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Information from your government!


Mitch Connor

It wasn't any of their fault they smoked weed when they were at a very influential developing age. It is the weeds fault.

It wasn't their fault they didn't know how to handle the effects weed has on inexperienced users. It is the weeds fault.

It still isn't their fault they aren't capable of indulging in any sort of legal/non-legal substance, because of their past traumas with irresponsible drug use. It is the weeds fault.

This is why people under 18 shouldn't take a still moderately dangerous substance and excessively indulge.

Want to fix problems like this? End prohibition, and become better parents to your kids. Help them realize the potential danger of anything that is abused and not kept in moderation.

Any type of drug should not be used by anyone who isn't responsible enough to deal with the inherit consequences that may or may not come with its use.


Active member
I wouldn't be surprised if most of these are simply written by Harper's paid internet trolls.

Look at this one (7th from bottom):

How Much is too extreme?

Atlantic Canada

My friends are into the drug culture, I've tried to help them but they think it is "extreme". Now I wonder will i Ever Be extreme, and can i ever help them?

Help a Friend
Get Help

The "Help a Friend" and "Get Help" are bullet pointed links to sections of the site -- pure site promotion. There's no way that's a genuine post and I suspect most of the posts there are plants as well. Your tax dollars at work.
What rubbish.

Notice the "choices" made by these "so called" submitters.

Clearly they chose narcissism over personal responsibility. They still don't take responsibility for their actions and blame it all on the "weed". Idiots!

That has NOTHING to do with the consumption of cannabis rather the way they were "raised" by their parents. Or the lack of raising I should say.

Self centred me generation kids...


Active member
The one I read... depicted kids who were 13 years old..smoking joints before school.. in THERE GRANDMOTHER'S BATHROOM WHAT IN THE FLYING FUCK IS THAT. and they got caught in the end because.. of "my friend had 2,6 " that's a big bottle of booze and then my dad got so sad he didn't talk to me for 3 days and then took my cellphone away. No one looks at me the same. WOW>> Parents of the fucking year. The post alludes to this kid at 13 fucking years old.. staying out till 4am piss drunk and sleeping outside cause he/she was so high and drunk. Either.. this is the biggest embellishment by a kid.. or the Government pays idiots to write the worst stories they can think of.

Utter disbelief to there being ANY TRUTH at this site.

Guest 150314

"if you have drugs everyday you can die and get sick"

"a few months ago, there where these kids doing these drugs in my tree fort"

and my favourite

"I was writing a piece of music and decided my best kush would release the talent with in"

The story about the kid who does "extasy" with his dad 4 or 5 times daily is a laugh. None of these kids can express themselves in proper english, clearly the drugs have taken a toll...
These idiots need to learn how to form basic sentences and spell at a 4th grade level before they can recite anecdotal evidence about the effects of marijuana.

Look at the "Drug Facts" page. Also very lolz worthy. Apparently, marijuana can lead to drowsiness and increased appetite. Holy fuck, weed makes you sleepy and hungry? What a revelation, ban this substance immediately!
"I was only 13 and my bf was telling me to try marijuana so i did and to my surprise i liked it! Then my friend told me to shoot up heroin i tried and I almost died. It was a good thing they missed my vein. I had an allergic reaction to heroin. From that day forward i promised my bf i would never do drugs again. I'm 18 now and I'm getting married and I'm pregnant with a baby girl. My life is much better now that I'm drug free."

Definitely my favourite story that was posted. I love when people establish a false equivalency between marijuana and hard drugs like heroin.

Guest 150314

Yay I am 18 and have a baby my life is so much better now that I quit marijuana!

teemu shalanie

WeeDGamE StannisBaratheoN
these were clearly written by little lab rats, being graded in some kinda elementary school contest , in my opinion this is a very good argument for why Cannabis should be made outright 100% legal in canada so so all this poor children wont be subjected to all the horrors of smoking weed. Once legal and regulated like alcohol it would make it a little bit harder to gain access to. If health Canada actually cared about the health of Canadians They would make tabacco illegal and we would all be on a tabacco growing site.......lol
peace TS


Active member
government comes from 2 latin words "governe" and "mente" meaning control minds, peace, d
Haha once again I am a little late.

But holy fucking hell, who do they think is honestly going to read this and believe it?

I tried dope and then heroine? Like come on, I have been smoking since I was 15 " to younger but whatever" and I HAVE NEVER CROSSED THE NEEDLE OR CRACK LINE EVER!

Only think that weed maybe moved me up to was zoomers, but more then half the kids that did mush didn’t smoke weed... so funny, Harper is a piece of work.

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
those posts are some funny a$$ $hyt.

Its interesting to note that most of the stories mention drinking along with their immature irresponsible behavior and then they end the story with something along the lines of don't do drugs, drugs ruined my life, weed is evil.

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