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Questions that piss you (the informed grower) off...


Active member
Lately, it seems like everyone and there brother wants to ask me if I cure my weed... WTF kind of question is this? These people are coming from smoking regs or beasters to my medical grade buds... and wanna act like they know the difference between a bud that's freshly dry after hanging for 2 weeks and a bud that's been sitting curing in a jar for 3 months... Not trying to sound pompous, but I know, because I'm used to this quality and I can tell the difference in the smoke...

Anyway, curing happens one way or the other, it's a matter of how well it's done. A good cure can improve the flavor, and a poor cure can lose it... So the buds are sitting in jars for inspection by the patients.... and the patient asks me how I cure my weed... Well, "in jars" I tell him... lol I mean really.... If he knew what he was talking about, he wouldn't have asked the question in the first place.

All this was after he offered me half what I charge my patients, and told me that he can get the same stuff from someone else for half price. It looks the same but it's more dense... right... So I tell him to go buy his Cali outdoor buds that smoke like shit. Let him know it's more dense because of packaging to be shipped, not because it's better... derrrr.....

Anyway.... That's my rant.


There are FOUR lights!
What pisses me off, is when someone picks your brain forever asking you a
ton of questions, going on forever, and then totally blows off your advice and knowledge.

I.e. : A friend brings over an elbow of OG in 4 half-gallon jars, and asks my opinion
about it.

My first question was "How did you get an elbow in 4 jars only 3/4 full?"
He says "Well, it's pretty dense..."

Oh yeah? So I whip out one of my trusty Caliber III hygrometers in stick it in a jar.
The Caliber started at like 55% (humidity of the room) and steadily rose to over 85%
in about 5 minutes and was still rising when I took it out.

I told him his nugs (which looked very nice) were way too damp, and needed to be
taken out and dried.

"OK" he says and we dump it in some cardboard boxes to let it dry.
After about 5 minutes he says "Put them back now" and I told him it would take
atleast 45min to an hour if not longer. He says "No. Put them back" so I did and sent him on his way. I figured he was afraid of losing the water weight.

Well, about a week later he calls and tells me an elbow and a quarter molded in the jars.
What a bummer. All that time and money down the drain, because of greed and the inability to take advice and put it to good use. Well, thats my rant. Sorry D, if your reading this. lol


I'm a noob and probably ask these questions. I'll stick around and try and learn how to be less annoying. :D


This goes for many forums in various subjects.

Anytime someone asks "Whats the Best" of anything..

Rarely have I found that there is a best as more of everyone's opinion of their favorite. Ask "Whats your Favorite" instead After searching on the forum for your question that might have already been asked plenty of times and the subject has been covered. The great part about this is that you do not have to wait for replys!! Noobs hate waiting for replys to their precious questions so its a 2 for 1 bonus with the search button. Enjoy.

and off the net what annoys me is drug dealer type of dispensaries/collectives.

No nothing about the products.
Sell junk.
No compassion.

Basically a legal place for you to buy street pot at a higher level.

I have been to plenty of these clubs so believe it.


Cannabis 101
Hehe People Have to learn some how right??? lol some have to learn the hard way.. you learn from your mistakes specially in this subject.
I had quite a few ppl annoy me but hey Im here to spread the knowledge not to judge them.


have you seen my lighter?
ICMag Donor
well...you've gotta admit some of this is at crossed purposes. somebody asks about your cure, there is more to answer than just 'in jars', ya know?

i wouldn't forget that at some point, you're a salesman - and i don't mean that to put a negative connotation, nor belittle or paint into a corner the aspects of actually helping others, compassion, and just being proud of what you've made - but at a base level, if you can't pay to keep the lights on, the ride's over. salesman keeps those lights going.

somebody asks you about your cure, gauge them as well as you can, and answer to that.

if it's obviously a total topical nooblette, go into detail but be as fuzzy as you want. what they want to know is that you know - they may not really know cure from cud, but they know that it's in some way important. pat them on the head and confirm for them that you aren't a moron.

if it's that snoboisseur pretentious little twerp, play to that. snoboisseur money spends. rattle off every step from the fiskars to his bowl with as many numbers as you keep track of. it feeds the geek complex.

i absolutely get the 'you don't actually understand something that's sacred to me' angle, as...it's damn near an affront. all the same, money walking out the door is money walking out the door.

the 'I could get that for half the price' guy...even the guy selling washing machines at department stores has to deal with this. "Well, I could get this unit at my cousin Murray's place for half that price".

the thing is, the guy selling Maytags didn't spend years making the washing machines - so when somebody says they can get that for half the cost, it isn't kicking him in the pride. it's just a transparent 'i want to bargain' call. After all, there's a reason they didn't buy Murray's piece of shit washing machine and they walked in your door, right?

that doesn't mean you have to bargain, it just means you need to have a response that actually still results in somebody wanting to buy something from you. it's hard to do that when you're offended at the very idea - and i do get that. it's comparing apples to assholes, and somehow being forced to justify what is to you....obvious.

all the same, it's prolly better to forget the greenthumb pride when you put your salesman hat on.


Active member
it's prolly better to forget the greenthumb pride when you put your salesman hat on.

Best advice you could give me... lol... Thanks. I was just worked up earlier, because seriously, I hear this question every day now. Thanks for the positive vibes guys. I wasn't medicated earlier when I made the post. Now I'm laughing about it... lol


Active member
So which is better...."gettin' medicated" or "gettin' high"?? ppffffLOL..uuuck!

don't be so disrespectful, there is a difference... Not everyone who uses cannabis uses it for medication, but many do. Unless that's your annoying question... lol Then we're good.


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
So which is better...."gettin' medicated" or "gettin' high"?? ppffffLOL..uuuck!

I think the egg game first.

I get really annoyed when people fondle and pinch my buds. Damnit I have worked my ass off to grow that frost!
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Sorry to bust yer bubble there bobble ...certainly didn't mean any disrespect. You got any suggestions for a good med strain that will cure my mental illness?
Back to the original topic...

On another forum yesterday someone asked if they should use 10 or 11 litre pots as they had both and couldn't decide which to use.
For fucks sake, how do some people manage to feed themselves? Or do they get mommy to do it for them?

The other thing is basic arithmetic - there was another thread on the same forum where someone didn't know how to calculate the volume of round pots. I happen to be competent at maths, but I accept that not everyone quite "gets it", fair enough. But it took three pages of posts before someone actually posted the formula! There were posters guessing, giving incomplete formulas and even one who said to fill the pots with water and then measure how much it took...

One of the key principals of civilisation is universal education. What on earth happened to it?
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There are FOUR lights!
I get really annoyed when people fondle and pinch my buds. Damnit I have worked my ass off to grow that frost!

Yeah, If they're being really heavy handed and disrespectful.
Sometimes, though, you really need to handle and break a
little piece off to really check it out.


Can't you just throw an extra plant in the corner and give it to me when it's done? All you have to do is water it...

One time someone grabbed my main bud and squeezed it like they were crushing a beer...not cool.


Active member
"Is this medical?"

My doctor says so. My patient's doctors say so. It's not for you or me to judge. derrrr... not a troll comment, by bad... lol I haven't heard that one yet...

Can't you just throw an extra plant in the corner and give it to me when it's done? All you have to do is water it...

One time someone grabbed my main bud and squeezed it like they were crushing a beer...not cool.

I hate that shit! I have a 72 plant limit, is what I tell em... no room. lol People think growing plants is sooo easy. It took me a long time to get this good... and I'm still improving.
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Hold Your Fire

Finding my way back home
Have to agree with the "Is that medical?" question.
Makes me wish I was a supplier for a local dispensary.
It's not so much questions as retarded people who try to talk knowledgeably about weed without having a clue what they're talking about. I'm sure we've all run into these motherfuckers.

"Fresh is the best weed you can get, right off the plant!"

Luckily I don't hang out with potheads too much anymore (I'm ninja smoker/grower) but jesus I remember being just befuddled and irritated on a regular basis with the stupid shit that would come out of wannabes mouths.