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There was a time when I believed that antidepressants had no medical value for anyone. However, watching the change in my spouse after her M.D. suggested Paxil, I have since changed my opinion. She had almost completely withdrawn to her own little room with very little outside contact. Lost that twinkle in her eye so to speak. Within a few weeks I could see the difference and more importantly she could feel the difference for herself. Personally I stay chill with my smoke but the Mrs. rarely takes a toke.


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
If you have to take a pill to fix something it really is not fixed, just covered up sorry.


I don't under stand. You quit smoking cannabis 12 years ago despite the beneficial effects on your mood and body, and you describe the years since as slipping back into darkness. Have you resumed using cannabis? I hope have considered it because it helps many.

For health reasons and I take care of my elderly Mom. I'm on oxygen now and also I get silly and kinda to happy on MJ. I need to be there for my Mom in emergence situations without giggling. :tiphat:


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Giggling is good man! You can get a buzz and still be there for your mother one does not cancel out the other. :bigeye:
What do you do naturally to try to improve your happiness? Depression isn't necessarily just about being unhappy nor is unhappiness necessarily an abnormal condition that requires medical treatment. If you don't do things in your life that make you happy (which isn't necessarily going to be what others think you should do to be happy) then it is normal to be unhappy. The unhappiness is supposed to be what motivates us to go do the things that will make us happy.

In my opinion the mental health community doesn't understand enough about our brain's chemistry and how it all works to be going around prescribing chemicals meant to bring you back in balance. They suggest things to the pharmaceutical companies who are only too happy to manufacture and then overcharge you for the pill form of these chemicals. Plus these chemicals are making it into the market without the level of safety/effectiveness testing that many people assume are done with all drugs.

If you are serious about treating depression with drugs and you take drugs recreationally (including alcohol) then you need to do some careful thinking about what is important to you. I say that because if you want to treat depression chemically, you can't have other outside chemicals in the equation influencing things.
Appreciate the post, as well as everyone else's. Truly and sincerely, I do.

I decided against taking pills. Lots of soul-searching lead me to believe that I am not, in fact, depressed. Rather, I'm just kind of sad because I'm not doing the things I want to do with my life at the moment. As said, misery provides a great kick in the ass jump-start. Without this jump start of self-hate- something Lexapro promises to eradicate-, I'll probably just keep floating along at status quo.

It's just not what I need.

Thanks again everyone for the considered replies.


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Fuckin a man! :respect:

Spoken like a winner, a survivor. ;)


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
glad to hear that you're going w/out the happy pills bro, here's my own experience with just two of them.......

Elavil gave me the fucking craziest nightmares of me getting into shootouts with drug dealers and shit like that. Prozac seemed effective as a happy pill but in reality it allowed me to let my guard down by my thinking 'oh well things will get better soon'; instead I needed to kick my ass into overdrive with a gung-ho attitude; when I dropped the Prozac routine I started to excel in my sales position and picked up a 2nd job making up for lost ground.

there's probably more to be said for talk therapy imo than anything else to treat depression, if you can't afford any 1 on 1 talk then try to find support groups nearby.

if you decide to do your talking here just be prepared to deal with trolls and naysayers who are not compassionate or care giver types.

best of luck to you bro and please do NOT ignore your needs or feelings, the number one cause of suicide is untreated depression. If you're feeling really funky there's somebody out there or right here that cares enough to listen.......

Stay away from SSRI's bro. VERY dangerous. Many horror stories about it, thoughts of suicide, actually committing suicide, not to mention if you stop taking it suddenly you can end up in the ICU on your death bed.

Very, very bad. Stick to meditating, medicating (THC) and surround yourself with new surroundings, friends, family, etc. Do not hibernate! Go out!


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Appreciate the post, as well as everyone else's. Truly and sincerely, I do.

I decided against taking pills. Lots of soul-searching lead me to believe that I am not, in fact, depressed. Rather, I'm just kind of sad because I'm not doing the things I want to do with my life at the moment. As said, misery provides a great kick in the ass jump-start. Without this jump start of self-hate- something Lexapro promises to eradicate-, I'll probably just keep floating along at status quo.

It's just not what I need.

Thanks again everyone for the considered replies.

Okay well sadness is normal and we all suffer from it from time to time, definately it's not something one should take medicine to deal with.

If you're not doing what you want then sit down, do some thinking about what's the best way to get to where you're doing what you want and then take the first step to putting that plan into motion. Hopefully just doing something to start you down the path to happiness will make you start to feel happier.


Active member
I have battled depression for many years, and have made a lot of progress in overcoming it thanks to ecstasy and (to a lesser degree) marijuana, but it's kinda been coming back to the surface here lately due to bullshit going on in my life. I don't have insurance and can't afford a prescription for a "real" antidepressant. I had read about St John's Wort a few weeks back and it looked promising, but I forgot to go out and pick up a bottle. When I read this thread it was a good reminder, and I learned about 5-HTP too, so after googling both to read up more, I went out and picked up both at Wal-Mart last night.

I took 300mg SJW and 100mg 5-HTP before going to bed. I got a great night's sleep, better than usual, and had good dreams. Today I feel really chilled out and relaxed, much like the feeling I get after a nice hard run. They say the SJW takes at least a few days to kick in so the effects I'm feeling must be from the 5-HTP. It's too early to say for certain, but it just seems like my thoughts are taking fewer negative paths and not getting concerned with things that don't matter. I can definitely tell that I feel better overall, and it's not placebo. No negative side effects so far. Thanks for the tip on 5-HTP guys, I'm glad to have tried it.