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Nikon D300s or Cannon 7D?


Active member
Now I changed my mind and want a better camera and my choices are between the Nikon D300s and the Cannon 7D. I don't care about video qualities but I'm looking for the camera that'll give me some real sharp quality pics as well as moving targets too. What do other people think about these cameras?


i Am SoFaKiNg WeTod DiD
well bro i do lnow that almost every report i read on the 7d is 5 stars but ya went out of my range when ya uped it to those, i want a good cam but have no need for one like the 7d or 300. i couldnt justify myself spendin that much cash on sumthin i dont even have a real use for.lol mynes gonna be a toy to take some pics with. im sure there both great. take it easy bro


ICMag Donor
Haha! I knew you'd be moving up Snype!
You know I'm going to vote for the Canon. I'm in love with my 7D and wouldn't go back to Nikon if you paid for it for me.
I like the layout of the menus alot better. Very easy to navigate via the large LCD screen in the back.

I also think the lens catalog available to Canon users is superior by far. The body is just the start homie. Judging by how you do with seeds, you'll be addicted to buying glass soon enough.

I know you arent into the video capabilities, but its still a huge selling point. You will have this camera for years. It will get used at some point. Nice to know you can shoot full HD in 1080p @ 24 and 25fps just like many of your favorite music videos , TV shows and movies. Saturday night Live and House have already used Canon 7D's and 5Dmk 2's on several episodes.

Nikon hasn't made very many improvements to their lines in quite a while. They've been getting blown away by all the advancements Canon has made in the SLR market. The 7D and 5D have taken DSLR's to a whole new level. Theres no reason to think theyre gonna be slowing down any time soon. If I'm gonna dump several thousand bucks into a hobby for years, I'd rather go with the superior brand that is at the front of the market.

Just my opinion tho. Both are great manufacturers and you'll be very happy with whichever you decide on. Canon vs Nikon is like east vs west.

Good luck :tiphat:



Active member
Good looks on all the info Marlo! This is a tough decision cause I hear so many things about both of those cameras. The part that confused me is that Nikon has 52 points on the Auto Focus and the Cannon is a lot less. The other thing that worries me is that I read a lot of reports on both of them and a lot of people say that you have to take more pictures with the Cannon to get the perfect shot and you can take less shots with the Nikon. We're going to be doing a lot of traveling soon and I want the right camera for our needs. I want to shoot a lot of moving pictures and someone told me that because of the auto focus points on the Cannon, it'll be better with the Nikon. Right now I'm leaning more toward the Nikon but I'm still undecided. I still have to do more research. I feel you on the lenses though and there seems to be more options with the Cannons. Thanks for all the info!


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Snype I can't let this thread go by without making some kind of entry. I can not personally say anything about Nikons because I've never owned one. Been a Canon shooter for 35 years..but I've seen some excelent Nikon images. Those auto focus points for me are not an issue what-so-ever. I have mine set on the center point almost all the time as that is where I'm looking for focus. All my extreem close up and macros are manual focus all the way. some of my portrait shots are manual. I always recomend buying the most pixels you can afford cause when it comes to enlarging, prints, and macros, this is very-very useful. I love the live view feature with the large view finder on my 50D..it is excelent for composing and focusing macros. Previously un-published Cocoa Kush pic..Canon MPE 65mm lens. Good luck Bro..I'll be stepping up to that price level when my ship comes in. Look forward to seeing your pix...DD



Active member
I am a proud but unbiased member of the nikon camp. Right now I would say canon is making better equipment for the average canna photog enthusiast...
of course if you know how to use a DSLR properly you can achieve great images with both brands.

From my experience Canon has a steeper learning curve, when ever I have shot with their gear, I always felt I struggled to capture the best image that the camera was capable of producing.
Where as with Nikon I find many people take great pictures strait out of the box.

One thing I really love about Nikon is the cross compatibility with their older lenses. Those old nikkor gems of the 1960's-70's that used the F-mount can be used on modern day DSLRs.

Most of the images in my gallery were shot with a nikon D300 & D300s. The video mode in the D300s is a mere gimmick (autofocus wont focus most of the time), I get much better quality from my small flip video recorder.
I would recommend the D300 over the D300s, basically the same camera minus the video mode and only 5fps vs 7fps. If you have the money I would go with the D700 full frame fx body.

You can't go wrong either brand/model.....I would check out Bubbleman's gallery as he has some of the best images I have seen with a Canon setup.

camp nikkor ......(sorry Doobie I couldn't resist.)


shut the fuck up Donny
Realistically unless you know a lot about photography and could shoot a picture on full manual without any issue, both of these cameras are amazing, and way more then you need.

Especially when traveling, most people who aren't professional photographers prefer a high end compact super zoom. For most applications you won't be able to tell the difference between the two unless you are planning on having it printed on a blow up 16x20. In addition instead of having to lug around a big case around your shoulder, a compact high quality like the Sony Hx5v will fit in your pocket and has a zoom equivalent to around 290mm.

Bottom line: buying a professional expensive camera won't get you better pictures unless you know what your doing.

If your still set on getting one of the two, read both of the very extensive reviews below and look at the different tabs, sample shots, example of fstop variations, etc.

7D: http://www.cameralabs.com/reviews/Canon_EOS_7D/index.shtml

300s: http://www.cameralabs.com/reviews/Nikon_D300s/


Active member
Im a Nikon User I have D90 best DSLR I have Owned. Bman uses a 24mp camera with Bellows to get those Macros shots most of us dont have that kind of cash. ]

Bubbleman uses the Canon MPE-65mm lens, which shoots up to 5:1 magnification on its own(he doesn't use a bellows unit). Only his most recent pics were shot with the full frame 24mp body the majority were with the 5D mark ll, I believe. You don't necessarily need a bellows to achieve those kind results(as pictured above) if you have the right lens setup.....but you are correct either way it is usually not cheap.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I could be wrong but I could swear he said he has a bellows assembly? that 65mm Lens is the top of the line Macro Lens. Nikon does not have a lens that will do what that lens can do.


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Bottom line: buying a professional expensive camera won't get you better pictures unless you know what your doing.
Well there it is in a nut shell! ^ ^

..Dr. Know good to see you here, great image sir, and Acc great review you provided. I loved the MPE-65 but you can only shoot one kind of image with it..macro..that leaves it on the shelf most of the time. Macros are tough..no matter what you're doing sometimes you can't get consistant results.

This image of Jolly Bud was done with an old glass Canon FD 35-135mm reversed on extension tubes. Some of my better images are with this type set up...some days they are not. I do not use bellows though they would help me sometimes.

Get ready to put in some serious time if you're going to try to master macros Snype...good luck..we otta have you leaning both ways by now. DD



Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Hay DD nice Macro. I dont spend much time taking extreme macro pics. Like DD said it is very time consuming. I would take 100 pics just to get 5 that are worth keeping. I took these with a 60mm Prime macro lens. I also have reversing rings but have not been able to get any good shoots with it . I do have extension tubes if I use 2 of them I can take some awsome pics but if I add the last tube I would need to controll the environment The air thats in the room makes the subject shake





Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Nice info as I'm stuck between a rock and a hard spot on this one myself. Every time I went to purchase a camera for the last 2 weeks. I get more and more confused that it just becomes a turn off. So hopefully more info with picture demos will be put in this thread to make things a lil less complicated. Keep it rolling....


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
If your into Macro I would recommend Canon(they have the best lens for this). If your into all types of subjects including macro(not as good as Canon) I like Nikon IMO.

Good Luck bottom line you will not see a difference in pic quality using either of those cameras.


There are two good cameras, I have the 7D and I'm very happy with it. As they say the Lens and the flash are very important for macros. Sometimes it is better to invest more on the latter. Good luck with the purchase, you will enjoy any one. :tiphat:


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
i have always done well and love my fiSher Price.. :D happy Holidayze!!! peace n pufs..


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