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H3ad's Casey Jones

johnny butt

Found these girls from a 14 pack... Detailed thread in the CJ grow along, but I figure that thread in heads forum slips under the radar for a lot of you. So here's a repost.

I ended with 9 females from a 14 seed pack. All killer, and have 4 that I've singled out for another grow off to really nail in that keeper. Here's a couple pics from my two grows with these great plants. Killer funky, petrol, lemon, pine, skunk smells.

Some were exposed to cold temps this last round and have turned some beautiful colors...




A different more thai expression

A very trich covered, sour diesel looking pheno... She didn't quite have the smell though. This plant was tossed and not kept for a second run, if that gives you an idea of the quality this pack put out for me... :moon:

Another non-keeper, but awesome plant. no discernable main stem with lots of branching and golf ball sized nugs on the end of each branch. Great smoke, just found stinkier phenos :tiphat:


Great smoke, great genetics, great experience with gratefulh3ad seeds...

End it up with some dry shots...


And there were a few bananas, most were sterile, the ones that weren't gave me some extra beans. Nothing crazy or unmanageable, and I'm always like a few extra high quality beans.... Should be fem too :)


johnny butt

Not sure, but she is one of the stinkier ones, great bud formation, good stretch. One of the gems in my pack for sure, and the color doesn't hurt one bit :moon:


That second dry shot looks like my winner from a couple years ago. Gorgeous!

Can't wait until h3ad's next drop...

Space Ghost

don't lie to yourself, you know the keeper this very moment but it is fun to give all the winners a second run! The first one looks to be an adequate yielder too which is always nice. Great pics and plants!


HOLY SHIT JOHNNY BUTT!! Those are some beautiful buds! I just told my girl the other day I was done buying seeds for a while oooops I lied, those just topped my to buy list. Much respect to HEAD for this creation, its a work of art I can only imagine how it smokes.

johnny butt

Thanks guys, really appreciate all the good vibes :tiphat: The looks are good, but the smells are out of this world.

I think I might know the keeper, but they are all so damn pretty, I don't wanna see any of them go to the BIN!!! :wave:

Can't go wrong with these beans, especially when 14 come in a pack. I never expected to get 9 ladies, it's overwhelming!

Mud Man

Sumthink Stinks
looks crazy.... i hope to find Casey soon, i know she is close, i can feel her >>> er hrmmm .
Stray cats running all over the streets... Stay smoking poyple casey


Active member
Beautiful plants j.b.! Kind of caught on to the Casey Jones thing a little late, but it's one I'm definitely hoping to get my hands on seed-wise.
I see crosses with her, but nothing from Head seeds. Will these be released again?

johnny butt

Thanks everyone!

Straight black leaves, petrol, lemon, skunk funk, a great great plant

Glad to see she is getting the attention this strain deserves.

Look for H3ad seeds to have another drop at the beginning of the new year. At least I think that's what I heard, I was smoking some CJ at the time :dance013:

Play around in his subforum for a bit and you're sure to stumble onto it...~!


Awesome looking plants! From looking at what you decided not to keep its not hard to see that you have some quality plants on your hands

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