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overheated girls!!

last night, it was my first night of switching over my box timing for cooling <im running a real mini fridge CFL grpw. Just had the lights and the fridge on the same timer, with the compressor on low...

Well it has been getting a little cold AND hot for myliking. 96 day temp and 48 night...they were healthy but that was too much of a gap.

So I got another timer and set it on come one a little more than an hour before thelights come on. The a/c runs for a little over 5 hours at a time with a 2 hour break in between, and I have a digital thermostat.

It got up to 146 in there while I was sleeping last night, I have the timers on power strips and it must have slid up against this sign I have covering the wires, and it didn't come on.

I tried to post pics but I try to stay low, I never tried posting pics b 4.they just look like they have been sitting on the asphalt at a farmers market all weekend.

Should I give them less light? Should I turn the AC lower temp? Higher temp and gradually reduce it?" NUTES?

I have always done nursery work, andwe would just water them, maybe give them a little nute if they look like they need it and put them in mostly shade until they look pretty good. Then a little more nutes and back 2 sun.
im just wondering if this would be the best for canna.

This way of growing is totally different than what i'm used to.
I want to get the best harvest possible, and I know this is stressing them severely
By the way, I haven't been keeping a diary....I think I have it written diwn somewhere, but they were a foot tall about, 5 weeks into flower, just bag seed, its about 1.5 sq ft, and a little over 100 watts of cfl...


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
WOW, 146?
I have no experience with plants and temps that high.
In minor cases I have flushed them and then use a spray bottle a couple times a day to mist the leaves.

But I don't know if they will recover from being baked.
Yeah, well the exhaust. Totally shut down, im just using the fridge ventilation totally..
the leaves aren't crispy, they're just looking sad...and it was only 3-4 hours that they were baked for...
And that was the high temp too.. 3-4 hours of that temp? I mean, I think they should just be sad... they. Can't be dead
I have nursed back lace leaf maples, emerald. Green arbrovities and horrible flowering perennials back to beauty with my above method...that's just the ones that shocked me.

Does anyone have a procedure for when there ventilations fail? I mean they're not turning brown, they just looking sad, you know?
What I am wondering is, would it be best to lower the lumens...increase the nutes.. dotemp changes probably for cooler.....
I was thinking giving somme fish emulsions for their vitamins and beneficial s..

They are starting to come back... slowly...I have never had temps that high.
it was only for a few hours but I need them to be healthy asap

Any nutes or light regimen changing would be extremely helpful.
thanks guys/ girls


i Am SoFaKiNg WeTod DiD
i never new a cfl could get near 150!! lucky nuthin caught fire. i would like to know if they recover keep us posted.


You might get lucky and they survive. Your best bet is to treat them real good for a few days and cut off the old growth slowly as it is heavily stressed and or damaged.

A long time ago I had redid the ventilation in my flowering room and veg room so that the veg room emptied into the duct work with a 4 or 6 inch duct fan. Before that I had 2k of flowering lights emptying into the duct work with a big old 8 inch can fan. Before the lights turned on we left the house and went out for the night. When we came back the veg room was over a 130 degrees I even almost fell out from heat stroke trying to get the temperature down. The big fan overwhelmed the little fan and went into the veg room since is was the path of least resistance(the next hole in the duct work was the chimney top 30 feet away.

One of the plants that was in there was used for a mom for over 3 years after that. It really depends on how long the plant is exposed to the extremely high temperatures that affects if it is salvagable or not. The offspring of that plant was in hydro and I never saw a hermie.

Would suggest giving the plants a nice low strength solution with something like LK, superthrive, or similar that has alot of beneficial hormones and chemicals to counteract stress. I would also suggest cutting back on your next few waterings as the plants growth and water intake will slow after that. If you are gonna use any of those plants for moms wait to take clones till the plant is completely recovered with nice new growth. Let one of those clones reroot as a new mom. Just watch out for hermies or production problems to see if you might need new moms. Maybe move the light up a bit for a few days also. As long as you get new growth after that stress you should be okay. DO NOTHING drastic though. Another big stress to the plant after a previous one isn't good news.


Now in technicolor
what matters is the condition of the roots. 146F is excessive though. I've gotten my garden up to 110F for hours once when my ducting came off. I lost a few clones because they were in tiny rockwool cubes that dried up. My main plants were in 5 gallon coco buckets that were soaked wet the day before. That saved the roots. The plants had burned tops which I just yanked off.

Best thing you can do now is put them in ideal conditions ASAP. lower nute concentration a bit esp if you see signs of nute burn, keep temp at 72-78F.
Yeah, im pretty sure they are dead, which SUCKS cause they were about two weeks from harvest ..and I need the bud. Im gonna redo the ducting and keep the biggest one in there in the meantime, I have trimmed the deadness off her, and I cut the hours down to 20 hours darkness, four light for the past two daysto hopefully get her to stretch..and I mist it. Even tho I think its dead..
but I have 12 new seeds germing and I redid an old ion air purifier into a carbon scrubber type deal, so were off on mini fridge grow #2