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College Marijuana Presentation


Active member
So I'm giving a presentation for a plant class I'm in next week. Right now I'm working on a basic outline for points I want to talk on and I wanted to get some input as to what i should add/remove. This isn't a political class, so I don't want to get into cannabis culture too much. I'm going to be doing all the research myself, i just wanted to get some feedback as far as things i should add to my outline.


Classification - http://plants.usda.gov/java/profile?symbol=casa3
Kingdom Plantae – Plants
Subkingdom Tracheobionta – Vascular plants
Superdivision Spermatophyta – Seed plants
Division Magnoliophyta – Flowering plants
Class Magnoliopsida – Dicotyledons
Subclass Hamamelididae
Order Urticales
Family Cannabaceae – Hemp family
Genus Cannabis L. – hemp
Species Cannabis sativa L. – marijuana
Subspecies Cannabis sativa L. ssp. indica (Lam.) E. Small & Cronquist – marijuana

Sativa - Tall, Narrow Leaves
Indica - Short, Broad Leave


Effects- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3lwPd-GGn4&feature=related

Bud - The pure flower of the marijuana plant
Hashish - THC extract from marijuana plant
Kief - Powder remains after grinding marijuana
Hashish Oil
Green Dragon


Tetrahydrocannabivarin (THC)
Sensimelia - Female marijuana plant that has not been pollinated to continue THC production throughout the flowering period.

Methods of Smoking-
Cigar (Blunt)
Joint Paper

Outdoor Cultivation
Indoor Cultivation
Nutrient Film Technique (NFT)
Ebb and Flow (Flood and Drain)
Deep Water Culture (DWC)



Active member
you can't seperate cannabis from cannabis law, your outline describes a book, not a paper, plus, what good is it if it doesn't discuss the history of cannabis and human consumption.

if your paper doesn't discuss the injustice done to millions of people across the globe, at America's behest, so that big business can continue to make money without competition, then you've wasted your time, and ours.

peace, SOG

btw, you might also look up StormCrow for help with finding sources to PROVE cannabis isn't innocuous, it's beneficial to the human condition.


take it easy man, he's at least starting the journey, let him arrive on his own. it is a vast subject though with many aspects.

Hashish - resin glands (trichomes) sifted from the cannabis flowers and small leaves pressed into a lump. unpressed resin glands are also known as kief...traditional hashish is made with dry sifting teqnology while so called bubble hash is made with water and ice and sifting bags.

oil - concentrate of all active ingredients in the ripe flowers or leaves of cannabis, using solvents the extraction process.

honey oil - mix of kief and oil

Sensimelia _ female cannabis flowers that have not been pollinated by males, there by using more energy on producing more flower mass rather then on making seeds. literal meaning "seedless"

cannabutter - made from cannabis plant matter, or hash, kief, oil. water is boiled butter is added, then the cannabis product, this mix is boiled lightly for a few hours, then strained nd left to cool, once cooled off the butter will seperate from the water, as cannabis products are soluble in fat you now have all active ingredients in the butter, this can be used for cooking or what ever to make cannabis food.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

yeah, here's a tip! don't use the word MARIJUANA unless you want to sound like a fucking govt agent.



Active member
you can't seperate cannabis from cannabis law, your outline describes a book, not a paper, plus, what good is it if it doesn't discuss the history of cannabis and human consumption.

if your paper doesn't discuss the injustice done to millions of people across the globe, at America's behest, so that big business can continue to make money without competition, then you've wasted your time, and ours.

peace, SOG

btw, you might also look up StormCrow for help with finding sources to PROVE cannabis isn't innocuous, it's beneficial to the human condition.

I understand what you're saying, but this is a biology plant class like I said. I don't want to get too deep in politics. I have a section titled "legality" and i was only gonna touch on different views throughout the world, while focusing on the US. Thanks for the source tip.


Active member
take it easy man, he's at least starting the journey, let him arrive on his own. it is a vast subject though with many aspects.

Hashish - resin glands (trichomes) sifted from the cannabis flowers and small leaves pressed into a lump. unpressed resin glands are also known as kief...traditional hashish is made with dry sifting teqnology while so called bubble hash is made with water and ice and sifting bags.

oil - concentrate of all active ingredients in the ripe flowers or leaves of cannabis, using solvents the extraction process.

honey oil - mix of kief and oil

Sensimelia _ female cannabis flowers that have not been pollinated by males, there by using more energy on producing more flower mass rather then on making seeds. literal meaning "seedless"

cannabutter - made from cannabis plant matter, or hash, kief, oil. water is boiled butter is added, then the cannabis product, this mix is boiled lightly for a few hours, then strained nd left to cool, once cooled off the butter will seperate from the water, as cannabis products are soluble in fat you now have all active ingredients in the butter, this can be used for cooking or what ever to make cannabis food.

Thanks for the tips. I'll try to incorporate those into my paper/presentation


dude you came to the right place lol

i like your outline

dont use the word marijuana...cannabis please

there are prob 1 or 2 more sub species i.e. ruderalis ect

there is a great thread here on cbd's and cbn's, and other compounds and canna properties that contribute to the overall medical effect.

the video is awesome if you get to show it. also check out the video "waiting to inhale"

its interesting b/c there are so many facets you could talk about (the plant, the high, the medicine, the culture, the laws...culture ect..) but really if its a plant class focus on the plant!


You could write about how it works as a psychoactive and how it affects the brain. The basic neurology, e.g. it is an agonist and write about how it affects neurons.

Also you could write about other uses for the plant.



Active member
You could write about how it works as a psychoactive and how it affects the brain. The basic neurology, e.g. it is an agonist and write about how it affects neurons.

Also you could write about other uses for the plant.

View attachment 97845

Yeah I'll add in some stuff about how it effects neurons. I won't go into too much detail about other uses because someone else already gave a presentation about hemp and its many uses. I wouldn't want to step on anyone's toes.


Active member
dude you came to the right place lol

i like your outline

dont use the word marijuana...cannabis please

there are prob 1 or 2 more sub species i.e. ruderalis ect

there is a great thread here on cbd's and cbn's, and other compounds and canna properties that contribute to the overall medical effect.

the video is awesome if you get to show it. also check out the video "waiting to inhale"

its interesting b/c there are so many facets you could talk about (the plant, the high, the medicine, the culture, the laws...culture ect..) but really if its a plant class focus on the plant!

Thanks for reminding me about autoflowering plants. I forgot they were considered a different species.

And good call on mentioning cbd's and cbn's. I didn't even thing about it, but this teacher does mention special chemical compounds found in plants a lot.

I might show the medical portion of the waiting to inhale trailer, but i think a lot of what i saw in the trailer was propaganda (while i do agree with it, i would still consider it propaganda)