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Taco's burrito hut!


here are some pictures of the finished product. im not that good a photographer ill try better next time.

also i couldn't figure out the smell but after some friends even one who has never done a drug ordrank in his life said it smelled like a sweet speremint or pepermint
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I think the preflower on the Sg 1 are male bummer. I'm not 100% sure but like 80 so well see the other one doesn't seem to show


Well no Ome seems to be to interested I this but I'll keep going. Sg 1 was a male and I don't have the area to keep him so he is out and the one seeds I wasnt sure if it was an ogkush seed or random smells so much like kush and is female I'm real excited abiut that and sg2 is female as well so it looks like I got 6 to flower out give them another 15-20 days veg and take some clones then hopefully flower time. Oh I still need a scrubber


ICMag Donor
Acotaco, I had to say was up to another member with tako in their name. Thanks for the props on the glass, yea its stuff I make. For sure hit me up down the line. I blow glass full time. Keep posting pix I will keep checking in. I hope they get big and fat!


Haha I hear ya I was like another taco or tako in your matter haha. I will have pictures after the next 2 days prolly


omg finally an update

omg finally an update

Things have been crazy around here but i finally have an update with pictures!!!!!!!! so here we go these are from i think 2 days ago and are 1 week into 12/12

first up will be my sourgrapfruit x strawberrycough lady. i plucked the large leaves off her before taking the pictures. i think she looks mostly grapefruit leaning

next up will be my lst nycd

then the other nycd

next the og kush bagseed this thing is staying real short and bushy

and my 2 hasberry i maight not keep this strain.

and some canopy and group shots for ya



oh and

oh and

and i fianlly have this little veg clone are set up with these

from top to bottom
4 nycd cuts
4 ogk cuts
4 sg cuts
2 hb cuts

the cups are creeper bx seeds placed in water for 24 hours then in cups for the last 24 hours.

the 2 plants on the side are gunna be my nycd mom and sg mom if the sg is worth keeping that is.


just a quick bad pics of the canopy to show u how much the nycd have been streching. i raised the light about 6 inches



Active member
yo homie !! my nycd 2003 is lanky and stretchy too, but she fattens up after 70...

keep rockin that 400 playa !!


Haha these nycd get taller by the day Whodair. It's crazy good thing I can take out that tub in the tent and drop them lower too.
I'm getting excited I'm about 3 -4 weeks into 12/12 and flowers are really starting on the sg and ogk.

Here are some pics of the creeper bx seeds that just sprouted. I'll post beg pics for them in here then prolly start a creeper thread once the start flowering to document just them


Active member
nice strains ya got playa !! i grow perpetual and enjoy having plants of varying heights, finishing times... always something new in the jar...you just gotta use your space wisely, and keep hustlin !!


ilove having the different varieties and such just trying to find my keepers you know some thing up something sleepy and something in the middle haha. think i might start the other 8 seeds i have left of the creeper to put outside this year along with some hashberry accidental light leak induced crosses. who knows might find a gem in those too. i keep hearing about all these awesome chem cuts and these hazes and i want to get my hands on them. honestly I personaly cant say if those ones are nycd or not. the okg is a bag seed the sgxsc could be anything but im hoping who i got them from where truthful and the hashberry are the only confirmed but i dont even know if i really like them haha.. i need to place a seed order soon i think.
anyway i love how quickly the sgxsc and ogk are makibng flowers oh and i found out tomorrow is officialy week 3. ill get pictures around the weekend hopefully juyst very busy


spread'm leadies

spread'm leadies

so here are some updates i let them spead out a bit

you can really see the high differences here

2 close ups of nycd buds starting

then og start

sg start

and hb start




heres my little veg area.

here some pics of the cuttings starting to yellow

creeper bx seeds

future mother plants

and random bagseeds for some guerilla plots