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new grow box made from recycled wood


ok, this was my first time making a box, so it may be a little shwaggy, but, i am happy with it so far, and about 100 percent of it was made from old wood in my back yard,and some we found out back of a wherehouse, (i sprayed some strong bug killer on all the wood as to not take any chances), any feedback or help would be great, so anyway, my friend and i picked up this wood skeleton box we found and took it to my place, all i had to do was put the walls, and the floor, and seal it tightly, i put a fart fan that i bought from home depot, in the bottom left, front corner, and put the exhaust port in the top right back corner, wrapped everything in the black/white plastic i got from the hydro store, white inside, black outside, put velcro all around the front so i could get in and out, caulked the crap out of all the wood seams, and cracks, put my 400 hps cut holes for electric and co2, and shabam!, i have a grow box, that didnt cost me hardly anything., and my girls seem very happy in their new home.the only thing i dont like so far is it got 2 hot even though i have a fan blowing back and forth, and an intake fan with a 4 inch air pipe for the exhaust.so i think im going to pick up some dry ice.:dance013:


weed fiend
Your fan needs to be mounted on the exhaust. If it's a 4" fan, you'll need two 4" holes for passive intake.


ya, im sorry, i messed up on the pics, i will see if i can fix that, and thank u to disco biscut, i am going to put a fan on the exhaust and see if that will hold a comfortable temp., i added some dry ice last night, and checked a few hours later , humid. was at 46, and temp was at 84, so it seems to have worked somewhat., but i cant keep buying dry ice, at a dollar a lbs.,


hey DiscoBiscut, what do u mean by passive intake?, i have been reading and watching you tube vids on venting but i havent heard that term, i am trying to learn everything i can, in prep. for next summer, last summer was brutal, i ended up frying my banana kush , and dont want to make the same mistake,


Passive intake simply refers to an intake with no powered fan. I have found it way more important to have fans exhausting then intaking, as the exhaust fans will suck the air in the passive intakes, but will be less likely to push are out of a passive exhaust.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Negative Pressure for Dummies

Passive intake is what guarantees negative pressure. Negative pressure, along with proper scrubbing, prevents smell escaping the cab.

You can do powered intakes but, you have to REALLY know you're stuff as intake fans are the fastest way to positive pressure which spreads your smell far and wide.


cool, thanks for the input everyone, i had alot bigger fish 2 fry with stabilizing my temps, and pH, not to mention my nute being to high or to low, and the pH locking out nutes to the point that my whole tree was pale yellow,. my temps were going from 85 down to 51, (poor things), anyway so now that i have these under control, i can start working on the neg. pressure, and smell control.


thanks Disco, i actually have them on 24/7 but i think i figured out what to do temporarily, i just leave the front open just a bit, and its been keeping them between 67 and 87, with 45-50 humid., but i still need to do it right, for a more permanent solution., here is a peek at them after a few days of bein in the box,


and this is what they looked like in the open loop, so yellow, poor things, freezing at night at 51-55 degrees
and get up to 85-90 in the day, weather has been pretty crazy,