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Is this strictly light/heat stress?


New member
Hello gracious and knowledgeable people of icmag!

I've been having stress problems with a strain that was called Candy Kush. I thought this was purely a heat/light issue, but I raised the lights and increased the air flow at the canopy. Problem persists.

I then figured it might be nutrient lockout because I didn't realize I needed to water them enough so that water flushes out of the bottom of the pot, therefore causing salt buildup in the coco. I flushed these Candy plants for 2 days and resumed the nutrient schedule 2 days ago. Problem persists.

Pictures and grow details are below:

5th week of flower
I am running 4 1000 watt HPS bulbs.
COCO 'soil' using Canna products and coconut rind (sp?) pots
Humidity is maintained around 55-60%
Temperatures range from 70 to 78
Room has good air circulation

Current nutrient schedule:
9 ml/gal Coco A, B
10 ml/gal Cannazym
10 ml/gal Floral Nectar
Just stopped using 2ml/gal rhizotonic last week
Just stopped a week of adding 6ml/gal PK 13/14 for a week
Just started using 8ml/gal of Ginormous

Any and all help would be appreciated. You guys rock!


pics are to hard to tell your problem, why do you beleive its heat stress? all stats look good but didnt give ph. whats that at? you should try adding boost to that nute schedule i think you would find it woth it. did you flush with pure water? if so you need to add some clearex or drip clean IF you have salt buildup.hope you can figure it out soon or you will decrease yeild. good luck.


breathe deep
I would water with 1/4 strength feed for 3-5 days and see if you see any improved new growth. If you were not feeding with any runoff and the plants were fed at full strength, its probably a lockout from too much salt in the coco.
I definitely would not add any more nutrients to the cocktail...
Ph everything around 5.8 that you add to the coco


New member
I was running at a pH of 6.0. I'll give 5.8 a shot with reduced nutrients for a few days.

Thanks for the tips guys.