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Does consciousness create our reality?

Read an article in Discover magazine a while back that has really set me to thinking. Basically scientists doing an experiment pertaining to wave function in quantum physics and found that the results of the experiment produced a different outcome depending on whether or not the experiment was being physically observed by someone...to me the implications are almost mind boggling.
here is an address
to one site about it:

I love discussions about philosophy, perceived reality, ..etc...

Let me know what you think, I am aware that some of you guys and girls are scary smart and uber educated. I'd like to hear from you.


Active member
Short answer yes. My favorite saying is " perceptiOn is reality? Cuz it's true in so many ways.


Andinismo Hierbatero
not sure if it creates our reality, or if it simply conditions reality... you know what i mean? for example, part of reality is having consciousness/awareness, and not sure if consciousness/awareness makes itself... where did we get it from?

I'm not sure if it is a question of where did we get it as much as "what is it."

can you separate yourself from that which you are conscious of? I believe that there is an eternal consciousness and there is a temporary consciousness that we each individualize for ourselves.

...been reading a book lately by Ernest Holmes titled "Science of Mind" that is incredibly interesting and brings some really challenging theories to the table.

I love things that force me to step outside my comfort zone and make me think for myself ...."just what do I believe?"

...However, just when I am about to get all figured out, along comes another revelation and its time to start over.

I just want the truth....I find truth so tied into perception that I sometimes wonder if it even exists in an absolute sense without leaving the physical existence behind. It seems perception of truth is generally based on belief but as we all know belief and truth are not the same.
hahaha why is everyone still trying to use words to explain the unexplainable..
you know how irony is such a big thing in the universe, what if we spent all this time trying to explain something that we really didn't want to know in the end. One day you wake up with all the answers and suddenly we want to go back to when we didn't know anything.

maybe tomorrow everyone will be speaking dubstep..why not, lets switch it up...no more inert outdated language systems...just what needs to be said like...wobble wobble wobble wobble wah wah wah tsk tsk tsk wobble wobble wobble wobble

pass that shit

Alborosie - herbalist dubstep remix

what else would we use? we can look at each other for hours, each wondering what is going behind the others eyes, ...but untill someone opens their mouths and speaks those thoughts out loud, nothing happens outside ourselves.

It is only through the sharing of ideas,thoughts, and beliefs using words; that we are able to formulate opinions about that which is important to us.


Kiss My Ring
makes little sense to me, at least when speaking of quantum physics.
while it's interesting that they determined that their experiment was different when someone was watching, how did they determine the difference if no one was watching the experiment?
... it wasn't the experiment that differed. It was the results from the experiment. The measured outcome differed with the only variable being whether or not someone witnessed the event.
Not sure what Dub is. I do appreciate your input, but I have no idea where you are coming from with this.

I'm sure you have cryptically given me the keys to the universe, but the hidden meaning just seems to elude my old gray matter. Thanks anyway!


Vladimir Demikhov Fanboy
Read an article in Discover magazine a while back that has really set me to thinking. Basically scientists doing an experiment pertaining to wave function in quantum physics and found that the results of the experiment produced a different outcome depending on whether or not the experiment was being physically observed by someone...to me the implications are almost mind boggling.
here is an address
to one site about it:

I love discussions about philosophy, perceived reality, ..etc...

Let me know what you think, I am aware that some of you guys and girls are scary smart and uber educated. I'd like to hear from you.

Observation drives YOUR reality. Also, anyone familiar with the fact that pornography drives psychic powers?

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
Consciousness does not create reality, if you were not here reality would still exist.

but what consciousness does is interprets reality as it is consciously able to.

Every life time your abitlity to comprehend is increased as you are able to increase it...
What other reality is there? I can only view reality from my individual perspective which of course is going to be shaded with life experiences.

Does anything actually exist before we become aware of it? Is self awareness the creative power behind the universe as we know it?
Consciousness does not create reality, if you were not here reality would still exist.

but what consciousness does is interprets reality as it is consciously able to.

Every life time your abitlity to comprehend is increased as you are able to increase it...

.... as you increase your comprehension level you "increase" or change your reality? or just your awareness of it?

... and if what you say is true, not arguing, just throwing something out there to think about,...how do we explain the difference in the reality of how the experiment came out?
Not sure what Dub is. I do appreciate your input, but I have no idea where you are coming from with this.

I'm sure you have cryptically given me the keys to the universe, but the hidden meaning just seems to elude my old gray matter. Thanks anyway!

not sure what dub is? how can you begin to ponder the universe when you haven't even had a cup of tea?

yes have a cup of tea and ohhh tell them the scientist sent you..soon u bee asking for mooore dub please..turn up your sound system, listen to this and tell everyone what you feel after.

King Tubby - Badness Dub

key is in dub


Active member
the problem i see for the universe is the intention of the individuals who have this knowledge,unfortunatley the people that discover this tech,are concerned about money and defence, and the whole room got silenced when he said what it was going to be used for,(profit and control). hopefully wise people like his holyness can guide us in a moral direction i have no confidence in people to make the right choice when the alternitive is money.
I thank you brother SacredTHCRitual, for illumination! ...but where I come from tea is consumed on ice in a tall glass.

I did like the music provided in the link, and could see myself listening to something like that in a proper chilled setting.
Interesting question.

Interesting question.

I know this is TL;DR. I would sum this up if I could, unfortunately, I'm not Einstein and I can not break down hundred page theories into a single formula. And to this date, nobody can explain like he did; whomever types tl;dr is most likely a dumbfuck, that would never understand the concept of reality, conscience, or realism anyway. Besides, this is very 'summed' up and dumbed down as is.

There is no picture - or theory - independent concept of reality. I believe Stephen Hawking says something close to that in his latest book.

But why can't there be an independent concept of our precious reality? I'll go back to Stephen Hawking to answer that because his analogies are very good.

Take a goldfish. Plop him in a curved goldfish bowl. If the goldfish were to look out of the bowl at an object moving in a straight line , it would actually be curved because of the bowl's glass. So the goldfish can now create a scientific laws, based on observation. No matter what, freely moving objects move on curved lines.

Let's go a little bit further. What's to say, we aren't fish in a bowl? Humans in Earth's bowl, if you will. What's to say our perception of reality isn't distorted? Exactly, there isn't anything. Again, I'll repeat, this is why there is no picture - or theory - independent concept of reality. Still don't believe me? One last example :

Remember that movie Matrix? You know the one where robots create a virtual world which we unknowingly live in, to amuse themselves, while they harvest us... So, how do we prove we aren't actually living in a virtual simulated computer program? If we found out, we could say the robot's world is real, and we are in the a distorted reality. But if we say that, why aren't the robots doubting their own reality? It's the idea that we are all living in someone's dream.

So now that we all understand there is no independent concept of reality, we can now move on.

Obviously we need something to explain something. So we use something called a 'model-dependent realism'. It's the idea that our picture of the world is based on mathematical nature and a set of rules that explain the elements in the model by observation. For most, you can just call this 'science' but for the sticklers, science could mean something different. The main reason why we use this model is because it defeats all other arguments on what 'reality' is. It's a set reality, if you will.

We're getting closer, can you feel it :D! This 'model-dependent realism' is used for science like I explained, but ALSO it is used for conscious and subconscious mental models we all create. Our perception is shaped by our 'lens', the part of our brain that interprets the way we think and reason. Your brain builds a mental picture. In fact, if you were to trick your brain with another lens (ei glasses, dummy) to make you think objects are upside down, your brain, in a short time, actually flips the image back to the right way!!! Take the glasses off, and again, you'll be messed up, but in a short time, your brain will correct itself. Incredible.

Here is a nice example to explain meaning of existence, again I'll use Stephen Hawking's analogies: if you were to leave a room with a table in it, who says the table is still there? One could have a model (or a conscience thought) that the table is not there when you leave. In this model, I leave the room with the table, table disappears and I enter reappears in the same position. Well, what if the roof caved in and crushed the table - I come back, how do I account for this table? Should it be crushed? Or should it be put back into the same exact spot, but how with all the roof crushed around? This is why model-dependent realism is true, to a certain point (and what I mean by that, is the explanation for everything requires more than just model-dependent realism), and why consciousness has nothing to do with reality.

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
.... as you increase your comprehension level you "increase" or change your reality? or just your awareness of it?

... and if what you say is true, not arguing, just throwing something out there to think about,...how do we explain the difference in the reality of how the experiment came out?
if you are talking about physics, then what you need to understand is that all physics is "model dependant":
what that means is that as long as your model works with all it's parts then it is a reality true to that reality and Universe,
thus to a Christian their 6000 year old universe works in their model so nobody can say it is un true, just untrue to your, model

and when it comes to an experiment the insertion of Observation changes the outcome. By just expecting to see something a particles course will be changed

but what you need to realize in our current model of Physics as known to the Stephen Hawkings of the world is that if a particles course can be altered by Observation then all possible REALITIES EXIST. The Universe where you noticed the particle exist as equally as all possible othere outcomes, and they EXIST,

SIMULTANEOUSLY, these universes do...
... great read. Thank you for an obviously well considered opinion.....But I would ask, how do we reconcile the fact that the outcome of the wave function experiment differed according to whether someone witnessed the experiment or not?

I will be the first to admit I can get over my head very quickly but I do love to chew on these questions.

I see your point after slowly reading the table analogy a few times. Obviously there are events in nature that take place with noone around, such as a "roof caving in" ...yet I keep coming back to that pesky experiment. How can we explain?

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