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J Budman

I'm attaching pictures of my first grow ever. Thing have been going fine until yesterday. That's when my East Coast Sour Diesel clone started to wilt. I have no idea why one is doing so good and one is doing so bad. It's a two plant scrog so they're getting the same exact treatment. I'm wasting time now... I'm going to post, any questions or comments very very welcome...

It's the one on the right. PLEASE HELP!!!


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Are growing in a DWC?
The plant looks like its due to lack of water. I would check out its roots it might be root rot?

Here is a picture of Leaf Deficiency that I found on another site.


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
I might be wrong but looking at the bottom leaves of both plants, it looks a little like nute burn?
It could be that the one on the right is just showing the effects more or earlier that the other.

J Budman

They are both in DWC. They both get the same nutes, light, oxygen, etc. What baffles me is how one is doing so well and the other isn't. I'm going to check the roots more closely as Gdbud suggested. That seems to be the only answer. I don't think it's nute burn. I've had that before and it's not the same as this. But both sets of roots are submerged in the the nutes, and both of the 18" airstones are working fine. I would think that either they'd both fail or both succeed not one and one. Any other suggestions would be highly appreciated. If someone has maybe had this problem before?? I just really don't want it to be a one plant scrog... :(

J Budman


Thanks for the fast response. Did you check out my gallery? The cab is finally finished! For good this time. I've been tweaking and changing things since the last time I was talking to you. Those blueberry plants I had got toasted. Me and my girl had a fight and she kicked me out for a week. In that week she did nothing for my plants and they just literally got burnt to a crisp in the cab. Fair to say I was extremely upset.

@stress test

I think those bottom leaves are just not getting enough light thru the "canopy" (if I can call it that). I'm still giving seedling amounts of Flora Nova nutes. I really hope it isn't.


They are both submerged in the same amount of water. If you look in my gallery there is actually some shots of the massive roots on the two of them. They get oxygen from two 18" airstones that are in the res working perfectly.

Thanks everybody for the responses, that's why I love it here at ICmag, everyone is cool here...


Yes I took a quick look at your gallery. Nice job on documenting your cabinet I really like the cabinet being placed inside the closet.
I have found no matter how well you design and set up your grow space you will always find the need to upgrade it.


Doesn't look like nute burn. Looks like overwatering/not enough oxygen, so if they're in the same tub, you have to look at the roots.

Maybe an enzyme product or hydrogen peroxide would be a good idea.

J Budman

Do you have any suggestions on which enzyme products would be helpful? Or what to do with the hydrogen peroxide? This is my first cab and my first grow. But wouldn't the other plant be overwatered too. They are in the same exact DWC with all the same nutes. I'm baffled. I'm gonna check the roots in the morning. Crashing out now. Thanks for the help bro.

Please anyone else with suggestions please give me replies all through the night. I will be reading them as soon as I get up. I really hope we can all figure this out as a team. Thanks so much to everyone that had helped and everyone that will continue to help. You have a very appreciative first time grower who might just owe out some samples to you guys. Haha

J Budman

The roots are good for both. Not as much for the wilting one, but still quite a bit. I'll take some pics tomorrow and post em so you can help me take a closer look if you don't mind.


I use hygrozyme in my grows

The world's premiere horticultural enzymatic formula. Enzymes are natural and therefore enviro-friendly. They are catalysts and speed chemical reactions. Enzymes in a growing medium can eat dead protein removing potential areas where illness can develop. Through this breakdown process plants are better able to obtain nutrients that are released by this process. More nutrients, less attacks, allowing plants to grow bigger, stronger, faster.

Hygrozyme is a true breakthrough in enzyme based products that breaks down old root mass to allow for and stimulate new growth. Manufactured in an entirely unique way, Hygrozyme offers growers a number of advantages over competing products. It is bacteria free meaning that it has a virtually unlimited shelf life and there is absolutely no risk of introducing living bacteria into your system. The other benefit that this provides is that because there are no bacteria, Hygrozyme is the first and only enzyme based product that is suitable for use with Oxy-Plus. OMRI listed (organic) and highly recommended.

J Budman

Hygrozyme it is then. I'm on my way out to get some now. Thanks again to all you awesome ICMaggers. Without you guys none of this would be possible.
I dunno bro, I seen hygrozyme cause some serious root issues in DWC.....not recomended. Also, every book I have ever read does not recomend giving a toxin to a already sick plant. Peroxide can be ok in very small amounts given to healthy plants, but being as it is poison to the plant and the plant is already sick.....not a good idea.

Best bet is to flush and clean really good. Start with just good water and PH to 5.5....see if it improves. Its safe and wont cost you anything but time and some elbow grease. I know you said there both in the same container but the sick plant's roots may not be hitting the water or geting enough water for some reason...check it close...something has to be off one would think.

Good luck!


Active member
thats not nute burn ,my guess is lockout or under feeding,fill out the chart in stiches sticky


Active member
bad ph will,as well as temps ,humidity etc...,Those plants in DWC should not be showing any deficiancies at that age .We need more facts ,but I do know bad PH will cause soft droopy leaves,as well as a dry res., temps humidity and such,