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Avaaz.org - The Internet put to good use


Cannabrex Formulator
Avaaz.org is an online petition organization that pressures govts and corporations on vital issues such as saving bees, tuna, political issues and the like.

Using it is very easy, and anyone who wants to make their wee little voice heard on such issues should visit and use it concerning things they care about.

Check them out: www.avaaz.org


Active member
online petitions are rarely successful (if ever! its to anonymous. i can sign up 15 different times under 15 names if i wanted too) and no government or corporation is going to listen.

www.icmag.com is the internet put to good use.


Active member
When was the last De-Criminalise Cannabis petition sent to government. Ive never seen a national petition, has anyone? Its about time they had a push. Imagine if 3.000.000 people signed it in the UK. I doubt they would be swayed by a druggie petition, thats their small minded attitudes. It makes you paranoid & scitzo, what pap! Would they listen, i doubt it, but it is about time they had a push! they should de-crim under medical grounds like in the USA. I wanna go live there myself, become a caregiver/grower/patient.215 compliant, lucky buggers! We usually follow what the americans do, i hope they follow them on this issue real soon, imagine the revenue they would make.
We can all dream!
One day we will all be free! maybe tommoro!


It has been my experience that petitions only work on a local level. If you can gather a few thousand signatures from an individual politicians district they will take notice of it. Having 3 million signatures across a country (The US for example) means nothing and will do nothing if for no other reason than the sheer power of bureaucracy. You might get a little lip service but if what you are petitioning for/against costs money or takes money away from something you can forget about it. All of this is amplified by 100 for online petitions. :)


Petition the media and its advertisers, not the gov't. Everybody who signs it should boycott the advertisers of the MSM's white house press junket until they ask the right questions. All they understand is money. The politicians don't ignore the media. The media listens to their advertisers. The advertisers listen to profits. We the people.