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do you keep "friends" who lie to you?


Active member
I have hardly anyone I call a friend... Mostly because once I find flaw in their character, I cut em loose. I'm truly happier alone. When people show their true colors, I take them for what they are. I don't hope, nor expect, them to change on my behalf.
Well, just beat em at their own game. If money is involved, that's easily solved. separate them from it, tell them the bank is closed! And definitely don't confide anything with them either, that will get you hurt down the road! Keep them out of the loop.


Active member
i used to have a mate that would recite my own experiences id told him in the past, but he would replace me for him, totally forgetting i was the one that had told him in the first place. The truth will always come out.


Active member
Yea I hate liars also! I once heard this story about a fat man that would break into peoples house and leave presents. I left my window open every night waiting for this man, but instead of leaving presents, he stole everything I own. LIARS!!!

JK all, Merry Christmas

BTW - In the end all there is is truth.
Liars, cheaters, and thieves. The three reasons I dont hardly have a single friend. When it comes to $ it seems everybody gets grimy. I hate it, an I'll drop ya faster than a sack of shit. Sucks but its the truth.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
i have buddies who cant keep there stories straight.

wheter they lie because they look up to me and think there lie will go over smoother than the truth. and dont want me to be upset with them..

or lie because they are embarresed that they got knocked the fuck out and beaten down...

im just tied of the lies... its easier to deal with whatever cards are on the table no matter how bad they are, rather than knowing that you've been lied too...

some people think that they are smarter than you, and that you wont see thou there storied, but once i have they are burnt to me...

i hate liars... i rather have nobody around me than fucking liars...
as you move through life you'll give friends/people certain weight in your faith of them, you'll assign the amount of faith given to them by your own lifes experiences. knowing someone is lying makes me very uncomfortable as they're on an agenda of some sort.

when someone's BS'ing me & I don't like the flow of the conversation I get extremely ABRUPT and usually tell them rather loudly, "sounds like BS to me & you can count me out 100%." That usually gets me a wide eyed look but I don't hear any more of the story from then on.......


Freedom Fighter
there's lying and lying. some is pretty harmless and not done in a nasty way. one of my best friends would always promise that he would be turning up at 3 different parties at the same time on the same night. stuff like that because he hated just saying no. i can forgive that. i cant forgive if someone deceives me for their own personal gain. that doesnt get forgotten.
but really people in general are pretty shit and unreliable, and its taken me a long time to get used to that, because if i say i will or wont do something then that is the way it is, and i wont just make someone a promise unless i am damn sure i can keep it.

friends can be a bloody liability

i am lucky to have some very good friends, some of whom i would trust with my life, but hardly any that i would trust with my secrets.


Lie to me for gain, or steal from me...and you will never be back-- Might even get hurt--
But the lies that are only part of their insecurities...I just smile and make a mental note to do things to help them realize their true worth-- They wouldn't be counted as a Friend, if I didn't already care about them--
We all lie...anybody saying they never do, is lying while saying it--:tiphat:


Active member
I bred the original G-13 as a boy in mississippi and have a nearly fourteen inch cock.
Why would I ever lie about anything?

Seriously I have noticed that many people do not know the difference between answering a question with reality or what they think sounds the best in that situation.
Mark Twain said an honest man never has to remember anything and those are good words to live by. I have an incredible memory and when people tell me things I know for a fact to be untrue it gives me a headache. Like listening to religious folk.
OK enough of that I have to go see my wife Mila Kunis...who I have sex with like twelve times a day.
i only have 1 friend and even thou he tells white lies because of insecurities or because i dont need to know the truth i respect that. him and i are very alike dispite being of different age groups entirly.. i know if he ever fucks me it was unintentional.. i know his strengths and weakness, and he knows mine.. we arent the hang out all the time type, but hes got my back and i have his. we both know this.. like s4l says we have a faith in each other..

but then other little bitches as i like to call them, tell me im on my way. and then never show cause i hate waiting... no longer buy weed off me because i dont give them it for the price they expect... break loaned cars or 4 wheelers and never replace or even help repair what they broke... when you get together to smoke a joint at there request they dont bring any fucking weed... bring up topics to try and cause fights between my girl and i... steal and snoop around for whatever they can take without my being able to prove it being them,, cd's, random buds from bags,, pocket knives, whatever... and then when they know you grow but you no longer admit it to them and tell them too keep there nose outta my business, they ask you all kinds of indirect questions,, trying to cross examine me like a fucking prosecuter... or just bitch about complain so fucking much about everything and anything to kill my buzz...
these kind of people the little bitches. i can no longer stand to have around.. 2 of my buddies where life time friends, i had a falling out with one and the other one still spoke with the other... the fucker told and talked shit to me about him and vise versa.. but i figured it out when i temporarily made up with the other dude to find out if info had been leaked and sure enough... anyways..

now i have my girl, and 1 friend. i cut off the other dick heads. the only problem is that one is my cousin/little brother. and will see him at hoildays and shit like that... i hate that the world is small and that i ever let anyone know about my business. but when you start growing the plants at 12 you dont know any better and its too cool to keep to yourself.. if only i knew then what i know now..

i dont even get along with my mother anymore because she excepts hand outs because i have money.. its bullshit.. short of not being able to enjoy my money at all everyone will have there hand out one day or another...

money is the devil... it ruins everything... friendships, families, realtionships, and more.. it even swell some ppl's heads so much they personnaly go to shit..

when they say money cant buy hapiness i dont believe it, but the more money more problems for sure...

white lies i tolorate but when you lie for gain, or i feel resentment, or you try to sabotage my realationship, or personnal belongings is where i cut the cord..

and because the 2 dick heads im talking about know my name on here, if you read this, i hope it was worth it, all your bullshit.. it didnt stop or slow me down, it only gave me more time and more drive to get more and get farther away from yous...

i will eventually have to delete my handel just so you fake friends cant keep tabs on what ur missing out on...


Kiss My Ring
you're whining about this like he did your girl and she told you of it.
if he/she were a 'friend' to begin with you should thank your lucky stars they even come around, shit..what I'd give for a friend around.
embrace them or eliminate them, your option.


Active member
EVERYBODY does it...so, you'll either be friendless or you can use it to your advantage. It's called "social intelligence", the ability to understand and relate to people. I know about it...but I don't have it. So, I'm a brutish oaf...but nobody pulls the wool over my eyes either. I treat everything as suspect and don't (rarely) let myself get into situations where I must rely on others. Stay independent and it's not a worry whether someone is lying of not.

Now thieves...that's a whole other matter...
lying is natural we all lie sometimes.... but some people lie every fourth word outta their mouth.... and when they lie about stupid lil' shit that means nothing to you and you know they are lying and can prove it and they just make up 10 different stories that make no sense you then begin to wonder what else they may be lying to you about and how much you really are willing to trust them, or let them know. You give chance after chance but you can only put up with so much.


lying is natural we all lie sometimes.... but some people lie every fourth word outta their mouth.... and when they lie about stupid lil' shit that means nothing to you and you know they are lying and can prove it and they just make up 10 different stories that make no sense you then begin to wonder what else they may be lying to you about and how much you really are willing to trust them, or let them know. You give chance after chance but you can only put up with so much.

i will no longer be posting up my grows, maybe under another name but in the end probly not even... check out my basement grow in the vertical thread for the couple pics ill be adding before i disappear into the shadows...

ill still be around you just wont know me as CC anymore... all the people ive spoke to on here, you are some of the most open minded, intellegent and kind people ive known.. and then others are just 14yo shit disturbers... i wish yous all the best in life. happy harvest and bountiful budz...

to all you haters, keep on doing what you do best! and ill keep doing what i do best..
liars and theives are nothing but a bunch of dirtballs. LOL