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Celebrity Rehab...FOR WEED



Like South Park said - "Nobody gives a shit about Eric Roberts"...

His is an attention getting move, seeing how his career would have to get better to be in the toilet.

He's a no-talent, and better looking than his sister. Bad combo.

IMVHO, of course...

johnny butt

Any publicity is good publicity...

Just another paparazzi junkie...

Especially considering the fact the wife had to contact E!



Active member
Eric Roberts has been washed up for a long time now.

His only decent moment was in "The pope of Greenwich village"


Don Dump

the man doctors said would never moonwalk again
I bet he got well over $250 000 to be on that show. hell, if I remember right, they offered Artie Lange $200 000

Eric the ack-ack actor Roberts isn't stupid, thats pretty good scratch

Guest 18340

The doctor asked him how much MJ does he use a day, his answer..."I vaporize it so it's the equivalent of a joint-joint and a half a day". WTF? What a pathetic washed up waste of blood actor. Some of those people in rehab have some serious issues and this asshole is struggling to find himself from a joint a day weed habit? No wonder he's useless now. Freakin pathetic man.

Space Ghost

"He has no interest in anything, other than marijuana."

I think im addicted too!!!!! I'd better hit the betty ford clinic!

Lone Wolf

Well-known member
this show is digging deeper and deeper for people to be on it...

they fucking have keshia cole's mother on the show?!?!?!? give me a fucking break! how is SHE a celebrity??


If somebody offered me six figures to go on tv and say that sativas caused me to go behind the 7/11 and blow old business men, I'd do it tomorrow. I'd be crying and everything.

Don't hate the player. Maybe Julia is a bit tight with her cash.


Anyone seeing this as a way to make the public look at cannabis smokers as sickly addicted and unable to care for themselves, a burden to society?

Just so you know over there in America, the debate surrounding medical cannabis has taken a rather unexpected turn in Europe. There is a law suggestion up for consideration in Norway for example where repeated cannabis users would be forced into a govt run detox program instead of being subjected to lawful prosecution these users would be put in a category where the medical apparatus takes care of them as if they were addicted and unable to care for themselves. As if they were in need of medical attention.

Be careful over there in America so they dont use medical cannabis as a pretense to take away your rights in the judicial system and treat you as if you were sickly burdens to society.

Green lung

Active member
Huh....Roberts....who is this guy, never heard of him. Vaporize a joint a day:cry:, gimmi a break this guys a light weight!


Active member
And Dr. Drew is just the snake oil pusher to make the case for cannabis addiction. This guy is a major quack. He was a joke on Love Line, and he is a joke now.
He has been pushing the no responsible us of MJ bullshit for years.

Did I say Dr. Drew is a quack. Just wanted to be clear.


Cautiously Optimistic
Dr. Drew has quite an impressive resume. I'd hardly call him a quack. And who is anyone to say that Roberts isn't/wasn't mentally addicted? People can abuse and get addicted to just about anything. There's a thread on here where people are talking about how they've smoked for over a decade and can't imagine taking a break or suffering symptoms when they were forced to. Sounds like addiction to me.


Active member
Dr. Drew has quite an impressive resume. I'd hardly call him a quack. And who is anyone to say that Roberts isn't/wasn't mentally addicted? People can abuse and get addicted to just about anything. There's a thread on here where people are talking about how they've smoked for over a decade and can't imagine taking a break or suffering symptoms when they were forced to. Sounds like addiction to me.

The ability to stop smoking weed upon the drop of a hat is hardly an addiction imo. I'd say the bum who can't afford to eat, but when asked what he wanted 5 min ago, when I went to the corner store, is a bottle of Wild Rose(cheap alcohol)... has an ADDICTion.
And the only symptom of not smoking I've ever "suffered" was knowing I could, but shouldn't, and being depressed due to the fact for maybe the first 2-3 days.... and dreaming again at night.
Now I'm not saying this guy, whoever he is, on whatever show he's on, isn't addicted... But I'm sure if he wanted/had a reason to, stop smoking he could. I'm also sure they've given him a hefty payout to play out this "addiction" for the show.
Nonetheless, it gives a bad connotation to marijuana for the non-educated public on the matter.


Cautiously Optimistic
The ability to stop smoking weed upon the drop of a hat is hardly an addiction imo. I'd say the bum who can't afford to eat, but when asked what he wanted 5 min ago, when I went to the corner store, is a bottle of Wild Rose(cheap alcohol)... has an ADDICTion.
And the only symptom of not smoking I've ever "suffered" was knowing I could, but shouldn't, and being depressed due to the fact for maybe the first 2-3 days.... and dreaming again at night.
Now I'm not saying this guy, whoever he is, on whatever show he's on, isn't addicted... But I'm sure if he wanted/had a reason to, stop smoking he could. I'm also sure they've given him a hefty payout to play out this "addiction" for the show.
Nonetheless, it gives a bad connotation to marijuana for the non-educated public on the matter.

Mental addiction is different than physical addiction but equally as serious. Winos give a bad connotation to wine. What are you gonna do?


Active member
Mental addiction is different than physical addiction but equally as serious.

Well in that case, I'm addicted to money, sex, and caramel frappes from McDonald's. Which brings us to the point of which addictions are feasible to live with, and not. Marijuana is an addiction that is feasible for some, and not for others, I guess. Point being, the word addiction seems to have a bad connotation all together. As Americans we seem to over indulge in everything, and are addicted to more than we seem to realize. Some addictions(marijuana here) being treated as worse than others, and publicly displayed on a show such as this one, is just bad for our stand in legalization though... and I wouldn't be one to agree in supporting it. :ying:

Anyway, did I ever mention how much I hate cable television these days.:moon:


Active member
^true id easily say im addicted to marijuana but compared to other drugs its nothing. if i cant smoke i just get a short temper and hyperactivity but its not that bad....eventually everything mellows out. MJ definately has no serious withdrawel symptoms...ive quit a bunch of times after smoking for a year straight..like i said i take a two week break every year in japan where its impossible to smoke weed...and i never have any serious symptoms. i still end up having a good time and probably get more shit done lol....last trip was insane i was up until 4am almost everynight travelling all over the city by foot and train....way more productivity than if i was smoking bud.

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