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looking for a GPS with this function


Active member
High guys ,

I'm not very into technical and electronics stuf but , i am looking for a gps that allows me to pinpoint intersting spots i have found.

So i am not looking for a gps i can use wih the car , but a gps that i can use on foot to pinpoint for example spot A and then save the location to the gps so that i can find the spot a second time

I lost my guerillia spot due to assholes chopping down the woods for tourist flats and hotels :( :( :( :(

they always destroy secluded locations , damn it was so nice to wander through those forests

i have found a new area but i am pretty sure i cannot find the same open spot twice , this is a good thing as there are no paths

the only danger could be hunters

i just wanna locate and save those areas on a gps

i have a tomtom but it is worth shit when walking on foot


Hi THC - most of your basic "sports and outdoors" type GPS devices will allow you to place markers at specific locations but you can also save paths. Most have a built in compass, and will also tell you elevation.

Amazon is selling the Garmin eTrex H Handheld GPS Navigator for $85.00 and will do all of the things I listed.


East Coast Grower
Im pretty sure my normal GPS can do that? Garmin 1490T. Works well, doesnt always get great reception though.


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
i bought a 100 dollar car one does this just fine... only thing its battery is small sense its suppose to be plugged in... i think ANY GPS has this function now adays though...

Panama Red

Active member
Android phone.

The Navigation app is better than any gps stand-alone device.

And you can't beat the price.......


use caution when using gps to locate your grows . could fall into wrong hands. that said there is a good selection of gps units for hunters and hikers . good luck


Well-known member
Agreed most GPS devices in any bass pro or Cabellas will have what you want. You might consider spending a little more on the waterproof ones. Just a thought I have zero experience just repeating what i heard when window-shopping for one at the sports stores.

The path setting is cool I have seen it on a buddies GPS. You set it to path and it takes a reading every (time interval that you set). When you get home to your PC you can down load and see just how you did.

Did you travel in a circle or go right to the location etc. Its nice to find the shortest path or know where the path you took leads you. For instance maybe you can’t travel as the crow flies but deep in the bush you really have no idea how close to a cornfield or a farm you actually are. Set the GPS to path and down load to your PC(once home) and you can look at map and see actually where you were in the bush.
I really like the idea because once you know that and can set some landmarks in your head you have a good idea of escape routes or should I say say "alternate paths". You don’t have to rely on the GPS once you have mapped you area out once and understand the area well. MY VERY UNINFORMED 2 CENTS.

There has to be some hunter on this site who know first hand how well they work and options.

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