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have a job interview in 10 hours. for a shit job.


Don't want to go, but need the money. Isn't that the worst? You have all the nerves (at least I do) involved in selling yourself to some stranger, with the potential reward as something that sucks (ie, shit job).



Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
I hate shit jobs, working for other people, busting my ass to make someone else rich. I will never work for anyone else as long as I live, only to serve my clients and myself no matter what the business.

If I am broke I don't discriminate, up is up. I would take a shit job in a heartbeat. Lay some sod? Show up to the dairy plant at 3:30am riding a bike uphill with one peddle in winter gear on in the middle of july? I have done it all, from parking ramp booths to valet parking. The day I had a cheese knot to big for my pocket I quit my job and never looked back. 1 successful gorilla grow and never fell off since.

My advice is do what you got to do to see better days, stack your money and plan for the future. Could be shittier at least you have an interview, others would kill for just that.


Active member
We all know how you feel. Everyone has been there at one point or another. It's just a means to an end. Not a career.

I have been working a shit job for years now due to the economy, and you just start getting numb to it all. I try and do my best, even though my heart is not in it. Try and pull some silver lining out of that dark cloud.

Times will be better my friend. Don't you worry.


I hate shit jobs, working for other people, busting my ass to make someone else rich. I will never work for anyone else as long as I live, only to serve my clients and myself no matter what the business.

If I am broke I don't discriminate, up is up. I would take a shit job in a heartbeat. Lay some sod? Show up to the dairy plant at 3:30am riding a bike uphill with one peddle in winter gear on in the middle of july? I have done it all, from parking ramp booths to valet parking. The day I had a cheese knot to big for my pocket I quit my job and never looked back. 1 successful gorilla grow and never fell off since.

My advice is do what you got to do to see better days, stack your money and plan for the future. Could be shittier at least you have an interview, others would kill for just that.
Thanks man. It's a warehouse job. I'm more of a book nerd than a manly man, and my resume reflects it. I have no business getting this even menial job. I won't fit in at all at work. I'm wearing a suit. Maybe that's a dumb idea?

I think the main goal of every thinking man is self-employment eventually. I ran into some family medical issues recently, which leaves me 20 grand to my name, plus student loan debt. Basically starting over in life with a shit resume. My dream is to be a grower again. I'm scared; "the game" was easy when it was amongst friends. I don't have any contacts in the game anymore. Working with strangers sounds nuts.

Tough stuff, but I have my health and a functioning "lil ambition," so it could be worse.

Best to you and yours.


Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
I worked a warehouse job myself, and I am more of the computer nerd type rather then hammer and nails. I put on a full suit for the job interview to, scored the job and it was great for 1.5 years. I made ok money, and it was a stepping stone to where I am now. Learned alot about myself there, was overall a good experience. Not to mention a few friends were made. My job did however involve HEAVY use of computers, and I was supposed to do NO heavy lifting. (unions don't like you lifting/taking their work) I did bust out a sweat even with the cake job, I have a hard time not giving 110%. I am an all or nothing type of guy, which ultimatley lead to the loss of the job to, nothing lol


you got 20 grand?
I'd invest in a grow op and never work for someone else ever again.
that's a perfect amount for a nice op.
just enough to get you by for 2 harvest with rent and all.


I worked a warehouse job myself, and I am more of the computer nerd type rather then hammer and nails. I put on a full suit for the job as well, scored the job and it was great for 1.5 years. I made ok money, and it was a stepping stone to where I am now. Learned alot about myself there, was overall a good experience. Not to mention a few friends were made.
That is awesome to hear man. Thanks for sharing your wisdom with me.
you got 20 grand?
I'd invest in a grow op and never work for someone else ever again.
that's a perfect amount for a nice op.
just enough to get you by for 2 harvest with rent and all.
20 grand with no mortgage or anything else save a cheap car. I can see starting a grow op with 20 grand just for supplies and electric, but 20 grand for everything? Growing medium-scale or bigger in a rental is completely and utterly insane in every state short california and colorado, and rent in those two places are incredibly high. Moreover, I hear horror stories of people not being able to move stuff over there it's so saturated.


el dub

$1000/month rent for six months. (Plus first and last.)

I think it could be done. Especially if you work any job while getting started.



Active member
20 grand with no mortgage or anything else save a cheap car. I can see starting a grow op with 20 grand just for supplies and electric, but 20 grand for everything? Growing medium-scale or bigger in a rental is completely and utterly insane in every state short california and colorado, and rent in those two places are incredibly high. Moreover, I hear horror stories of people not being able to move stuff over there it's so saturated.

Michigan, you can rent a whole house for 500-600 a month.
Get your paper work in order and you're safe as in CA or CO.
20 grand would float you for a year in MI without a single dollar coming in.


funny how many people will take any job they can get thur hands on_ while others wont settle for less..rather not work a low paying job and bitch that they have to work a crappy job etc. this day in age people that once was making 50-100,000 a year are now flipping burgers or working for the man instead of being the man. times are tough and some times you gotta take what you can get..beats not working at all!


stone fool
Ambition, for a shitty job, humorous irony. My first hourly job, 41 years ago, was shitty too. I earned $1.15 per hour to shovel chicken shit at an egg farm. And they fired me after a week cause I would not cut my hair short to shovel shit.

All work has merit, and can teach you lessons you need in life, and working is it's own reward as well. Good luck.
everyone I work with bitches about how much they hate their yobs but they never work together to do a damn thing better...I don't complain I just get it done...

I don't expect anyone else to pay me what I'm worth except myself.
Right now I have a little bit of paper so I'm not trippin' but if shit hit the fan and it was me needing money for food. No way would I put that responsibility in the hands of someone else.

In time you'll know what to do...it may not be 200 plants in an apartment but maybe even something guerilla or at least something supplemental...come on all the "success and wealth" books stress how rich people never just have one stream of income, they setup income from all sides. The 9-5 should never be your only source period.

Luckily I don't feel the need to be rich, I just want to get my bills paid and maybe find something fun to do with out worry.


Active member
get that job and keep it,where im at the job market is less than dismal.
since you dont have a job now and its just gonna get worst from here take it.
if you end up working there for a while just think of it as buisness school your learning the in's and outs of the manufacturing or shipping industry,its a hands on education and your getting paid for it and if you decide to open your own buisness you see what works and what doesnt.


Active member
Thanks man. It's a warehouse job. I'm more of a book nerd than a manly man, and my resume reflects it. I have no business getting this even menial job. I won't fit in at all at work. I'm wearing a suit. Maybe that's a dumb idea?

This is all I needed to read. The second you start thinking that you're better than X job is the second that you need to reevaluate why you're in the position you're in.

I can guarantee that my resume probably outshines a lot of folks' here and IRL, and I've had some fucking awful jobs at times just to pay the bills. I've gone from 60k+ to grocery bagger wages for months at a time in the past, and it sucked, but it was necessary. Get real dude, and grow up.


If you are offered the job and I hope you are, snap it up straight away.

Warehouse work is a doddle and you will soon get used to the heavy lifting, think of as getting paid to workout.

Find your own system of managing stock and keep pestering the boss to send co-fund you on any course related to the job.
Having a menial job looks a lot better than gaps in your employment on your CV.

I started out part time in a warehouse years ago within 2 months I was made full a year later I quit when they refused me a pay rise.
2 weeks after that they were at my front door begging me to come back on MY terms.

Work hard and make yourself an asset to the company and you will be rewarded..


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
It's good to work a few shitty jobs when your younger. It makes you appreciate a good job when you get one or work harder to get a better job.

I washed cars at Toyota place one summer while transferring colleges. That job made sure that I finished up school strong and worked my ass off when I got the job I have now. I never wanted to do anything like that again.


Active member
My last job paid me 50k+ a year and my current job is paying minimum wage. Sometimes you just gotta bite the bullet and do what you've got to do. I think it's best to look forward to any job as an opportunity to learn and grow. Do the best you can and keep looking for something better, at some point the economic tide is going to turn in the right direction and you'll find a job you really want.

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