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Positive thoughts for our pupper


Genetic Resource Management
It's with an incredibly heavy and sad heart I ask for your warm and positive thoughts for my protector, guide and friend Jake the dog.

Jake is a 10 year old Husky/Rottweiler "Heinz '57" canine of unknown origin and breeding. He's been my constant companion for the last 5 years, and is without a doubt the smartest, kindest and most loving pet I have ever spent time with. He came to me when I met my partner, and has been a positive influence and spirit in my life ever since, staying beside me though thick and thin, tough times and happiness. I would simply do absolutely anything for this dog.

Jake was a rescue dog, who came to my partner about 9 years ago... he was thin, weak, and had an incredible tumor on his tail. He'd been found roaming the streets of the lower mainland of BC, and subsequently was passed from pet shop to pet shop, shelter to shelter, depressed, losing weight and refusing to eat. Luckily for him, he was delivered to my extremely kind and passionate life partner, as a last chance... if she didn't accept him and keep him, it would have been his end. When the SPCA person dropped him off with a can of pumpkin for food (to help with his diarrhea, she said that he hadn't eaten anything in days). Luckily for Jake, my partner is a chef and had brought home some Osso Bucco that was leftover at the restaurant, which he gobbled up forthwith.... that was the start of his comeback, and every day since he has brought us immense joy, serenity, and companionship.

Jake has been feeling noticeably poorly for the past few days; a great change from his usual spunky self. and we took him to the vet today only to find out that he has some internal bleeding going on. We are currently awaiting test results, which will tell us if he is going to pull through, or if we will have to put him down tomorrow.

Knowing the combined effort of positive energy and intention, we humbly and sincerely request that each of you reading this thread send Jake some positive vibes... he's all alone at the vet right now, receiving IV fluids overnight in case he is a candidate for surgery tomorrow- he needs to be fully hydrated for his organs to survive the surgery, and due to the internal bleeding has become dehydrated even though we have been plying him with water and treats- at least as much as he was willing to take.

Of course, we are simply gutted... devastated.. torn apart, as we didn't have any clues or time to prepare ourselves.

Please, give your pets a hug for us and send Jake some positive vibes and hopefully he can pull through this and remain with us... giving us more time to enjoy his incredible self.

Jake, we love you pupper, please hold on and give us more time to spend with you.. you are such an incredible and amazing part of our lives.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I hope the best for you and the pup...Sounds like a great boy you have there.

teemu shalanie

WeeDGamE StannisBaratheoN
I gave my guys a hug and we are all hoping for your puppy to come home and be with you again, I have a similar relationship with my dogs so I know how you must feel ...
hang in there bro .......positive energy ,good vibes 2 Jake
peace, respect Teemu


Active member
I'm sending every healing vibe and warm thought to Jake. I sure hope he pulls through. :comfort:


Been through a few of these..It's tough..

good thoughts to you and yours.

There are very few things as special as the relationship with a dog.


thats ruff....sending Jake and your family some good vibes. Thought my dog was going to die last month, 1st time I cried in 15+ years...she made it so don't give up hope

Smoke Buddy

Were sending good vibes and praying for Jake. He sounds awesome Chimera.
peace to you and yours.
Sending good vibes your dog's way, Chimera. Wishing the best for him and a speedy recovery if he has surgery.

I'm going through the same thing at this moment with my 14 year old dalmatian and have been a bit torn up about it. She is as much a part of the family as any dog could ever be and is the sweetest, happiest dog as well as my best friend. She started showing signs of Hopkin's syndrome two days ago and her pupil in that eye has been non responsive to light. It could be anything from a tumor, an eye infection or a sign of old age.

Hoping it goes away as I can't afford surgery right now. I could use some good vibes sent her way.


Kiss My Ring
the pernicious power of pups in our lives makes many things insignificant. good memories and great companionship makes the reward all the more salicious. Give your companion all the comfort you can afford, they have done no less for you. Peace for you both.


thoughts are with you and Jake,ive found that pups ,even with their last breath are more worried about you than themselves,so be there and be strong for your friend


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
this goes out to JAKE... positive vibes and good karma you guys both extended eachother lifes by years i am sure... hopefully he can pull through for many more...


Active member
Aww its hard when a dog gets sick, I know that situation well. Best wishes, positive vibes, and good karmic energy your way man. I hope all things work out so you can get to spend more time with him and have a chance to say a real goodbye to him.


Aww I feel for ya. My dog also named Jake a beagle rotti mix is my best friend and I couldn't imagine him being even sick