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Dreaming and Marijuana's effect on it.



Wasn't sure exactly where to post this but I wanted to get some other smokers opinions, thoughts and info regarding Dreaming. Also I would like to share my experiences as relates to Cannabis and dreaming.

First a little background info.
I am normally a daily toker, for roughly 16 years I've been consuming between a half gram to maybe 3 or 4 grams a day. Lately I would say on avg 1-2g per day. I have mostly switched to using the Volcano vaporizer as opposed to rolling joints. Used to smoke mostly beasters and random local variety's. Now I only smoke my own organic. I would say I have multiple reasons for consuming the MJ. Starting with mental addiction/compulsion.(I hear that young people are susceptible to lifelong compulsions if they start smoking heavily at a young age,which I did. was 15 and hooked) Now as an adult I feel I have had other reasons that reach beyond just my unrelenting compulsion. They include Pain relief, socializing, sleep aid, media enhancement, movies, TV, bike riding. Really what isn't better with buzz eh!! Now on about a dozen occasions that I can recall I have quit consuming Marijuana for a week or two maybe even three. The reasons have been varied. Vacation, sickness, work, etc. You get the idea. The past two weeks I haven't smoked due to the vacation reason. I really didn't want to bring anything with me on three planes to get to my sisters house. I am here for family and visiting, I wouldn't feel right bringing my hobby around my sis and her family anyway.

So back to the post topic Dreaming. Throughout my years of smoking/vaping I have not really dreamed. If I have its not something I ever remember. Everyone of the occasions that I have abstained from toking I start dreaming again. Like clockwork by the third or fourth night away from Marijuana I start having dreams. And not just any dreams they are incredibly vivid and troubling dreams. I awake most of these nights around 4 or 5 am in a daze, it usually takes me a minute or two to realize that I was dreaming and that life is in fact as it should be. Which is usually a relief because the dreams I have mostly all involve something troubling happening to someone I love, am friends with,work with or am acquainted with. Deaths, injury's, law problems, fights, arguments, etc... Maybe one in ten of these dreams is remotely appealing to me. Its a real annoyance to me. I certainly don't like waking up like that. In fact I usually can't wait to start smoking again so the dreams will quit waking me up/bothering me.

Two more days for me and I should be rolling into my home around 4 am on Friday morning. You could bet your house on the fact that I'll be light up like a Christmas tree about 5 mins after I get home. And about 5 mins after that I should be crashed for a good long while.

Soooo CC members I would like to know your experiences with dreaming or the lack there of. Am I alone in my dreamless nights? Do others start having vivid dreams within a few days of abstinence? Is it possible that I do still dream while on the MJ and am just unable to remember?
To be honest I have never really talked to anyone in depth on this subject, and am very curious to hear what others are experiencing or maybe not experiencing. Based on my own experiences It would not surprise me at all if many daily smokers haven't dreamed or haven't been able to remember their dreams for years.

I am sure I could Google this and possibly answer some of my own questions. I did a quick search on these forums and wasn't able to find anything related to dreams. Also now searching keyword "dreaming" and I keep getting an error "The requested URL /modules/Jig/search.php was not found on this server" . So I guess I thought this would be an interesting topic to discuss here with all you fine Cannabis aficionados.

And :thank you: for any anecdotes or info relevant to this subject that has peaked my curiosity.


I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
for sure dude, i always have vivid dreams when i am not smoking... im almost certain that every normal human being marijuana smoker can agree...

as far as having dreams of bad things, seems as if you are feeling guilty of something... look into a website that interprets dreams... lots of things you dream about really are significant to your real life worries/issues/dilemmas....

for example, i used to ALWAYS have a dream where I was running down a hallway, but i was actually unable to run.. my legs were unable to move at the speed i wanted them to move at... i looked it up, and this is what i was told: You're trying to run, but either your legs won't move or you simply aren't going anywhere -- as if you were on a treadmill. According to some, this dream means you have too much on your plate. You're trying to do too many things at once and can't catch up or ever get ahead...

Studying the lessons in your dreams is some cool shit.... i might stop smoking so i can start dreaming again... I remember also having dreams where I was in a war and that I was always the last remaining soldier - me versus a whole other group of insurgents... I used to LOVE having that dream because I would ALWAYS come out victorious... It was a dream that I actually enjoyed being in as I slept...

(P.S., this has nothing to do with this thread, but my wife absolutely pisses me off when she dreams. she wakes up, every damn morning and starts telling me about her wacked the fuck out dreams. She seriously tries to tell me what happened, action by action... this aboslutely makes me want to blow my fucking head off and immediately file for divorce. She KNOWS i CANNOT STAND when she starts telling her dreams, but she still feels the need to tell me her dreams. DAMNIT do i HATE hearing about dreams..... there is something to be learned about people who tell their dreams!)
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when i stop smokin i feel like i dream all night, but no dreams at all when i blaze.


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Beerdo interesting topic, I've seen this discussed before and most ssmokers say the same thing, very few dreams when using, in times of a day or two with out, very vivid dreams. I used to be just like that, but the pain meds I use now skew my current results for this topic. When I was smoking heavily and quit for a few days I had many dreams, vivid ones, so noticible I remember that fact now, years later. I watched a CBS program where dreaming is being studied much more now. They found if they asked a person, who just awakened from a dream what it was about before they even moved, they were much more likely to remember then rather than if they were allowed to sit up in bed and start thinking about something else. I found that if I want to remember a dream I can re-think it before getting up. If I don't it's gone! What that does for me..? What this will do for science..you got me? Dream on...DD


I am who I am coz I is who I is.
i never dream,infact ill rephrase that, everyone always dreams, its just remembering the dreams or not, i dont 98% of the time but occasionally ill have a dream, even when im not smoking i dont dream much,
i had 1 really vivid one last time i stopped, but no more in that period :S,

One thing i heard about dreams is that, when you "dont have them" its not that your not having a dream, its that your brain is shuttin off the dream to "shield" you from what is happening inside of it, maybe your brain thinks its to grusome im not sure,
something to do with the DMT in your brain and when you sleep if the brain produces to much DMT it causes dreams to not be seen.

Id love to get my hands on some DMT and give it a go, would have some absolfukinlutely amazing trances and dreams on that shit!.


Active member
Diego Delgado: Do you have a dream, George?
George: Well, I would if I could get some fucking sleep.


I have the same experience. I wonder if not dreaming (or not remembering dreams) is harmful in some subtle unrecognized way?

When I first took anti depressants years ago I had been having disturbing dreams on a nightly basis. I'd wake up with dread and anxiety daily. Vivid dreams that took a while to dissipate.

Prozac et al nipped that in the bud. I wonder if the mechanism with weed is the same? If so maybe it could help some of our returning soldiers with their PTSD symptoms.


I have very vivid dreams when not smoking daily. I haven't run out of pot in years now, so it's been a while..... Lately, I have supplemented with 5-HTP and had success still smoking but dreaming too. It's important to dream...


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
i dont have dreams anymore... however when idont smoke for over 10 days dreams come back... kinda wierd... dreams can put me in a good or bad mood for the day so not being either when i wake up is not really that bad lol....


Grower for Life
same here, i recently didnt smoke a week or 2 and dreamt all kinds of very vivid dreams, waking up sweating and shit....


I was the same way when smoking no dreams. Then when I quit that was the hardest part of not smoking anymore the dreams, but now I really enjoy them and never have bad dreams. The best dream I have is Flying it's so vivid it really feel real I might be weird but I honestly feel like I have flown.

Good Luck enjoy them if your having a bad dream make your self wake up


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
lucid dreams are the best ive only had one my whole life... it was unique to say the least lol....


Active member
i dont dream or its very very rare.. after ive smoked weed. i actually like not dreaming, it means i can get a better sleep and also weed before bed calms the mind so you can fall asleep faster and not lay there thinking.


Well I been home 2 days and the dreams are gone. Sleeping much better again. I think I might try and plan a few more breaks this year. Couldn't hurt to have at least a few dreams a year. Or I guess remember them, since from what I've been reading I understand that I always dream its just that the MJ somehow blocks me from remembering them.
Well I been home 2 days and the dreams are gone. Sleeping much better again. I think I might try and plan a few more breaks this year. Couldn't hurt to have at least a few dreams a year. Or I guess remember them, since from what I've been reading I understand that I always dream its just that the MJ somehow blocks me from remembering them.

My friend and I have been thinking about this same thing a lot too. I'm fairly sure you are correct, you still dream you just dont remember, however i'd like to see some research into the matter. Its really intriguing.

Like you, my dreams are negative/more vivid after stopping. But I can't say that is not a result of they way my life is at the moment.

Look into lucid dreaming though and see if you can make your dreams right by force. I can't go lucid yet (only was able to as a child) however, I can recall my dreams even if I haven't stopped smoking by just using their techniques.

If you use the 10 minutes before you sleep to think about dreaming and trying to remember your dream, you are far more likely to. I was able to right after blazing that night.

give it a shot. I decided I dont want to remember the dreams i'm currently having though... lol. good luck.


collector of lightsabers.. and fine cannabis genet
ICMag Donor
+1... cannabis shuts off my dream state ... this is how i have my medical card and garden... if you're looking for lucid dreams go after an old book called Creative Dreaming ... it will change your life. :whee:

Barn Owl

Active member

I will say that cannabis does not stop me from dreaming, but it is harder to remember the dreams and the dreams feel more "distant" or more specifically, I seem to know I am dreaming more when the intensity is turned down a notch by the cannabis.

Stopping cannabis intensifies the dreams about 5-fold for me.

I once had a very vivid dream after eating an edible, but it turned out to be so unique, i actually dreamed of an event before it happened!

I think in my case, dreams are usually more vivid anyway, so the cannibis only turns down the volume a bit.