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A plea to Americans

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Un - Retired,
Please please please don't let Sarah Palin get into office I generally hate politics and couldn't tell what party she stands for but at least I know the difference between North & South Korea
Sarah Palin, who drew wide criticism after declaring that the United States has to stand with "our North Korean allies," after North Korea’s shelling on the South Korean islet of Yeonpyeong, harshly criticized the “media unfairness” of inordinately focusing on her gaffe, while failing to illuminate her many other constructive remarks that showed her good grasp of international politics.
that really scares me


I really doubt that wench will become our Pres.
I can almost with certainty guarantee it will be Newt Gingrich

That comment by Palin was wrong she admitted later.
She totally fucked up big time, right there she show she has no
clue to the volatile situation right now betwen the N and S Korea's
She has just proven what a dumbass politico she is.

Really OP don't worry.
Newt is where it's at, he is one tough smart SOB.
just listen to him talk.

just google Palin North Korea,
it's all over the net now what a
twat she has shown herself to be.

This is one mistake she won't be able to let down.
She should know without certaintywho the N and S Korea's are,
And not fuck up like she did.
She is worthless, a hollow headed whore in a suit.

Panama Red

Active member
Pink, she said she can see Russia from her backyard, in response to being asked about her foreign policy experience.

I can see the moon from my bedroom window, that must make me a fucking astronaut.......

[size=-2]And lay off the political postings or I'll have you banned for breaking TOU.[/size]


Resigning as governor to go on a book tour to rake in cash and all the other bullshit shes done

im fucking praying she does go forward as a candidate for all the hilarity that will insue

Palin 2012:yay:


It'd be nice if our politicians weren't complete idiots.

This isn't a minor mistake as far as I'm concerned. We were at war a half century ago, if you don't know who's who then you need to go back to fuckin school.

Either give up the political game and focus on your family and your stupid reality tv show or vice versa. You can't have both when you're that fuckin stupid.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Hilarious isn't it? American politics and the leaders the corporations allow us to choose from. Well, if it wasn't so tragic it would be funny. It's really like a Tragic Comedy.

Presenting the new Fascist line up for 2012....
Sarah Palin= Neo-Con gone full retard
Huckabee- Jesus freak Faux News propagandist
Romney- Used Car Salesman lookin' corporatist gangster
Obozo- No explanation necessary

It doesn't matter who gets elected anyway. The choice is only an illusion. The same corporatist bankster agenda will be carried out with minor tweaks to play the left right paradigm against each other. So it has been for 100+ years and so it will continue until the middle class is fleeced into complete poverty.
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Un - Retired,
please don't take this political as I said I hate politics and this just backed up my thoughts
the thread was more as a joke than to start people getting all political
but that sort of shit from politicians really does scare me, put people in charge that have half a clue whats going on in the world
not someone that doesn't even know the basics of geography or history

Panama Red

Active member
Easy Pink, I was joking!

If you want people in charge who know what they're doing, apparently NYC taxi drivers know exactly what's wrong with the country/the city and the Yankees.......
We were smart enough to reject her the first time.

Sara was a huge reason for McCain's loss. She is definitely the reason I couldn't have considered voting for McCain.


Please please please don't let Sarah Palin get into office I generally hate politics and couldn't tell what party she stands for but at least I know the difference between North & South Korea that really scares me

I don't want Palin as president either. That puts her in good company, including Obama (he of the 57 states, who didn't even correct his gaffe, like Palin did immediately), Bush (either of them), Clinton (either of them), Carter. Hell, all of them, going back to the beginning of the 20th century.

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
she's part of a state that's not connected to the rest of the union and neither is she mentally,

it would be sad if a spokes model was president.


Grover Cleveland, King of the Veto. That's the kind of president we need. Except bills to repeal other laws, no need to veto those.

And a law so these lobbyists in legislators clothing have to read their bills aloud in congress before they can be passed. Obamacare alone would've kept them busy for years.


Active member
SNL with global implications. i kinda wanna see what would happen but only if we could pull'er out instantley at the 1st sighn of trouble.
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