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3600 watts, BogBubble, SSSDHxG13, Bluberry F3, V-Kush, PowerP...


Paint Your DreamStrain
Son, in case you didn't know, when you click on those tiny images in your posts, they get bigger.

Super top notch state of the art buddage right there!


Active member
i do realise that but the mag has made me squeeze them down to 800x800 tops. the photos were originally over 5000 pixels wide!! 1.2 meg a pic!! :D
can anyone see these??
oh-ya! very nice. can see all your pics. some other pics people put up I cant see sometimes, just little boxes with a red x in them. so I asked the IT guy at my work about it he said I need to go update my java? havent tried it yet so not sure if thats what it is or not? not much of a computer guy so I dont know, but yes I can see you pics, what version of windows do you have?


Hiya Son of a Batch,
Looks lovely. That is one beautiful Blueberry, nice sativa pheno. Is that a DJ short or DutchPassion one? All looks really healthy.
And ready before christmas... sweet.


Active member
Blaze Always been a fan of yours... glad you could make it over ;) The blueberry is beatiful uisn't she, not a high yielder but definitly worth keeping!


daoboxer I'm not sure of the genetics as they were f3 freebies. The look like dj short's but I couldn't be certain!


Well-known member
Merry Christmas. Looks very good, Ill like to taste that Blueberry at christmas day, while i open my present yum yum, ;)


Active member
alfie - cheers, wish you all the best with your endeavour!

- Merry Christmas to you too!! Can't wait until she's down and dry!

- Thanks for stopping by. The Tropf system was your inspiration!!


Active member
wow.. beautiful plants!

are you using all 56 blumats off one rez?

yes were using 1 200 litre rez for all the drippers it works very nice when its all set up cleanly and not tampered with, on this mixed room we had some issues due to removing about 10 or 15 males putting the spare drippers into another pot this seemed to unbalance the system somewhat and had problems with over and under watering.. but when all are set up from the go and not touched they work like a dream! :rasta:
those bogbubbles and the powerplants look really great son!
what was your had the most flavor out of everything, and what do you think is the most potent?


looking awesome in here. i have yet to acquire a ring flash, i hear they make a big difference. pics look pretty good. subbed for this one. nice flavors!
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pukka..what u pulling from this method? colours are lovely on them buds