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All new Ancient Aliens tonite at 9pm EST Looks like a good one!



Tonight they make the case that aliens have been in control of religion and government since the beginning of man. Looks like a good one, Im gonna have a fat joint rolled and ready for this one.


Active member
Tonight they make the case that aliens have been in control of religion and government since the beginning of man. Looks like a good one, Im gonna have a fat joint rolled and ready for this one.
sounds like the aliens are the humans.....or the beginning of alien......
Tonight they make the case that aliens have been in control of religion and government since the beginning of man. Looks like a good one, Im gonna have a fat joint rolled and ready for this one.
Hell yea. The fallen angels. Who elce would they be? They started theyr religion with the ape men long before Jehova made Hebrews for Himself to indwell.

Space Toker

Active member
I believe their ideas COULD be true, that we are being visited by extraterrestrials, but I think it is also possible that we are being visited by humans from the future that are trying to reset our past history for their sinister reasons, like wealth and power. Of course, I believe it is most likely something explainable by science as something else, or some military program. I do not rule out that ET's are visiting and what they present is interesting at the very least. I'd say it has more merit than some of the other BS on TV, like the ghost shows where they hear voices and all I hear is noise, and everything else could easily be faked. I don't rule out ghosts either, but I think they present better evidence of ET visitation than spirits.


Good one, thank you :tiphat:
A mind-bender for sure...
A idea of my own(i think) is that we are the fallen angels or a product of alien-caveman intercourse.
In our alienation we aim our rage against the earth.
No animal is that stupid, why bite the hand that feeds you?
If we accept to be children of the earth, and treat our mother well we don´t have to be another fallen race.

Says smokey the tripman:bandit:


ICE Cream eater
I just checked if there is new episode :D
I`m betting I will be pretty drunk tonight but tomorrow I will see it for sure :thank you:


Ancient.Aliens.S02E10.Alien.Messengers.HDTV.XviD-FQM downloading ATM :p


Active member
didn't catch the show yet. prob get it on a rerun. there is way too much evidence of et's colonizing the moon, earth, etc. not to be taken seriously possible. also if you get into ormus (awesome micro trace element supplement for plants and humans) you see lots and lots of conjecture that the aliens are here for the ormus. greatly entertaining if nothing else.
Anybody see the one where the guy from the rendlesham forest encounter saw binary code in his head while seeing the craft? Then they apparently decipher the message and it says something like "exploration of humanity" , good show, totally amazing stuff.


Active member
This is the best show ever! I have watched all the episodes and I love it.

Here is what I believe, coming in 2012 they will return. All these UFO shows and Doomsday 2012 shows are just prepping us. Soon our creators, the aliens, will return and open our minds to the "prime directive." Dec 21, 2012 is when the planets line up to the center of the universe and some sort of portal will become available. This is how they return. It may takes months for them to reach us after this, but it all starts on Dec 21, 2012. Just ask the Mayans, Egyptians, Indians, or any other ancient culture. They all knew what is coming.


ICE Cream eater
Anybody see the one where the guy from the rendlesham forest encounter saw binary code in his head while seeing the craft? Then they apparently decipher the message and it says something like "exploration of humanity" , good show, totally amazing stuff.

Thats the last episode man :DDDD
The one I wrote for above.


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Two things: 1) As much as I love the concept of aliens visiting us........if they did in the distant past....there's NO WAY they bred with cavepeople. I mean comeon man.......would YOU breed with some cave-chick? They probably looked like half ape/half the most unattractive national geographic naked chick you could dig up. If I was some sophisticated alien capable of travelling interstellar distances.......I would imagine I'd have enough sense not to beer goggle some grenade from a small ball of dirt in some remote galaxy. I'd need to imbibe some serious ass alcohol and then have my eyes pulled out by a melon baller and my nose plugged up with whatever they use to avoid the smell of decaying bodies during autopsies....before I'd even attempt to think about banging some missing-link bigfoot chick.......you'd also have to put a gun to my temple.
2) If aliens were in control of religion or govt. at any level.....wouldn't things be running markedly more smoothly? Unless their main goal was to confuse people to the point where they consider specific days special, eating certain things unacceptable, using birth control or drinking alcohol is a problem......and set up systems of faith where repressed sexuality turns into guilt, shame or child abuse......and that women are typically second class citizens. If the aliens set out to do that....they did a spectacular job.

Religion sucks.....government is a close #2 on the suck it list......and as much as some people may love to (or have no alternative but) sleep with chicks that look like cavewomen.....it's probably not happening....and probably hasn't occurred.....disregardless of Hollywood.

That being said....the entire series of Ancient Aliens is spectacular....love that shit....can watch it 24/7.....hope they keep rolling it out!


Active member
accessndx - your 1st point: They did not breed with humans. They turned up our evolution a notch by enhancing our DNA. In every history book ever written there is a point in human evolution that can't be explained. It is called, "the missing link." What this refers to is the evolution of humans took a huge leap forward without leaving any evidence of evolution. Look it up. After enhancing our DNA, the aliens then breed with us. Making demi gods and maybe even Jesus. You say this like it is impossible, but what would we do when we land on a planet with life that is less advanced than us???? Think about it.

Point number 2:Aliens are not gods. They are not omni present and can not control all of man kind. What they are doing is called human farming. Just like a Shepard can not keep every sheep in line all the time, aliens can not control every human, especially without being detected. Also, look up Prime Directive. Sheds a lot of light on how they would try to control without doing so.


man if you guys like ancient aliens you should watch the calling by max ignan(youtube) or his book earths forbidden secrets. it's pretty crazy stuff especially the book, all sorts of crazy ignored history and shit. you can find the book on btjunkie if you search his name, in a big directory of books. can't friggin wait to watch ancient aliens when i get home.


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
accessndx - your 1st point: They did not breed with humans. They turned up our evolution a notch by enhancing our DNA. In every history book ever written there is a point in human evolution that can't be explained. It is called, "the missing link." What this refers to is the evolution of humans took a huge leap forward without leaving any evidence of evolution. Look it up. After enhancing our DNA, the aliens then breed with us. Making demi gods and maybe even Jesus. You say this like it is impossible, but what would we do when we land on a planet with life that is less advanced than us???? Think about it.

Point number 2:Aliens are not gods. They are not omni present and can not control all of man kind. What they are doing is called human farming. Just like a Shepard can not keep every sheep in line all the time, aliens can not control every human, especially without being detected. Also, look up Prime Directive. Sheds a lot of light on how they would try to control without doing so.

Point #1 & #2: Please upload a sense of humor to your frontal lobe. I'm calling out aliens for banging ugly ape-chicks and then ruining religion and govt......and here you are fiercely defending them for their hypothetical interactions in the past.
A genetically upgraded ape-chick is not really that more desireable than an ape chick. And unless they upgraded them to let's say Pamela Anderson....I still doubt they'd be breeding with anyone.

Now, as far as the PRIME directive is concerned....it states that you basically don't interfere with the natural course, evolution and development of any civilization....no matter how primitive or backwards. If they have some sort of directive...wouldn't it preclude genetically tinkering with apes so they get buxom and breedable?

So aliens are not gods eh? So why the hell would they make demi-gods out of apes?

Now, before you go and get all E.T. medieval on my ass with your reply.....you'll have to know I'm a big proponent of all the alien theories and jazz........you don't have to persuade me to think like you. I already have an open mind......and was just (and I thought rather obviously) being funny and humorous while stoned. You don't have to call Starfleet and put a APB on my ass....ROFL. You can back off the redshirts before they get hurt. :)


This is the best show ever! I have watched all the episodes and I love it.

Here is what I believe, coming in 2012 they will return. All these UFO shows and Doomsday 2012 shows are just prepping us. Soon our creators, the aliens, will return and open our minds to the "prime directive." Dec 21, 2012 is when the planets line up to the center of the universe and some sort of portal will become available. This is how they return. It may takes months for them to reach us after this, but it all starts on Dec 21, 2012. Just ask the Mayans, Egyptians, Indians, or any other ancient culture. They all knew what is coming.

A.A presents a lot of interesting artifacts that could represent that the earth have been being visited for thousands of years. I think it is entirely possible that we could be visited again in a megalithic proportion. For all we know our ancient ancestors orbit space riding a long and asteroid or something. One thing that holds true for our solar system is what goes around comes around, and this almost applies to everything in life.

In other news, that shit in last nights episode with that message in the alien binary code was pretty crazy.

The earth could be like an alien ant farm.

Happy 7

In other news, that shit in last nights episode with that message in the alien binary code was pretty crazy.

Aliens using human made coordinates...

52°09'42.532" N
13°13'12.69" W

Coordinates of Hy Brazil? Verify!?!

Binary code to text 'translation', how? What (again human made) code table (alphabet) was used to decode that message, plain ASCII? Explain?!
What were the 'corrected' errors?

Here's the 2 step decoding as presented by History Channel....

Original binary code

Decoded Message (probably just binary converted to ASCII, look at all the nonsense and copyright signs and stuff!)

The Final Result (after noise(?) and 'error' removal a.k.a. creative editing)

If you think that message is 'crazy'... I agree but for different reasons...
Sadly, the show is full of this kind of dubious 'fact' presentation.

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