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Strangest ripped story ever....


There are FOUR lights!
So I go outside this morning and see that the door to my truck open.
Ok, take a look and see glove box open and my paperwork on the floor.
A cooler in the cab is open, but it was empty. Nothing taken.

At this point I figured it was a homeless person looking to get
out of the cold and maybe steal some change.

So I walk into my back yard and see the two kiddy pools, which are usually stacked together on top of the compost pile, spread out
in the lawn. The smaller one over by the fence. HMMMM

So I notice a bunch of veg matter on the fence, and look over to see
a trail of composted veg in the neighbors yard.

So I go over and talk to the Nice 80 year old lady, and tell her someone was in my truck and back yard. And she tells me someone stole her greenwaste container at 4am. She thought it was the neighbors putting out the trash.

So I follow the rotten leaves down the street and into the driveway
of a friend of mine who has another rental on the property that has a bunch of skateboarders living there.

So now i'm kinda at a loss. Other than locking my vehicles and
putting up more motion lights, what should I do?

The thing is they stole rotten leftovers from trimming that have been molding in my compost pile for two months. YUCK!


Active member
So I follow the rotten leaves down the street and into the driveway
of a friend of mine who has another rental on the property that has a bunch of skateboarders living there.

So you think it's these skaters?
Tell your friend, and have him make up some bullshit to evict them on.
You don't need thieves in your neighborhood like that.
This time it was the truck and yard waste, next time it will be your house.


Freedom Fighter
Myself, I would knock on the door, and tell them how stupid they are...hand them a small baggie of molded leafs, telling them next time, just ask-- Maybe tell them your neighbor would like her trash can back--


Recovering UO addict.
Don't underestimate stupid kids. My friends house was robbed by his 12yo son's friends.

If you know for sure it was them then you need to get rid of them. It's not hard to get someone evicted..all you have to do is make them look bad at the right time.

mr bub

get an alarm for the truck.
get a dog for the back yard.
add motion detector lights.

all fairly cheap


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Did you have any actual Cannabis related plant matter in the compost pile?

You said "trimming" so I guess that means your trim from plants and buds right?

Call me paranoid, I have been called worse. :bigeye:

It may have been the fuzz checking you out bro so be careful! :crazy:


Freedom Fighter
Did you have any actual Cannabis related plant matter in the compost pile?

You said "trimming" so I guess that means your trim from plants and buds right?

Call me paranoid, I have been called worse. :bigeye:

It may have been the fuzz checking you out bro so be careful! :crazy:

He followed the trail of junk to his neighbors house--:tiphat:


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
I know it's gotta be cops living there, they are sneaky :biggrin:


Did you have any actual Cannabis related plant matter in the compost pile?

You said "trimming" so I guess that means your trim from plants and buds right?

Call me paranoid, I have been called worse. :bigeye:

It may have been the fuzz checking you out bro so be careful! :crazy:

That's the Million Dollar Question, you growing and do people know it?

Good Luck


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
They do now if he had visible plant remains in that heap. Major security breach potential, maybe worse than the iphone saga I'm afraid. :canabis:


There are FOUR lights!
What they took as a bunch of super moldy (Black) buds still connected to
the branches. They put them in a kiddy pool, drug it over to the fence and tossed
it all over into the neighbors yard. Then they stole my neighbors greenwaste can, filled
it with the moldy stash, and wheeled it out his driveway. Leaving a trail the whole way.
Which I followed down the street and into another neighbors driveway, where the trail ended. I talked to that neighbor, and we looked all over his property for the missing can, to no avail.

I'm actually thinking it was the kid that lives between him and I. I think he brought the can into the neighbors prop and tossed it over his own fence which backs up to the neighbors prop.

Definitely wasn't the cops, and i'm all legal anyway.
I just wonder why he didn't do it 2 months ago, before all the mold. I think he was originally trying to get into my shed (looking for keys in the truck) but as he couldn't,
he wasn't going home empty handed, and stole my compost pile.

I'm still kinda stunned. It was really really gross.


Active member
EDIT: wrote this (below) before your reply above. you may be on to something.
Dudes were wasted. Smelled buds. Followed their nose. Were probably more confused than you are now, "Why did this guy throw all this bud out in the dirt?"

Took something home to see in better light, passed out, woke up and don't remember any of it.

They won't remember again til they're drunk and looking to score some more free buds.


There are FOUR lights!
EDIT: wrote this (below) before your reply above. you may be on to something.
Dudes were wasted. Smelled buds. Followed their nose. Were probably more confused than you are now, "Why did this guy throw all this bud out in the dirt?"

Took something home to see in better light, passed out, woke up and don't remember any of it.

They won't remember again til they're drunk and looking to score some more free buds.

That's just about what I was thinking. Especially as they left a trail...

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Yeah I wouldn't trust kids that are actually going through your waste and them finding anything is even worse as kids talk ,talk ,talk,,,, peace out Headband707


Time to get a rottweiler in the backyard.

I think composting your old buds and leaves in your backyard is sketchy as is... especially if the neighbor kids know that you are growing.

Are you going to confront them?


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Unfortunately I think you may be a prime candidate for a house burglary, please be safe.


Please be careful I had a couple of guy's come to my house in the late 70's at night with a shotgun and blow the door knob off.
Hell we where so scared we even called the cops, I haven't grown on my property since.

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