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400CMH veg.



alright here is day 15 of flower. they are starting to look pretty nice. they are starting to pack on the hairs now. it wont be long before the buds start to form.


alright i am just about to not post anything for awhile. it seems like it is a one way thread. kinda sucks one you are the only one that posts.



alright here is an update we are at day 18 of flower and if you can see they are coming along just nice. the buds are starting to form and there is alot of white hairs on top.


ok buddy , your girls are coming on nicely looking good im a few weeks behind you only flipped on the 23rd keep up the good work best whishes EASY


i flipped on the 10th. it has been 18 days and they are coming along. i got everything right where it needs to be. ph it at 5.8 temps are in the 70's and low humidity.


Well-known member
very nice ganjagrower1....
I did several grows years ago under a 400 w GE CMH w/ outstanding results. In the beginning they only had a vertical grow bulb, which I ran hortizontally w/ no issues at all.
They have since come out w/ a vertical burn bulb.
If I were to start up again indoors I'd run w/ 2-400 w CMH...The spectrum they put out is sick. The best bulb, imo, to use start to finish.


lookin good man, 1000w cmh would be nice but so would one that works in new e-ballasts. the e-ballasts that run them cost a fortune.


yeah they dont even make one that i know of. i am happy with everything that is going on right now. i am using a hps 1000w with a digi ballast.


ok so i think my temps are getting a little cool for what they should be. i am in the 60's almost 70 with the light on. i barely have the fan sucking through the hood. i have it on very low speed. i am doing it in an area where there is no heat. so i was thinking of going to buy a space heater to heat my grow area. any input on what i am thinking. will this work for what i need. i would rather have the temps in the high 70's to low 80's if possible. let me know if i am wrong. i just dont want to stunt any of them or do i want to slow the growing process down.
have a question on gh 3 part.
i have been using micro and bloom at a rate of 10ml and 15ml they are seem to be fine but the ppms are the same all the way through. am i doing something wrong or is that the way gh is.


wow too cold is a good thing. I would look into getting a bigger light. Kicking the fan up to cool it means more air across the plants. Maybe look into a dimable ballast incase it's to much and always better for when step up to a bigger spot.

I picked up a 400w oil space heater from grainger a little pricey but it had analog control which I needed for my set up.

week 1-5 you want 76-78 day temp with a 70 night temp
week 6 72-75 day with 65 night
week 7 70-73 day with 65 night
week 8 70 day if you can get low to 50 in the night

Trying to follow these temps as close as you can is recreating the environment the plant lives in. That last week at 50 is telling the plant. Hey winters coming you are going to die soon. Along with a low PPM in the last week the plant beginnings to take nutrients from its leaves to give that last little bit to the flowers. Staying as close as you can to these numbers are ideal.

Good luck hope I helped a bit.



stussy thats strain dependent, and most plants are fine in the 80s with no c02, c02 you can push 90 no problem. ever grow outside anywhere in north america? sure as hell doesnt say 70s all summer, i wish. i would get a little space heater, you can get a small one and tape a duct reducer to it and run duct to your grow if you dont want it in the same room. if you are getting 60s with the light on what are you getting with it off?


pyrosin: The great thing about indoor growing is we are able to control almost every aspect. 70 degrees at night is the optimum temperature for the plant to create that warm summer night feeling. Once again every strain is different from one another. I'm simply stating that these are the optimum conditions w/o Co2. Co2 is a different beast. I'm not to sure that 90 is "optimum" with Co2. I have read/seen most growers go no higher than 85. But I can not say every strain likes it at 85 because this may not be true.

Careful with the space heater the air being put into the tent will be less humid. Because it is being heated. Low humidity shouldn't be a problem during bloom phase. But just something to keep an eye on.


wow too cold is a good thing. I would look into getting a bigger light. Kicking the fan up to cool it means more air across the plants. Maybe look into a dimable ballast incase it's to much and always better for when step up to a bigger spot.

I picked up a 400w oil space heater from grainger a little pricey but it had analog control which I needed for my set up.

week 1-5 you want 76-78 day temp with a 70 night temp
week 6 72-75 day with 65 night
week 7 70-73 day with 65 night
week 8 70 day if you can get low to 50 in the night

Trying to follow these temps as close as you can is recreating the environment the plant lives in. That last week at 50 is telling the plant. Hey winters coming you are going to die soon. Along with a low PPM in the last week the plant beginnings to take nutrients from its leaves to give that last little bit to the flowers. Staying as close as you can to these numbers are ideal.

Good luck hope I helped a bit.


yeah that is why i want to get a space heater. i would rather be high 70's low 80's would be great.
right now i am in the high 60's to low 70's with the light on. and i have the fan on low with the 1000w and it still keeps it that cold.



alright here is day 21 you tell me what you think. if the cool weather is hurting what i have going on. down to my local lowes today to get the heater.