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INCEPTION =Best movie of our generation.


I enjoyed it alright. Certainly can't say it was hard to follow, deep or complex. I mean I guess if one hasn't ever seen a movie with multiple story lines, dream scenes, flashbacks, alternate realities, premonitions, hallucinations or fantasies of any kind, well then I'm sure it was pretty mind blowing. I'd guess my dad would probably not care enough to try to understand it, but it'd take longer to convince him that they didn't stop making movies when John Wayne died than it would to sit through the movie!

Best movie of our generation? What generation is that? Born somewhere around 2005? Ha!

Still though, good flick, liked it better than shutter island, although both were very predictable. Mindfuck? hardly, more like a gentle massage. Hell I've had a harder time figuring out if someone bit by a zombie was going to come back to life. Oh fuck, Sara's dead, wait, maybe not, better put your ear to her mouth to see if she'll, OH FUCK she just bit your neck, didn't see that one coming!

The story line was pretty tight in that most holes can be explained away by those who care to. The filming, directing and acting were all solid. Actually I'd go so far as to say that the strongest thing about the film was the fact that it wasn't a mind fuck. It wasn't complicated or hard to follow. You could easily fall asleep, wake back up, and pick right back up and fill in what had happened. Pretty good skill to make a complex psychological plot that obvious...
I found it difficult to watch. I kept thinking about how all the guys who appear on-screen with Leo are smaller than him. Probably a stipulation of his contract. But they were all miniature people. Even the girl from TPB is a little munchkin.

Best movie of our generation? I think not. Maybe some very short-lived organism. Maybe a fruitfly generation.