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How does the medicine help you?


guest 77721

I enjoy and benefit from cannabis greatly and use it often as medicine for some ailments.

I've found that different methods of using the herb can be more beneficial than others.

For example:

- Topical salve 100%
- Edibles 50%
- Smoking 25%
I find the topical salve reduces inflammation and restores lost mobility where smoking and edibles just help with pain.


- Edibles 100%
- Smoking 100%
- Topical n/a


- Smoking (+25 or -50%) I don't smoke if it makes me cough
- Vaporizaiton ( 50%/-10%)
- Edibles ( 50%)
I rarely smoke now and get bronchitis spring and fall so it's mostly edibles for me.

Zen Master

sometimes I get an asthma like tightness/wheezing (never been diagnosed with it, although I do have hayfever) and you wouldn't think smoking would help it but damn if I dont breathe a lot easier after a few bowls..... wierd...


sometimes I get an asthma like tightness/wheezing (never been diagnosed with it, although I do have hayfever) and you wouldn't think smoking would help it but damn if I dont breathe a lot easier after a few bowls..... wierd...
Cannabis is a known bronchodilator and has anti-inflammatory properties as well. There is an increasing amount of research regarding the effects of cannabis use by people with asthma, as well as possible positive effects of cannabis for asthma.

I too have noticed an improvement in my breathing after smoking cannabis (I have COPD), but I should probably save up for a vaporizer :)



For me, Cannabis is what the herbal people call an "adaptogen." It cures whatever ails me. I have lost weight, cut way back on alcohol, and I understand myself a lot better. It also makes me a kinder and gentler person.


Back when i first started smoking it did help a lot... such a great distraction from pain.
and even back then it was the best for migraines.

But now that tolerance is as high as it can go. I think i get about as much of an intoxication as i would from smoking a cigarette.

Tolerance takes awhile with Pot but it seems once its reached you can only get so high unless you completely regulate it to a few times a month. If i stopped for 6 months straight and then start up... ill get super high for about 3 days an then by the end of the month i'm back to my normal self.

Back in the day Highs lasted hours now i'm lucky if i can break 15 minutes.


But now that tolerance is as high as it can go. I think i get about as much of an intoxication as i would from smoking a cigarette.
I take that to mean that you don't get much of a buzz anymore, but does that also mean that you don't get medicinal benefits as well? I've been very curious about that, because nowadays I have such a ridiculously low tolerance that probably most people on this board would laugh at how little I smoke. I often wonder if I had a higher tolerance, if it would help more than it does currently.

Back in the day I had a pretty good tolerance and smoked quite a bit daily, but I didn't need it for pain relief or anti-anxiety effects back then, so I can't really tell from my own experience whether the higher tolerance means less medicinal benefit. I'd rather not build a high tolerance now, and I intentionally keep the amount I smoke to the absolute minimum effective dose, so it's a point of curiosity for me.



I've found cannabutter made from leaf that has not been decarb'ed has the most effect in relieving my chronic wrist and ankle pain. When using flowers for butter, I have a better outlook on life, and the titanium box ache in my neck is much more live-with-able. Combining the two types of butter in edibles was my way to avoid multiple pharms - once I found out how they worked for me seperately. The only times that I can't get all the relief needed are when barometric pressure changes and in really cold weather. (I know, so-cal isn't that cold, but I'm talking relative to normal temps, under 60° days hurt.)

@redgreenry, does your topical salve warm the areas you apply it to like arthritis rubs? It sounds promising to try; I assume very little mind effect is noticeable. Any experience with adding capsicum/chili oil to the mix? How long does it lessen bone ache?

Smoking helps me less than edibles, but I do enjoy evening tokes. That has to count for something in one's all around well-being.


Freedom Fighter
Pot is my Methadone-- I have a VERY addictive personality...I do most things I do, to excess--
As a grower...I can smoke all I want...and it doesn't get me in Prison, OD'd, or into fights-- It is a manageable addiction--:blowbubbles:


No i'm no longer impaired but i am relaxed and that helps more than anything.
oh and if the opiates i take a tearing my stomach up weed seems to help a ton with that.

guest 77721

Hi Kannubis,

The first time I tried using the topical salve, the effects were incredible. At the time I had a flareup with arthritis in heels, knees, hips and hands. Rubbing a few drops on the affected area brings immediate warmth plus looseness of the joint. The effects last for 6-12 hours.

This fall, I was recovering from a bad chest cold and I wanted to go for a good long walk on a nice fall day. For me exercise and activity are essential. In half an hour I went from hobbling around the house on sore feet and knees to having a pleasant 2-3 mile walk around my neighbourhood at a brisk pace. This one walk restored my feet and about 1/2 my knees to normal. In a few days I was riding my bike and getting back to normal activity levels. The last time I had a flareup it took me close to 2 months to recover.

I've just been using the topical oil without additives. It is potent and will give a buzz if enough is used at one time. I made the oil from ground leaves soaked in rubbing alcohol for 48 hours, then strained and evaporated and decarbolyized in the oven. The cannabis oil was mixed with a small amount of hemp salad oil and stored in the fridge.

I also tried this out with olive oil and bud which heated in a double boiler for 2 hours makes a super salad oil and can be used topically. I liked the effect (buzz) more but the oil stains and is less pleasant on the skin than the cannabis/hemp oil.

I've lost much of the recreational benefits due to using topical and edible forms which do build a tolerance and fairly quickly. My vaporizor doesn't do much for me anymore. Smoking does get me going but it's too hard on my lungs.


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Red may I say great idea for a thread, this may be very helpful to many sufferers. We had one like this at one time way back but your fresh start will certainly generate new interest and new replies from members. I see some good info being shared here already, thanks.

Bottom line in "Laymans terms", Cannibis helps me cope. Cope with my pain, my personal issues, my depression, and improves my quality of life.
It does so in so many ways that it is hard for me to put a finger on how other with just that ^ ^ statement. The most important effect it has on me has to be psycological. How it helps me mentally deal with the effects of living with chronic pain, the narcotics, and depression involved, by letting me divert my thoughts to something more pleasant or a project of some sorts. Even if just networking on the internet.
I look forward to hearing more from our members. DD


Being a 6' 2'' shy awkward young man with no self esteem I started smoking weed when I was 15 or 16yrs old, after my third time getting high I felt like KING of the WORLD I became confident and outgoing there was nothing I couldn't handle.
While many many years later questioning my chronic use of Pot as it was starting to take control of my life I had an epiphany that I'd been using Weed as an Anti Depressant.

I haven't smoked Pot for 12yrs but I can honestly say I wouldn't be the man I'm today with out it..

guest 77721

Hey Doobieduck,

I think we should be talking more about MMJ and it's benefits and how to effectively use it for our problems. There's so much talk about comparing strains and the politics of MMJ but not so much about how to effectively treat yourself.

Personally, the benefits of a small daily dose and feely light and happy definately make me a better person. I'm hearing that in most of the posts regarding depression/anxiety.

I had an anxiety/panic attack right after a sinus operation and I must add that I had gone dry prior to the operation because I was afraid of complications. The emerg doctor gave me some Ativan and said that I should be seeing my doctor for continued prescriptions.
That stuff had some feeling of using cannabis but with the happy removed. All I felt was dark and sluggish. I tried taking Atavan one other time just to see if I even wanted to go see the doctor and decided that using cannabis was a much better idea.


Feeling good is good enough.
Cannabis medical use and cultivation is a wholistic approach to quality of life.

On one hand you have a natural medicine that helps many ailments while having very few negative side effects. On the other, the mere cultivation provides for a great therapy in which you are not at the mercy of prescriptions but play an active role in the healing process.

Not depending on endless prescriptions and doctor visits provides a sense of independence which raises self confidence and hope.

It is very comforting to realize how little else you need when your psyche and body are being taken care by an occupation that far from a burden is a joy.


I should add.

Withdrawal if you are experiencing it from Opiates, Benzos, or whatever Weed helps me get through that first week or 3 of pure hell.
Ambien Detox... on it for 3 years daily 12.5mg CR... Cold Turkey
Started puking my guts up... after 20 minutes of that shit.. i figured i would attempt to use some ECSD BHO... 3 minutes later i could lay in bed and go back to sleep..

guest 77721

I found another good use for my topical cannabis oil. I get a bit of psoriasis in the winter time due to dry skin. This is a red scaly spot where the skin is itchy and breaks down. I have a prescribed cream containing Hydrocortisone, a steroid, which helps reduce the psoriasis but never clears it up completely. The psoriasis comes right back as soon as I stop using the cream.

I've applied a bit of my cannabis oil and it completely clears up the spot with 1-2 daily applications. All I do is cover the spot using my fingertip as an applicator then wait a few minutes to let it soak in before rubbing it into the surrounding skin.