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do you keep "friends" who lie to you?


Active member
EVERYONE lies to EVERYONE. Why be pissed at others lying to you? You lie to them...yes you do...we ALL lie occasionally...sadly mostly to ourselves.

It's WHAT they lie about and how often that is important. If you only had friends who NEVER lie...you'd be friendless.

El Toker

Lying is part of life. I've got a friend that I've known for 20 years who starts each lie with a cough and then another cough at the end of the sentence. He's a really shit liar, one of the reasons that I like him. They are never malicious or damaging lies.


My friends are 100% trustworthy and I trust them not to lie to me over anything important, there have been a few who have lied to me and needless to say they were told never to speak to me again.

When all your friends grow trust is paramount and lies are not acceptable , no if ands or buts.


Imagine when friends of 25 yrs lie and deceive each other, how hard would it be to trust a new acquaintance who you are trying to help who has said a few things that leave you thinking, Lying is becoming more common every day and does not seem to frowned on as much as in the past, i guess it goes with the times


Active member
i think if you know the person is a bullshitter you can work with it, its when you get blind sided by a trusted person that sucks id rather know some1 who was a liar and be prepared than not know, so i do still keep friends who bullshit. the fact i never see them doesnt come into it as i never go more than 5 foot from my grow lol


Compulsive liars are insecure. My father and his sister couldn't recognize or tell the truth. His were pedestrian lies and hers were outrageous. Both were amusing when they related thier lies and faltered at the questioning of them. He would stop talking and she would become frustrated and beligerent. More fun than reindeer games!

That behavior and other social faux paux are examples of "nature or nurture."


"Nobody likes a liar"....and I agree, a thief is even worse....

but what about COMPLAINERS!!

"I'm tired...I'm hungry....it's cold....I haven't been feeling good....so and so was given everything by their rich parents....traffic was bad..." These people complain about everything, have an excuse for everything. These people will ruin a high quick. Their negative, fast-talk trouble filled life, it's impossible to enjoy a stone around this.

Yes, there are legitimate complaints....but I find even when I have one I do not like to voice it, save people the trouble and my image as a non-complainer.


i don't need friends like that. read the 48 laws of power and detach yourself from this friendshit and utilize these people for whatever they are worth or walk away from them. if i wanted a lair in my life I'd try dating a stripper.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
there's lying and lying. some is pretty harmless and not done in a nasty way. one of my best friends would always promise that he would be turning up at 3 different parties at the same time on the same night. stuff like that because he hated just saying no. i can forgive that. i cant forgive if someone deceives me for their own personal gain. that doesnt get forgotten.
but really people in general are pretty shit and unreliable, and its taken me a long time to get used to that, because if i say i will or wont do something then that is the way it is, and i wont just make someone a promise unless i am damn sure i can keep it.

friends can be a bloody liability

i am lucky to have some very good friends, some of whom i would trust with my life, but hardly any that i would trust with my secrets.



Active member
yeah deceat for personal gain will not be tollarated at any level i dont have any1 near me who does that anymore. i dont sell my bud so im lucky enough to not have to deal with all the pricks in town. i have better ic friends than i have in my own town


have you seen my lighter?
ICMag Donor
what about deceit with the intent of avoiding the front door being rammed down with a paddy wagon parked on the lawn?

see an old friend who mentions that he hasn't been out to my place in a long while?
well, damn...new girlfriend is way bitchy about people stopping out, why don't we meet up at insert_bar_name_here instead...

i don't even have an old lady.

get the umptyteenth request score a bag of that shit that had your friend talking to a microwave for half an hour last weekend? well...damn, i might be able to get an extra 1/8th when i can finally get ahold of some more, but i can't make any guarantees

i have a cupboard full of smoke-me-and-converse-with-appliances.

within certain boundaries, i put Joe Isuzu to shame. it's kinda part of the job description - you've got two options on some things, telling them 'noneya damn business', or lie your ass off. i can respect that my friends can and may have similar circumstances in their lives....that just frankly aint really any of my damned business, either.


gdtrfb lying to keep yourself secure is totally acceptable. i have friends i trust with my life that don't know all the details because they don't need to. i'd gladly make up some shit to tell them before telling them stuff they don't need to know and these are guys that even have keys to my grow house.

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
my gf lies about such bs it amazes me.

She acts like she has to lie to make me think she is smart, but when I start questioning her she gets really pissed off. So I press on and then she starts crying an says "why do you try to make me look stupid?"

She thinks I, or anyone for that matter, will look down on her for not knowing something. She thinks its better to be confidently wrong about something and defend it to the end, than to just say "I think _____, but I'm not 100% sure"

Its like she completely abandons logic and trusts her instinct 100%. She is getting better about it though, the last time it happened she said "WILL YOU JUST APPEASE ME!??!" of which I replied "NO I WILL NOT, EVER!!"

I don't have many friends, but the ones I do have wouldn't lie, they would just say "I'd rather not say" and I respect that and don't continue dancing around the subject or keep prodding for info.


I got friends that lie or attempt to lie to me all the time. Fortunately, for me, they make good money
at their day jobs. I call these people my poker buddies.

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