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Origins of the Single Bladed Leaf Pattern?


have you seen my lighter?
ICMag Donor
... But this doesnt explain the appearance of a single leaf structure in seed grown plants. As i stated earlier, Greenhouse White widow and Federations' Mikado are just 2 strains that exhibit this trait. Wonder why ?

entirely assumption on my part, but...i always figured it was the same thing. not the circumstances, but the plant's 'action', if that makes any sense

i don't know what actually causes a revegged plant to display the trait - some kind of hormonal trigger? (or hormones being at levels the plant doesn't expect for that light duration/growth response to that light duration) are my guesses, but...couldn't certain plants have that same response during regular seed growth? (more susceptible to the hormonal imbalance/trigger situation, i guess)

not knowing what exactly it is that triggers it in reveg makes my speculation even more spitball-ish, but my guess had always been that it was the same 'response' the plant was giving (either from revegging, or the few times i've seen it in from-seed plants) even tho the conditions weren't identical


Active member
ICMag Donor
F13 will throw a single leaf pattern that was not a result of reveg. I too think inbreeding has a bit to do with that particular strains show of a single leaf.

They will most all show single during reveg mutation.


Yes, it is supposed to start over again from 1 leaf and work its way back up.
Think about it.
What does a seedling do in spring?
The exact same thing as a reveg does cause the plant thinks it is spring.

Some plant hold that trait longer than others.
Could be stress that slows the process back to higher.
Slower process could just be the pheno also.

But what we need is a flower comparison from a single fingered leaf node and a multiple fingered leaf node.
If the single leaf could keep up with photosynthesis, then I would prefer the single leaf trait as long as possible for more light to be able to penetrate through.
Yeah, I've seen this with a bunch of different strains, from Tribal Vision to Strawberry Diesel. It's because of reverting back to veg. I've seen it whether they were taken 2 wks in or 4. You'll probably see leaves start to grow in the "golden spiral" as well. They look like the inside of snail shells for a bit. Gotta love Mary- she's full of surprises!


Active member
F13 will throw a single leaf pattern that was not a result of reveg. I too think inbreeding has a bit to do with that particular strains show of a single leaf.

This is what I was going to say. Ive seen multiple f13s with the 1 to 3 finger leaves all the way up the plant and passed on to clones. Very weird, but cool to see.


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ICMag Donor




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ICMag Donor
Hey, bo.
That is a F1 f13. I culled her and kept a sister that was even better, IMO.
I call her black beauty. Very, very hard to clone. I thought I was going to lose her, but I managed to get some cuts going and have her now. She looks very much like the above plant, although she tails a bit more and the smoke IME is superior to any of them I have had.
I have her reveg near flowered and finished now, and I will have some shots of her in a few days or so.
Here she was as seed F1




Mango / Papaya
probably 80% singleblade leafs


while were at it
has anybody seen the smallfingered Columbian lately?


ICMag Donor
carolina blue throws single finger leaves all the time. blue sat 2.2 x grape krush.
Nice!! mango/papaya eh? did you save any seeds or cuts?

whatever happened to that guy growing his own sub-strain of Mikado, it consistantly (every plant every gen) had 1-3 leaflets regardless of size , age, flowering, vegging.
i arranged a trade with him a while back on *****, and then the site shut down...


year its a trimmers nightmare, but it was not used for grass, the tricks after harvest sat so loose, that skahing the dry plant over at plastic sheet made a pile of resin, the plant was used to breed, it had the smell of whiskey tobacco, no cuts saved
Is single or triple bladed leaf growth really a sign of re-veg? I had three plants that were on 18/6 fluoros indoors (normal healthy veg growth) begin popping single/triple bladed leaves once I took them outdoors early summer. Flowering beautifully atm...

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
Im not sure whether the single leaf structure is a natural occurrance or whether its a result of breeding, revegging or some man made involvemnt.


Can we bump up this topic? It never really got resolved. I have some indoor flowers that are about 4-5 weeks in, and I am getting single blade leaves in the buds, on two different strains.

If its reveg then why are the buds getting bigger?

What other stress could cause this? They have been in a perfect environment since birth, same strain has been run in differnt rooms, the only different factor is the water.

Could an element or lack of an element cause single blade leafs in flower?


Active member
I have grown Early Pearl that had big single blade leaves. 8 ft tall plants that had huge 1ft long single blade leaves, funniest thing ever.

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