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New Year's Resolutions

Don Dump

the man doctors said would never moonwalk again
Did anyone else make any resolutions this year?

I've been thinking about it and I'm going to make sure 2011 is the best yet!

this year I'm going to:

Eat more salads
Stop running to the emergency room every time I have a heart attack
Try to arrange a gallery showing of my clown paintings
No more cigars in the shower
Only pay for sex if the price seems really, really reasonable
Get back to my true love, cabaret
By Memorial Day, I will be 280 lbs. of steroid-enhanced muscle
As a plea for world peace, sit for three days in a jacuzzi full of grits
Cover the remaining 80% of my body with tattoos
Mail the lover letter I wrote last year to that cute mannequin at the Gap
Capture and bring to justice King Kong
Limit myself to four hours per night of internet sex
Go into the bathroom I sealed off five years ago, see if the big bug is gone.
Not get frustrated with the TV Guide crossword puzzle, ask for help if I need it
Start buying lottery tickets at a luckier store


Parker Schnobel
Did anyone else make any resolutions this year?

I've been thinking about it and I'm going to make sure 2011 is the best yet!

this year I'm going to:

Eat more salads
Stop running to the emergency room every time I have a heart attack
Try to arrange a gallery showing of my clown paintings
No more cigars in the shower
Only pay for sex if the price seems really, really reasonable
Get back to my true love, cabaret
By Memorial Day, I will be 280 lbs. of steroid-enhanced muscle
As a plea for world peace, sit for three days in a jacuzzi full of grits
Cover the remaining 80% of my body with tattoos
Mail the lover letter I wrote last year to that cute mannequin at the Gap
Capture and bring to justice King Kong
Limit myself to four hours per night of internet sex
Go into the bathroom I sealed off five years ago, see if the big bug is gone.
Not get frustrated with the TV Guide crossword puzzle, ask for help if I need it
Start buying lottery tickets at a luckier store

You win Brother, laughing my ass off.If you find a way to get the internet sex less than four hours please let me know.It will save me a lot of time. :) :)