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"Cubing a Clone", MrSoul's "Cube" theory...


The Tri Guy
OK back on subject then. Doesn't Mr Soul's cubing theory reduce the genetic gene pool? And therefore doesn't that mean that breeding the plants will produce genetic variations that may not be so healthy. Meaning a limited number of healthy generations being possible without out crossing? Therefore preventing the lineage from being long lived? Like once the number of a species is reduced below a certain level, it is really difficult start a succesfull breeding program due to needing unrelated specimins.

Also, if you do that over several generations, ie cross the same clone with 7 different males, doesn't that mean that your genes are 7/8 something other than what you want? As sex is one chromosone rather than a characteristic of them all.
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Im diggin up bones......... im diggin up bones....

Nice ancient thread:D

I.M. Boggled

Certified Bloomin' Idiot
Mr Soul Tea Recipe(s)

Mr Soul Tea Recipe(s)


Seedlings less than 1 month old
-nute tea mix-
5 tbs. Black Strap Molasses
1-cup earthworm castings/5 gallons of water every 3rd watering

Veg mix-
1/3 cup Peruvian Seabird Guano (PSG)
1/3 cup High N Bat Guano (Mexican)
1/3 cup Earth Worm Castings (EWC)
5 tsp. Maxicrop 1-0-4 powdered kelp extract
5 tbs. Liquid Karma
5 tbs. Black Strap Molasses
@ 1-cup mix/5 gallons of water every 3rd watering.

Flowering nute tea mix:
2/3 cup Peruvian Seabird Guano
2/3 cup Earth Worm Castings
2/3 cup High P Guano (Indonesian or Jamaican)
5 tbs. Maxicrop 1-0-4 powdered kelp extract
5 tbs. Black Strap Molasses
@ 2 cups/5 gallons of water EVERY watering.

You can use queen size knee high nylon stockings for tea bags.
3 pair for a dollar at the dollar store.
Tell 'em you use them for paint strainers.
Put the recommended tea in the stocking, tie a loop knot in it and hang it in your tea bucket.
The tea should look like a mud puddle.
Agitate the bag in the water vigorously.
An aquarium pump and air stone will dissolve oxygen into the solution and keep the good bacteria (microherd) alive and thriving. Let it bubble a day or two before you use it.
A 2011 bump,
IMB :)
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ICMag Donor
Nice to see a revival after 5 long years... Good read and really appreciate all of the folks who not only make this their life, but post findings and knowledge so everyone can improve genes, flowers and technique all over the world. Love the interwebs...NS

Thanks MrSoul


collector of lightsabers.. and fine cannabis genet
ICMag Donor
Makes me wanna get into my f2's..... :whee:

If an apple is an apple and an orange is an orange... MrSouls math kinda makes sense… unfortunately recessive genes dont always work that way…good thing though… veriety is the spice…. :whee:

I'm glad it worked out for c99…

He must have some killer male selection instincts...


Nice to see a revival after 5 long years.
Holy crap a 5 year old thread back from the dead. A possible way to have 'finished off' C99 was sprout beans from the third back cross (bx3 generation or the official C99 release from how I understand it) then inbreed with unique parents opposed to back crossing again with a male to that original fem to make a bx4...just saying it's another possibility.

I'm not even close to being up on my genetic stuff but is that what they mean by squaring the cube?