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Pics of leaves. How do I correct this?


did you leave them under the lights when you folier fed? i never tried this method because it scares me I have fucked up leaves before when spraying for bugs. Just a thought. The only other thing i would suggest is to pull it out of the pot and take a look. Soil is a very stable medium. good soil should hold ph ok without having to do to much. dont be afraid to take a look I have done all sorts of things to roots and its barely affected the plant. I would just pull it out and take a look. maybe mix up a new batch of soil and if something does not seem right just knock off what comes off easy and add the new soil with plenty of perlite.


The whole problem here was offgassing due to the vinyl door for my new grow cabnet that I made. A friend of mine gave me a roll of vinyl used to make interiors for freightliner trucks. He said use as much as you need and it was light tight so I went to work makeing a door that velcrowed to the front of my cab. Looked awesome and worked well....but the off gassing ruined 10 plants...I just now got 5 fresh vegged plants under my flower light so I am back to work without problems. Thanks to those that helped me in my trouble threads that I made.

Whew...lesson learnt...dont use vinyl or glues that smell or silicone unless its cured and probably no painting in your grow area when plants are present as fumes hurt plants!!!



OK the pics in your first post are not off gassing damage!
That is Root Aphid damage!!!

I have had problems with off gassing and that is not what off gassing looks like at all.

That is classic RA death going down.


Active member
if i read correctly you switched to ro water in soil.....why? go back to tap.....ro water has nothing to offer and when your not feedin the plants still need things from your tap water..minerals ma man minerals.....you gunna have the same problems if you just use ro and no tap......atleast mix the 2.....


ICMag Donor
slight MG and FE,, (the red rust/spots) and major N (the yellow striping) ... these problems could be the result of nute lock or inccorect pH.

However remember that it is natural for some larger / old plants to use up the oldest fan leaves quicker than other varieties. We'd be inclined to simply remove any old plant material in the garden to prevent unwanted molds (which often form in the curled up old leave-tips)

If the problem persists in newer / fresh growth,, then you know there is a problem.

Hope this helps

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