then cover with a dome for a week or so keeping the cut humid. I spray mist oin the inside of the dome rather than the plant and then make sure you add a little bit of water as your clone medium drys from the heat... should need a little water about every other day or even every day depending on temp. I find keeping them on the dry side makes them root faster.

peace :rasta:

Yes. That!


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Big leaves require water uptake. Without roots, you have no water uptake . Those fans will provide no benefit and may tax the cutting to death. If you have need of gigantic clones, they should be rooted on the plant first and cut later (See Air Layering in the Cloners Sticky) Below are a couple examples I made for others on fan leaf trimming. Below that clones of my own, note toothpicks for scale

FWIW I have to disagree with tops taking longer to root. For me they root twice as fast as lower cuts. 5-7 days instead of 10-14 for bottom cuts.


Active member
That is a big cut. You can chop it up into smaller pieces s. :)
I avoid cutting the leaves and remove them or leave them whole.
I agree with freezerboy, in my experience the top cuts root faster. I have tested this in an aerocloner and in coco coir. The upper cuts form roots about 25% faster than the bottom cuts from the same plant. I constantly test this on many strains and the results have not changed.


i Am SoFaKiNg WeTod DiD
i cut every leave in half when i take cuts u dont want to remove all of the they hold some nutes to keep them goin for a few days i=once rootin starte=s u will see them start to yellow and it means the plant is developin roots searchin for food. i took big clones like that before they will root it will take longer but once rooted it will take off muxch faster and develope a larger rootmass faster. as far as top or bottom whatever floats ur boat i do both and havent really noticed a difference but i havent really checked. clonin is diff for everyone and what works best for u is the way u should do it. best of luck and beware i got a bluehaze runnin now that is over 6ft and still stretch whn i flowered it it was 12in tall