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Cali rec valid in colorado?


I don't think any state rec is valid in any other state ATM. This is primarily due to the fact that one state's laws have no bearing on another state's laws unless they explicitly say so. E.G I think the new MMJ bill in AZ might possibly allow out-of-staters to cop. Not 100% sure on this though and it would be the only case I'm aware of.



Active member
I don't think any state rec is valid in any other state ATM. This is primarily due to the fact that one state's laws have no bearing on another state's laws unless they explicitly say so. E.G I think the new MMJ bill in AZ might possibly allow out-of-staters to cop. Not 100% sure on this though and it would be the only case I'm aware of.


Actually a few states do. Here's the FAQ from CANORML:

10. I am traveling to another state. Can I use my California medical marijuana card or recommendation there?

Montana and Michigan have reciprocity in their medical marijuana laws. Rhode Island respects out-of-state recommendations for any "debilitating medical condition." Vermont allows recommendations from neighboring states for Vermont residents only. See Active State Medical Marijuana Programs.