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Mites in Mom tent!!! Did I handle them right??


Just Call me Urkle!!
Ok title says it all I found mites on my Cuzin Violet mom!!! She was the only one of the 5 that moms that had them thank GOD! But I take no chances with the BORG so I killed off the mom as it would've been to hard to save. Then I sprayed EVERYTHING in my tent with Azatrol at 15ml per quart and then gave them a watering with Azatrol at 5ml a gal and THEN I sprayed the walls and floor with a bleach solution and cleaned out my trays.... I'm hoping I took the right steps cuz I can't loose the other moms as I can't reveg any of them cuz I don't have any in flower but the Cuzin Violet and my OG cut...


If you're dealing with mites you're not nearly done, I'd keep up with preventative sprayings and switch up products every few rounds. Hopefully you got em early, but expect them to come back sooner or later if you don't.


Just Call me Urkle!!
Thanks I'm on top of it for sure! I think the floated into my room from my window fan since my mom tent is in my bedroom!!! I need filters on my intake ect... I also gave my flower tent I just flipped downstairs a preventative spray down last night and my last run I had found a leaf with a few on it and hit them right away with Azatrol and they didn't come back... So cross your fingers and toes for me ICers! I can't loose my Sugar Cane Kush mom cuz I HAVE to make the F2s I promised I'd send in as freebies...


Just Call me Urkle!!
Nobody else huh? I've had mites one time before in my mom/veg cab before and Safer Brand 3 in 1 and a bleach wipe down got rid of them along with removing the mom that had em so I'm hoping I took care of the lil bastards...


Active member
they probably came in with your dog.

they brush up all into plants outdoors when they're handling their business.

pretty sure they could easily track in PM too


mites on mums are a pain, not as bad as on flowering plants though.

you have gotten a good start, but i would repeat the process 1 week after you did it again and then 4 days later 1 more time. using different product can really help. i managed to get rid of a light attack with a basin of eucalyptus oil, mineral oil, drops of soap and water in the mum cab. instead of getting worse and winning over hand they just slowly went away. first i dunked the seedlings in this mixture, but that really messed them up and killed a few before i lowered the dose. but when i just left the jug out even the un dunked plants lost the mites, when i planted them out doors months later they never got the mites back. i will certainly be testing this further.

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