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Grow in a big-ass house I own in a non-legal state...

Or grow in an apt in a LEGAL state I can barely afford.

How many of you had to make such a decision? What did you choose? It's where I am now.



Active member
uh, seriously?

own your home in a non-med state and grow.

if you don't break the golden rule (if i have to tell you what that rule is then don't grow) you have nothing to worry about.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
It doesn't matter really because those legal states aren't truely legal and they're only being ignored by the Feds under the current Administration. You can bet your ass that if a Republican or Tea Party Candidate or a conservative Democrat gets into the White House in 2012 then it'll be right back to the War On Drugs as usual.

So in light of that the smartest way to go with your grow is to do it in the place where it can be most easily concealed and protected. Which in your case would likely be the big home you already own in the non legal state.
the goose is dead in the major "med legal" states...

if you can keep your mouth shut and keep a proxy between you and your small group of buyers, stay in a state that weed still grabs a buck...

some cali peeps have switched up their moves and just take the o's they buy low here and just flip through mail to another state where the same sac fetches double or triple.

do not do not do not tell anyone about your grow...even your proxy can be told you get it from someone bigger than you..don't open yourself up to that bullshit....nothing is more nerve racking growing big in a state where they jail you for a joint. add that to someone knowing about it....F that

be smart, job pays wells but their are reasons for that..don't ever let the money blind your mind from all the risks and what not...

mr cheese

the goose is dead in the major "med legal" states...

if you can keep your mouth shut and keep a proxy between you and your small group of buyers, stay in a state that weed still grabs a buck...

some cali peeps have switched up their moves and just take the o's they buy low here and just flip through mail to another state where the same sac fetches double or triple.

do not do not do not tell anyone about your grow...even your proxy can be told you get it from someone bigger than you..don't open yourself up to that bullshit....nothing is more nerve racking growing big in a state where they jail you for a joint. add that to someone knowing about it....F that

be smart, job pays wells but their are reasons for that..don't ever let the money blind your mind from all the risks and what not...

well said my friend.. its not until u wake up to find 4 robbers busting dwn ur frnt door then put a gun in your face that you realise jst what some ppl will do for money!!! forget this hippy peace n karma shit, in the real world its more cut throat ... dam robbing scum! pace n stay safe...mrc
well said my friend.. its not until u wake up to find 4 robbers busting dwn ur frnt door then put a gun in your face that you realise jst what some ppl will do for money!!! forget this hippy peace n karma shit, in the real world its more cut throat ... dam robbing scum! pace n stay safe...mrc


that's why a proxy is a must, someone who can deal with the wolves and keep the growers identity unknown.

Don't get greedy, some growers will under estimate the importance or a proxy and just go it alone, making the extra buck. A wise grower once told me, "there are growers and there are dealers, if you join this world, you can only be one or the other but not both at once." That doesn't mean a grower can't make a buck, it just means, don't grow weed and sell it to the retail. You gotta have a buffer. optimally a smart one, who knows the deal, doesn't ask questions about where the bud is from other than its from your "connect". The respect and trust is there, your all set to make everyone some money.

If the wrong people get wind that your growing, all they have to do is tell some rougher neck peoples that their is literally an open safe in your house. People do crazier shit for money, busting into an apt fully strapped ready to rob ain't a big thing for some peeps. Especially if their know your weaknesses.

I don't play the hippy karma peace let be game. You can embrace that in your personal life but this is business and should be treated as such. If you can keep the lives separate then you are golden.

The best growers I've met, you wouldn't have even known a thing. You would be jaw dropped to find out some of the faces that grow big and where they grow. But its because they have taken the responsibility of it to that next level that they can survive and actually keep doing it for years without problems...

One cat I met doesn't even smoke at the house period. No smoke is burned at the grow house ever. They got a sealed bedroom that's just like their little money maker that they keep all to themselves...why tell anyone? if you had a tree that grew money on it, would you be rushing to tell everyone? I think I made my point

just be cool, be safe, think twice and do things boldly


Active member
One cat I met doesn't even smoke at the house period. No smoke is burned at the grow house ever. They got a sealed bedroom that's just like their little money maker that they keep all to themselves...why tell anyone?
UUhhhh, if they're keeping it all to themselves, how did you find out about it?;)

Stay in the house you own, and don't tell anyone, not even SacredTHCRitual
Great thread, thank you all for the sound advice. I should add that one of the reasons I considered moving out of state was the fact that I'm bored here. It's a country life in the middle of the US without much to do. Very little aesthetic beauty around. I aspire to the beach and sand or the mountains, but alas, I would probably have to work a regular ole' job to sustain that kind of life. At least for a while.

Such a thing cannot be done.


Active member
do this...if you own the house, you dont wanna be liable in case you get raided, they might be able to seize your propety.

what you do is become a "landlord"....lease the house to a fake person...do this by getting your hands on someones ID (stolen, found, dead person, it dont matter)..and photocopy it. write up a lease agreement and put in their signatures. move to a cheap apt in the area and rent it in your girl or friends name, or move back with parents, etc (just your really personal things)...so if the cops raid the house they dont get the idea that you still live there..and this way you can keep grow profits at separate location etc...keep the living location absolutely clean and nothing illegal, and keep all illegal shit at the grow. this is how i would do it in a non med state...luckily im in a med state, under limits, and the house isnt in my name (relative) so im pretty safe.

that way if the cops raid your house, you can play the "im the innocent landlord i had no idea they were growing" card.....show them the photocopied ID and be like..."these viet guys rented the house from me and gave me this ID!"

just an idea....might not be foolproof, but it will definitely hinder their investigation and will help in court...


Get more Carbon filters than you need. Good Luck.
Never tell anyone unless you want to tell your cell mate all about it.
Get more Carbon filters than you need. Good Luck.

gotta second this post as well...

Yes4Prop215, your idea sounds good but could land you in even more trouble because usually the 5-0 would do some surveillance on the house to see who comes and goes before they raid...if they see you coming and going, that doesn't look good...best just to keep everything tight as far as security goes to the point where the room "doesn't exist"...be safe all
Somebody is viewing my house today. I put it for sale last week, still not sure if I'm ready to pull the trigger.

I think it would probably make more sense to stay. But my life is pretty boring here. I think maybe moving to the ocean would provide a spark for me, even if I had much less money.


Active member
Somebody is viewing my house today. I put it for sale last week, still not sure if I'm ready to pull the trigger.

I think it would probably make more sense to stay. But my life is pretty boring here. I think maybe moving to the ocean would provide a spark for me, even if I had much less money.
Growing aside, the housing market still sucks, good time to buy, bad time to sell.
Sit on the house for a few years and QUIETLY run a little grow.
If you still feel like moving after that, then do it.

Out of curiosity, what state are you in, and what are you looking to sell the house for?(how much $)
Growing aside, the housing market still sucks, good time to buy, bad time to sell.
Sit on the house for a few years and QUIETLY run a little grow.
If you still feel like moving after that, then do it.

Out of curiosity, what state are you in, and what are you looking to sell the house for?(how much $)

Thank you for the advice, drew. It seems reasonable enough, for sure.

I just imagine myself on a boat fishing on the Atlantic or Pacific right now, instead of freezing my nads off just walking down the driveway for the paper. Almost fell on the ice twice just getting the Times. Ohhh well, could be a lot worse.

Check your PM for the specific info.


Active member
That's one of the best places to be as far as NON MMJ states go.
I'd stay put.
I'm even considering moving there since it's where I'm from originally.

Let the market level out, many people think we are going to have a double dip on the recession.

If you're talking about a little personal Op, the worst thing that will happen if you get busted is a slap on the wrist where you are.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Somebody is viewing my house today. I put it for sale last week, still not sure if I'm ready to pull the trigger.

I think it would probably make more sense to stay. But my life is pretty boring here. I think maybe moving to the ocean would provide a spark for me, even if I had much less money.

Boring is just the kind of environment in which to seclude a grow operation. Boring places with little to do usually don't have many cops because there's usually nothing of interest to protect.

If there's even a remote chance you think you'll be bored growing your own chronic then you should probably not even consider growing.


Active member
if you can keep your mouth shut and keep a proxy between you and your small group of buyers, stay in a state that weed still grabs a buck...

And I stress.....

do not do not do not tell anyone about your grow...even your proxy can be told you get it from someone bigger than you..don't open yourself up to that bullshit....nothing is more nerve racking growing big in a state where they jail you for a joint. add that to someone knowing about it....F that

be smart, job pays wells but their are reasons for that..don't ever let the money blind your mind from all the risks and what not...

Golden Rule = Never tell anyone ! Never show anyone !

Loose lips sink ships !

If you have broken this rule, you are best off moving to a new location, since your current one has been compromised.

This holds even more weight now that the economy is in the can, people are DESPERATE, facing eviction etc...


Best of luck, stay safe, stay strong :wave: