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what was your dumbest mistake in youth?

Mine was going to college with no money. I have a $670 a month student loan payment with a degree that did not help me one bit.


I only made clever mistakes in my youth. ;) If I had to put my finger on the one which still affects me: Signing up for commando training with the Foreign Legion for a second time. A knee and a shoulder ruined forever.
I only made clever mistakes in my youth. ;) If I had to put my finger on the one which still affects me: Signing up for commando training with the Foreign Legion for a second time. A knee and a shoulder ruined forever.
Very cool. Are you an American? I've never met an American who joined the Legion.

Did you enjoy your time overall? Worth it?


i don't think he enjoyed his time there..ruining his body...not so cool:)..my dumbest mistake...did't know about pot growing when i was a kid and stayed at my grandparents :))


Active member
what was your dumbest mistake in youth?

excessive masturbation left me with some discolorization there


Very cool. Are you an American? I've never met an American who joined the Legion.

Did you enjoy your time overall? Worth it?

Not American, been in one of the NATO armies, though.
No need to join the Foreign Legion; they offered commando training in Breisach (Germany on the border to France) back then, no idea if they still do.
All in all, it was ok, learned a lot of fun stuff like explosives and sniper training, urban warfare, killing with and without weapons (my unit's job was behind enemy lines sabotage).
Now I'm doing non-military Search & Rescue which I like a lot better, being on call sucks, though.


Mine was going to college with no money. I have a $670 a month student loan payment with a degree that did not help me one bit.


There was just some high up educator guy on the news the other night talking about how much of a joke the American college system is.

He said it is primarily based on a 17th century model that does not work well with the world today. He also pointed out that a liberal arts degree is pretty much a useless piece of paper and for all that money you only get basic living/occupational skills but no concrete knowledge base in any one subject.

Here I kick myself for not going to college but in this economy were all fucked; college, trade and moron, we're all in the same boat no jobs for anyone. At least I didn't mortgage the family cow to get to where I am today. On my couch ~ HA! HA! HA!

That news show also talked about how fucked people graduating in this bad economy are, getting boned on their starting wages or just not finding any jobs in their field but then getting completely over looked once things improve for more recent grads.

Learn a trade, learn to garden, learn alternative medicine, I feel someday these might be important skills, I've got the funny feeling the world might be due for a serious reality check sooner rather than later.
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There was just some high up educator guy on the news the other night talking about how much of a joke the American college system is.

He said it is primarily based on a 17th century model that does not work well with the world today. He also pointed out that a liberal arts degree is pretty much a useless piece of paper and for all that money you only get basic living/occupational skills but no concrete knowledge base in any one subject.

Here I kick myself for not going to college but in this economy were all fucked; college, trade and moron, we're all in the same boat no jobs for anyone. At least I mortgage the family cow to get to where I am today. On my couch ~ HA! HA! HA!

That news show also talked about how fucked people graduating in this bad economy are, getting boned on their starting wages or just not finding any jobs in their field but then getting completely over looked once things improve for more recent grads.

Learn a trade, learn to garden, learn alternative medicine, I feel someday these might be important skills, I've got the funny feeling the world might be due for a serious reality check sooner rather than later.

The real kicker? Student loans are not permissible in bankruptcy court. American society has decided that shopping sprees and expensive dinners on credit cards ought to be forgiven, but 18 year old kids falling victim to predatory college lending?...fuck em'.

Home of the free.


ICMag Donor
Remember kids..."Its better to regret something you have done,then something you haven't".......At one time in 5th grade i was getting A's and B's in math class..Then from age 15-28 ,things became a huge blur so to speak...Taking way to many things,not doing well in school and barely passing ...If i had applied myself better,i probably wouldn't be working as hard as i am today....

But all things considered ,ive done pretty well considering past circumstances,and in comparison to some of my past friends from the old days...Had i taken another route,i probably wouldn't be the person i am today ...and for that i am positive and grateful...


Active member
I regret not talking ap courses in High School.
Looking back my teachers were so pumped about their subjects.
They would have stayed after class. They were looking for any students that cared.


Active member
I would have been more relaxed during my teen years. I was born a middle aged person.

Why didn't any one ever tell me that you could make mistakes in your youth, and the world would not end. (Depending on the size of the mistake offcourse.)


Spending more time on drugs then off of drugs. Seems like I wasted so much time doing nothing. I sure had a lot of fun though!:)


Freedom Fighter
The real kicker? Student loans are not permissible in bankruptcy court. American society has decided that shopping sprees and expensive dinners on credit cards ought to be forgiven, but 18 year old kids falling victim to predatory college lending?...fuck em'.

Home of the free.

Absolutely agree with ya there bro!! I have $30,000 worth of loans from my daughter!! Oh...and she dropped out the 2nd semester!! Grrrrr!!!!

My biggest mistake, was getting involved with hard drugs...starting life at 35 was waaaay harder than it should have been at 18!!


I wish I wasnt so fat a child and teen so I could have gotten more poon in highschool.

Now as an adult Im neurotic with body building and good nutrition and will never let myself get fat again. And if I ever have kids I will teach them how and why to eat healthy and get them started being physically active at a young age.

Being a fat youth ruins more then just not getting laid more in highschool, its no fun being the awkward fat kid in swim class. If I could go back I would bitch slap my mom for having a constant supply of twinkies and ring dings in the house and having no limit on how many or how fast I could consume a box.


glad to be a high school/college drop out!! :tiphat: School wont just get any individual further ahead in life. it takes above all, motivation!! if you are motivated then you will succeed.

believing that college will save your life is like believing weed will make you lazy... if you're lazy, you're lazy!

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