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first visit, product inquiry


New member
Hello, this is my first post, though i've been reading here for some time, so first off thank you for all the information so far...

I was just gifted four sample packs from Vital Earth products that include worm castings, glacial rock, guano and an inoculant of humic acids and bacteria. Anything known about the quality of this company?

I am wondering when would be the time for using each product, as well as in what manner (teas or top dressing?)


Clackamas Coot

Active member

I use and will continue to use some of the products from Vital Earth - earthworm castings, thermal compost and their potting soil. They produce their own castings as well as the thermal compost that they package and both products are the base of their potting soil(s).

This makes them 1 of only 3 potting soils manufactured commercially on in the Pacific Northwest that have thermal compost and EWC operations. The 3 young gentleman behind this company are graduates from the Agriculture School at UC Davis. One of the major agriculture schools in the world. Their earthworm operation is one of the best commercial operations on the West Coast, i.e. heated concrete floors, covered outbuildings where the correct temperature and humidity levels are maintained, etc. They've definitely got it dialed in.

Their glacial rock dust is simply the Canadian Glacial Rock Dust product that has been bagged and distributed under the 'Gaia Green' label for decades. It runs less than $10.00 per 50 lbs. How anyone could take a product costing less than $.20 per lb. and repackage and rebrand it and make a profit is a testament to capitalism at its finest. I guess.

Their inoculant product is pretty standard stuff. It's okay. No big deal. It's a start.




Living with the soil
I recently had a couple root bound and locked out plants that turned crayon yellow...a quick and generous top dress with the Megaworm castings and I'm not shittin' ya' 3 days later they are green again. These are pure castings...well worth it.


Living with the soil
Earth worm castings are amazing stuff. I've seen enough from using EWC that I've decided to farm my own. I wouldn't be a bit surprised if a plant would/could be grown in just castings alone.

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