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Male to female % rates ...



My Latest Experiment:

Strain: Whitaker Blues

Took 2 months to sex. 4 girls and 6 boys.

I expected to get higher female numbers from this strain,
as it took forever to sex. First plant to show was a female.
3 seeds sewn in 18oz cups. 7 seeds sewn in 9oz cups. I
wanted males, but my experiment somewhat backfired on
me. All 3 in the larger cups were male. 4/7 in the 9oz cups
were female. I was expecting the limited root space to pro
duce more males. That didn't happen. Of the 6 males, 1 of
them is particularly special as it smells of fine sweet wine.
They were all subjected to light stresses towards the end.
I gave them varying light cycles to promote sexing. Seeds
sewn at the same time took half as long to sex and had a
much higher female to male ratio. So, I got more males but
not like I thought I would. The girls were in the small cups.

What was the lesson?


Active member
Having moved to thailand i can no longer use my 64 ft polytunnel in kent uk
Was ideal for selection .
Being virtualy 12/12 here i can only really test buy planting outside and letting them go all the way.
So i now have 2 seperate regimes indoor under lights and outside .A


I've usually experienced about 60/40 female to male ratio but I remember Mandala Hashberry=almost all males! Never seen it before but 9/10 male.


Active member
well its pretty much confirmed

well its pretty much confirmed

It appears from the info we have here that excess male ratio are predetermined,in the strains that do this .
I strongly suspect that back crossing with original maleparent can cause double male dominancy.
For example if strain is true 50/50 m/f the double male dominancy would cause 75% males.
The strains i used were initially 60% female.
which gives 70% male with double male dominancy.A


Just something Ive noticed, all DJs strains Ive ran were dominated 70% by males.

Donald Mallard

el duck
Just something Ive noticed, all DJs strains Ive ran were dominated 70% by males.
Dont forget we need to run at least 100 samples at least to forumlate % ..
some interesting stuff to read through here , ive been reading slowly through the papers kopite posted and advise others to have a look also ,, some interesting info ...


Hello Donald:tiphat: Seems to be some interesting posts on this one.
I see Doc and Fresh genetics have something in common with me.
Ok first question is out of all these posts who is growing IBL's or Landraces ???

Ok here is a little observation of mine that I have noticed, yes Donald I do know it has to be 100 +....lol

Ok with my IBL lines that date back to the 80's I have always got 70-80% fems, no hermies or fems used.
With landraces it is around the same.
But this year for the first time since 95 I did hybrids and I did find a drop in this percentage, with Mango Haze giving me only 4 females out of 10, but this was the worst. Plus I did stress all the new strains that I am growing quite bad as I was looking for hermies and yes I found a couple of them as well.
As suggested starting seed in the right conditions can and as I believe does affect the outcome of the percentage.

Donald Mallard

el duck
Hello Donald:tiphat: Seems to be some interesting posts on this one.
I see Doc and Fresh genetics have something in common with me.
Ok first question is out of all these posts who is growing IBL's or Landraces ???

Ok here is a little observation of mine that I have noticed, yes Donald I do know it has to be 100 +....lol

Ok with my IBL lines that date back to the 80's I have always got 70-80% fems, no hermies or fems used.
With landraces it is around the same.
But this year for the first time since 95 I did hybrids and I did find a drop in this percentage, with Mango Haze giving me only 4 females out of 10, but this was the worst. Plus I did stress all the new strains that I am growing quite bad as I was looking for hermies and yes I found a couple of them as well.
As suggested starting seed in the right conditions can and as I believe does affect the outcome of the percentage.

hi kanga ,, ive grown all types ,, landraces ,, inbred lines , hybrids ,, sativas and indica , and good number of all ,, and found unless there was latent intersexed genetics (or visually present) the typical ratio was 50/50 , thereabouts ...

im betting if you get your seeds tested in many other varied locations and grow conditions other than yours , if you are getting 80% females , then youll find there is latent intersexed genetics , in the indoor growrooms they will present themselves .

...>>>>>But this year for the first time since 95 I did hybrids and I did find a drop in this percentage, with Mango Haze giving me only 4 females out of 10, but this was the worst

much respect kanga , while you say you understand the need for at least 100 subject to represent a % , i cant see how 4 females out of ten counts ... this is not 40% , it is 4 out of 10 ...


Active member
hmmm uk ?

hmmm uk ?

Just something Ive noticed, all DJs strains Ive ran were dominated 70% by males.
Thanks Sick ,interesting about 14 years ago i gave a friend a cut of my 1 of my mothers super potent 60 days mass resin ,being the one from the 70% male ratio .
Well this quite well known person went and sold it to a seed company ,yes greed again.
I will have to check out DJs look at their strains.
Lol as with all females nothing is certain especially when stressed.A


"much respect kanga , while you say you understand the need for at least 100 subject to represent a % , i cant see how 4 females out of ten counts ... this is not 40% , it is 4 out of 10 ... "

So what you are saying is I need to put in 100 Mango Hazes to give you a proper %. Not 10 or 15 of different strains.
Because if this is the case then this is where we differ because I count the total # of females of all strains and then work out the % which is 70-80%.

I sexed all my plants under lights this year and it was no different to sexing outside, in my strains nothing out of the ordernary showed and that was under stress conditions, same as its been for 20yrs, so it seems as if you know something about my strains that I dont.....interesting:)
Also you must remember that some of my strains are from NorCal and they also showed no signs of having any intersex tendacancies there or here and the MM was grown and crossed down in the snow fields and they also showed nothing.

Baba Ku

Active member
I'm sorry folks...but these anecdotes are really a bit meaningless. The number we are talking about here are all very subjective to all sorts of conditions and issues.

At the end of the day, and no matter what sort of personal experiences folks may have, it only makes sense that the ultimate goal of nature is to continue life. And life in simple terms is male and female procreating.
Cannabis has developed a very clever survival mechanism with the intersex trait. This trait allows the species to not just exist as a simple male or female, but as a diverse and complex combination.
When a person says they have a female plant, do they really have a true female? Very unlikely. If a grower says they discovered a hermie...is it a hermie? Very unlikely.
But both true females and true hermaphrodites do exist in cannabis populations, it is just that their numbers don't contribute many to the whole. And it is also a fact that many mislabel plants as male or female.

Show of hands...how many have sexed out a few and as soon as you saw male stamen the plant was culled and you reported here for all to see that you culled so many males and then proceed to show off your female buds? How did you know what you saw was a male? You didn't know for certain...you simply made the call and culled.

Genetic drift, in the everlasting attempt at continuation of the species, may well take a population one way or the other numbers wise, but at the end of the day that number will always swing back to 50/50, in simple terms. It has to. That is how things work in the natural world. To think otherwise is illogical. Now, when we put man in charge of the population selection, things tend to skew. But even the low number selections a grower may make will eventually be effected by the natural survival mechanisms within the plant.

Lots of what we see that skew the numbers are the results of the countless 1:1 breeding that take place and the deleterious mutations that accompany them.


Donald Mallard

el duck
"much respect kanga , while you say you understand the need for at least 100 subject to represent a % , i cant see how 4 females out of ten counts ... this is not 40% , it is 4 out of 10 ... "

So what you are saying is I need to put in 100 Mango Hazes to give you a proper %. Not 10 or 15 of different strains.
Because if this is the case then this is where we differ because I count the total # of females of all strains and then work out the % which is 70-80%.

I sexed all my plants under lights this year and it was no different to sexing outside, in my strains nothing out of the ordernary showed and that was under stress conditions, same as its been for 20yrs, so it seems as if you know something about my strains that I dont.....interesting:)
Also you must remember that some of my strains are from NorCal and they also showed no signs of having any intersex tendacancies there or here and the MM was grown and crossed down in the snow fields and they also showed nothing.

sure if you want to see the % rates of a specific strain you definately have to grow more than 100 anythiung less is inaccurate ...
I dont claim to know your strains better than you ,, just seems logical if you are getting those rates that there is interexed genetics in there , you may not be seeing them , but a good chance they are there ...
once enough folks try something in many varied conditions then we can formulate a hypothesis ...

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