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New member
Anybody ever tried grinding up some aminos, like the pills they sell at the health food store as a human supplement, and adding it to their nutrients? The pills contain branch chain amino acids free form.

My buddy wants to try it, and I told him I'd ask on here, to see if there are any opinions.



Just order some amino powder. The pills most likely have fillers.

1fast400 com or nutraplanet com

are too real good sites


New member
Buddy says the aminos never hurt nothing, and he thinks they are getting even better than his last batch, maybe he's onto something. Anyone with a degree in botany know if they would help a plant along?


Well-known member
I hope she and her missinformation and largely falsified claims on LED lighting have left.


also i've heard rumors of her really being a him... but as far as the aminos go they come in "great white" hard to tell if it was the mycos of the aminos but the plants liked whatever was going on


Well-known member
On the topic of Amino Acids... I have been toying with this for a long time. Usually grinding up several types of dried beans (not to a fine powder but close) and incorporating them in some longer brewing teas. The proteins make great food for the bacteria and as the bacteria feeds on them you should get some aminos coming free. Heck some should be available anyway. Can't say that I have empirical evidence of great benefits, but I do believe that amino's and protein in general are very beneficial.


Active member
haha i got banned right outta these forums in the past for arguing with her, good riddance.

Admitting you were banned and are now posting under another alias is probably a good way to get banned again.

As for the aminos, I think I'd look for horticulture grade aminos or some sort of affordable powder since pills sound like they would be very expensive.

Spurr or mullray would probably be good people to ask about aminos and their possible benefits.


you could look out for CPSP

its enzyme digested fishmeal, its made in a process where normal fishmeal is cooked at low temperature and at the top of the cooking pan the proteins are skimmed off, and this protein foam is dried and blended with enzymes that "chews" down the proteins to free aminos.
but it stinks!
it can be obtained from carpfishing stores for around 5-10pounds pr kg


Active member
Are you sure actual cooking in a pan is involved in this process?

Are you referring to a "low temperature extraction" or "cold pressing"?


first of all its nessesary to understand what fishmeal actually is.
there are several grades of fishmeal i will explain the two most common LT80 - LT90 = Low Temperature 80% protein and 90% protein made up from herring,
the herrings are caught and transported to the fishfactory and the filets are cut of for consumption it could also be Cod or any other white fish, the leftovers eg. the finns the scales thebones and the heads etc etc. are then cooked at low tempereature and this mulch is then sprayed up in a chamber where hot air is passed by and the mulch then dries to a fishmeal
(the correct term is more like Fish Hydrolysate)

therer is however also other tecniques
and freeze drying = no heat but extreme cost (best product)
low temperature = under a certain degree (lesser but feedgrade A)
high temperature = over a certain degree (even lesser can be used for agriculture economic feedgrade and glue etc etc.)

and then there is products like CPSP
where the process of making ex. LT90 involves a skimming of the proteins (or semi broken up proteins into aminos) before the mulch is seperately handeled. and as described there is nothing wrong in using heat, you do it all the time when you cook your food, (you make a pre digestion, to ease the protein breakup into Aminoacids before it hits your stomach.) the same is made here first you cook the fishmeal to seperate the proteins and make a partial breakup into aminoacids, and later you add enzymes to chew the rest to make essentially free aminoacids)

like you chew your food - then swallow - and letting your stomach acid break up the proteins into aminoacids

normally you use this product in fishfeed as a suplement for lesser grade fishmeal and economic fishfeed containing high degrees of Soyprotein, the free aminos are connecting with receptors in the fishs nostrels and barbules that signals easy obtainable food.
like when you get hungry from the smell og chips = the scent from the grilled beaf or barbecue is in reality a signal of free aminos making you hungry.

now you want free aminos to your plants?
try CPSP but be avare that its absolutely stinking
but in reality any kind of fat free enzyme treated hydrolystae
ranging form Kasein milkpowder hyrolysate to feathermeal hydrolysate to what ever would be usefull. aminos is aminos whatver they come from


Kiss My Ring
there is a product, actually a seasoning, that contains 16 different amino acids...food grade. liquid, about 6$ a pint...in the health food section of the grocery.
all ready to add to your tea, or watering routine.
though i don't know its effectiveness.

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