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9kw basement couple pics (old past grow)

200 whiteberries vegged about 3 weeks flowered for 56days,

light cycle of 13light 11dark.

ferts: a secret

3 gallon bags half full of bcuzz hydromix. watered by hand only when needed.

this room was so full they had to move plants out and then back in for watering daily.. all done by hand.

shitty shelves around the outside and built up inbetween the rows of lights. i had 5 1/2 hps and 3 mh. one hps ballast kept overheating and would turn on and off randomly. that one in the center of the room.. the lights were in 3 rows of 3 like a tic tac toe game lol..

average temps sat around 90deg f and humidity sat around 70% with lights on and 60% with lights off. the high heat created some trouble near the end with a little botaryris mould. there were 2 dehumidifers which ran at night to keep temps from dropping and the 10000btu ac ran constant as a dehumidifer during lights on.

the plants began there flush a little too early and the little leaves that would turn yellow and die had to be plucked daily, or the dampness would rot em.

alot of work, alot of learning, and a 3000$ investment of mostly used equipment. netted 13.5 and i lost about 10 beautiful tops to mould. probly would have finished around 14 or 14.5 max.
the average plant was 30grams dry.

not quite vertical but a mix of shelves and vert lighting.
enjoy the view i know i did.. :)
take care folks CC


love it.

Handwatered taking plants in and out? That sounds like an insane amount of work.


few questions if I may...

how did the plants under the bottom of the lights perform? do you feel they got the same intensity of the ones to the sides of the lamps?

were the lights movable up/down? and did you move them?

Did you get lots of popcorn buds?

yes handwatered moved in and out daily, at least the ones in the bottom of the rows. they werent replaced in any particular order, so they made there way around and didnt have specific spots.
the lights are never in the same place. they are on cables on the ceilings for side to side movement and hang on chains for height adjustments.
the bags were well rounded in the end. the bottoms were not trimmed or bagged they were made into 300 beautiful grams of ice hash, leafs are frozen right away and not dried. this method reaps nicer glands with less stalks. very stony hash, that never has a problem sticking ;)


all looks like it was a good run i just did a run with those bags and was suprised at how well they did well keep up the good work.
those gro bags are perfect. cheap, take up no space and are easy to wash. shove em all under water in a barrel for a day and replant.

thanks for the compliments.
back at it again.

back at it again.

next run same basement,

200 m39, 9kw, only 6 in the pics but itll be added on day 10 of flower after final plant positioning,

the plants in these pics are the day before the flip to flowering. they were not prunned or emptied yet of bottom growth. this was done on day 5 of flowering. there are also more shelves set up and there is no longer a flat area like pictured.

the updates will keep coming. they are at day 7 of flowering


Active member

I thought that, poutine, and bagged milk were Canadian staples, eh?

Just kidding. I'm a big fan of REAL m39 when it's taken long enough and not pumped full of chems and cut 2 weeks early, although the stuff you canucks call "Freezeland" was the bane of my existence before I started growing. I've actually still got a SK1xNL5 cut that I haven't grown out in some time, not M39 but similar enough I reckon.

Anyways, everything is looking just plain grimy in there CC...in a good way of course lol..., keep up the great (hard!) work :tiphat:
yes m39's and yes hard work, lonely grower lol.. handwatered. if i had someone to work beside me i coulda cloned the branches i trimmed off. i got them stored in my fridge but i wont have the time to clone em all. or at all for that matter. easily 1500 beautiful clones, not scrawny shit...

as for the grimy comment,, hella yea, it is dirty in there,, i am fighting spider mites, powder mildew, and the mosaic virus.. i was gonna throw all these plants in the river about a month ago but decided to run them out.. i got ever thing under control but its still a battle non the less. youll see in the next batch of pics that the room is better built now and a hella lot cleaner... more air flow and a clean floor..
take care. and happy growing..


Active member
:laughing: I meant "grimy" as in "dirty," and I meant "dirty" as in "sick," but I meant "sick" in a good way. As in, "I'm okay, but my watch is sick." Get what I'm saying?
vag puncher, sorry nothing personnal there is no indifferent rep lol.. like i said i dont care for 39 either but it was that or start later, or grow a sativa deal with stretch and finish later. i wanted to get something going cause its better than an empty room.

250w, those pics are a little old but the room is acually 3 stadiums side by side, 3k each. 2 hps and 1mh. ill have more pics up soon..

i got beans popping now. pure power plant from nirvana seeds, and LA confidential from dna. thanks nirvana seed bank. ill have pics of the seedling and there growth up soon.

happy gardening all...

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