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Totally Random Post

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Active member
haha .... decipher this bs....

haha .... decipher this bs....

whats she really saying:

call and to top it off Scotts computer is hitting the fan! I can only use it for a minute longer if I hold it standinig, more air flow I think? love ya guys hope ya get alot of snow, already shoveled 3 times today nuttin but icy roads and snow!!! wrecks everywhere! again love ya all! build me a igloo!!!!

Tom Hill

Active member
I'm afraid something like "The puters dusty, or filled w/shake again. You need to buy a new one. You need to buy me some of those new Blizzack winter tires too... And a new house...."

Is it your girl? :D


all I could see was this


Active member
sounds like the you need to call and that there computer is overheating and so they can't use it very long, and if she stands the computer will stay cooler for longer. also sounds like its snowing and people can't drive. they've shoveled it and now there building igloos.

oh yeah and they love you.


Was this a text lol?

Sounds like a laptop is overheating. And they are getting snow and hope you are too. Having to shovel 3x... sounds like wind is pretty nasty and drifts are pretty bad. Snow is probably too powdery to build an igloo if drifts are bad, btw. lol.


Yes. He runs on a blend of Brylcreem, Grecian Formula, and Viagra. He can not be stopped. He will never die.

Hold Your Fire

Finding my way back home
As long as possible, I'll bet!
In the US, he is pretty much the face of New Year's!
Happy New Year bobcat, and everyone else!!!


String Cheese

String Cheese

man am I Drunk I'm reliving a string cheese shows from 2000 2001 that I attended through the String Cheese Incident Evolution DVD.
Was there anyone else there?

Man was that a great time!!
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