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please help good picks and info to go buy


Active member

soil temp 68.3

food all organic,worm castings compost peat

temp and info of grow area


Active member
okay what do the plants look like? as for the grow area 84 is warmer than you should be without CO2 and you have a large temp swing from 84-57.

ya as said bellow me tip burn.
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Active member

Ok this is a clone of the same strain and nothing.Also you can see the leaves bent down they went to biger grow bags the other night and it looks like some shock going on to me.
Also the leaves that have the brown spots are very dry and brital.A few weeks ago they looked great they are AK-47.A have two ChemSour that looked like hell 2 weeks ago and it was a cal/mag thing now they look beter that the AK-47s.
They have ben undeer 400watt MH for 2 weeks from clones and they where starting to have this problem a week ago.They are under a 1000 watter as of the other dayset at 30 inches above plants and the spots are getting worse on 3 plants the others look good just a little shock.

I hope the info and picks help.I need a POT doctor:dunno:


Active member
I dont think its over watering thats one thing I never do,I will flush the 3 plants now.So the leaves that are curling down thats from the over ferting to its not the shock of the repoting?
Thanks guys:tiphat:


Yo dude. I've heard a lot of people say that 60 should really be the minimum temp you go down to.

Although my grow buddy reckons it's 70 degrees. I'm trying to get the night time temps up to 70 degrees to prevent lockout. Think some of the brown stuff ur geting could maybe maybe be the start of phosphorous lockout due to low temps.

Dude im subscribing to this because I really wanna learn more about stuff like this.

Peace out


Active member
I tested the water after it had ben run threw the soil it was 6.5 .I flushed all the plants very well so we shall see in 48 hours whats funny I had just got four clones that looked ruff yellow saging fed them the same food same time and the yellow is gone the sag is gone and the are nice and green and look great.This stuff is not easy.
70 deg to me sounds pritty good on soil temps.


"Tibet freedom"
Yo dude. I've heard a lot of people say that 60 should really be the minimum temp you go down to.

Although my grow buddy reckons it's 70 degrees. I'm trying to get the night time temps up to 70 degrees to prevent lockout. Think some of the brown stuff ur geting could maybe maybe be the start of phosphorous lockout due to low temps.

Dude im subscribing to this because I really wanna learn more about stuff like this.

Peace out

i had this problem years ago , :headbange that get u confuse when u have it. is like a problem of fe your leaf start to put white for the center , and it´s no def if not block becose down temp.

this is what i think , no sure...

emerald city

Everyone finds thier own style of growing that works for them,that said...Ive always had more luck useing chem ferts over "organic"....For me thier much easier to track as to how much your feeding and whats available to the plants...Some organic nutes take time to break down and become available to the roots for uptake.......Also try to keep enviroment as stable as possible.Try to keep temps over 65 under 80 .Are you keeping track of EC/ph readings??...What about your water supply etc..


Active member
Water is all good Im looking at info on what is best ec meter or ppm for organic some are saying neather will meashure organic.
So im lost.Anyone know this EC or PPM for organic liq. ferts thanks all:tiphat: