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A lil taste of pakistan


Green Mujaheed
Hey titoon ! :wave: how are you ? How's been the cultural schock ? not too rough I hope !

TO be honest I don't know when would be the right time to go Pakistan from now on. I am tempted to think that 2011 isn't the best time, considering all the destruction from floods, which can greatly impair travel possibilities in the mountains. Some people have lost everything and very little help from abroad has been received, so there might be some ressentment in some places.
Better wait 2012 ? Don't know, things happen so fast at so many levels, that it could be worse. US is thinking more & more about non-secret ground operations in pakistan territory and it would certainly not help...
I'm supposed to spend some time there early 2012, but i wish I could find some way to go before that time...

Second option is flying from Peshawar to Chitral (also possible from Islamabad, but less reliable). In Chitral, you'll be, well..., in Chitral eheh...
The area has lots of wild cannabis, but cultivated one is quite harder to find (people are suspicious, after al it's illegal overthere...).
Life in winter overthere is harsh, know it.

Forgot to say that some valleys might be off-limits, at the request of damn CIA. They have a few stations around they use for their search of ben laden. I know that yarkhun was closed to foreigners some time ago, don't know if still the case.

breixa, there is another way to settle for some time actually. There are NGOs working in the Kalash valleys, and there is certainly some way to find a job there, even more so if money is not a problem for you, right ?
Kalash people are animist, living in the last tree valley that remain from the former kingdom of Kafiristan. There's Birir, Bumboret & Rumbur valley. Kalasha don't grow the plant, but it can be found growing wild in all three valleys, and good wild I suppose for, in Birir, i was told that some French people used to come every year to rub charas from wild plants. Bumboret as a small local cottage production as well, near Krakal.
Only draw-back from working & living there is the possibility of abduction. Well, it's not rampant, but can happen. I think it was last year, some volunteer from Greece got abducted by some Nuristani people (I don't remember if they were taleban or not, will have to check), and was kept for several months until he was peacefully released. He had been very well treated, as a guest, during his captivity so it was all good in the end. He will have nice stories to tell his grand-children during winter nights eheh...

Irie !


Well-known member
My work exposes me to lots of students and international projects in rural areas.
Not once, have I seen or heard of a proposal to rebuild bridges in Pakistan-its mostly due to us media propaganda-there will most certainly be resentment and worse by the locals if once goes in hot and heavy-not helping out and just looking for the goods


Green Mujaheed
Not once, have I seen or heard of a proposal to rebuild bridges in Pakistan-its mostly due to us media propaganda-there will most certainly be resentment and worse by the locals if once goes in hot and heavy-not helping out and just looking for the goods

Not only us media, but most of media alas. Before entering the country, first time i went there, I was afraid to end up like Daniel Pearl. Bloody media brain-washing...

Pakistani people have received peanuts after the floods, the amount of foreign help was just shamefull and lots of people indeed feel ressentment about that. If planning to stay for long, better bring in some help along.

Irie !


Hi mriko,You have a wonderfull welcoming way, you mirror the way of the peacefull people the region,respect to you brother!!
My family live 20 miles from Mirpur.
I have found the peoples there very pleasent,Peacefull and welcoming.they enjoy the company of travellers and thier stories.


Green Mujaheed
thanks azad bro. haven't been to Mirpur so far. Yesterday I watched some documentary, of which some part was shot in pakistan. It felt as good as painfull it was. I must go back quick!

Nice photo, kinda typical eheh...

Irie !


Green Mujaheed
Oh dear... That is one big problem with Pakistani scientist talking about cannabis. They have assimilated full-on the archaic perceptions of their former masters and know nothing else (some don't even know the difference between cannabis & poppies, it's the same !). These guys are decades backward when it comes to cannabis, this article is a living proof. Sad, very sad as Pakistan's future is with the plant, or future there won't be.

The number of drug addicts in Pakistan was about 5 million in 2005 that has been growing at an annual rate of 7 per cent.

That is the number of people addicted to opium or heroin, not cannabis, not all dopes together, only opiates.

Irie !


Active member
hi dill786, yea 20 miles from mirpur itself..i cant wait to get back out there.

i have traveled through azad kashmir a lot, last few years, They call it "little england" becasue the amount of british asians who live there and who build fantastic looking houses all over the countryside, when i work out there i am based in rawalpindi, and you can get all the nutrients and fertilizers you need for your plants from seeds shops in pindi and islamabad even coco fibre etc... even hydrponics equipment.. People are really friendly in azad Kashmir always wanting to chat and buy you cups of tea and inviting out into there homes for lunch and dinner, i like the potwari language too and can be funny at times, most of the people who live out there have relatives in UK so they see British people all the time and its no big deal, you can walk down any bazaar and you are bound to hear someone with a clear cut british accent or a Bradford accent walking down the road .... :tiphat:
Sweet thread wit some admirable pics. I would like to go tp Pakistan one day but I need to find some people to go with. But these must be some special people who I would be sure they could handle with this kind of thrip.

Thx for sharing the experience.


OP, Yes you'd want the right tight friends to travel to the east with."The East has a way of eating up men and their dreams"
dilli786 nice to hear you enjoyed your visits to AK.Yes im one of thoses britpaks who tries to visit regular with family or friends and make a riot in the place lol...stay in touch bro!!


I stayed in Rajah bazzar(correct spelling?)in Pindi back in the early 90's once or twice,baes in Peshawar back then,great place,I remember you from OG dill,be lucky.




Mriko.. It's been alongtime how have u been? Been Lookin for you when in Amsterdam but can't seem to cross you.. Hope to hear from you soon peace


I hope your well brotha

I hope your well brotha

Hey Mirko,,Got some boom kali for ya bro!!
From PAK with love!!

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