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Methods to KILL seedlings.....warning : dead seedlings


Active member
Ive been trying different methods of germing and growing seedlings and recently lost alot of my last batch. so learn from my mistakes and dont do what i did.

So my first mistake was putting the light way too far. for a few days the seedlings were in my mothering chamber and the light was two feet away. i noticed they were stretching and quickly put them into the clone chamber but too late.


Second mistake, using these small paper cups. i saw a fellow member rooting his clones in coco in these cups and figured it might work for seedlings, wrong. for some reason its not working in these, they dry out too quick and the seeds seem to loose root strengh from running out of room quick.

Third mistake, temps hit around 30-40 last week and my whole entire veg room pretty much stopped growing. these beans were popped on november 5th and they barely look a week old. so i went out and bought heating mats for all my veg areas and things are starting to perk up.

So, out of 6 Blue Satellite 2.2 seeds, only 3 survived. Out of 6 Purple Kush seeds, zero survived. Out of 3 chemdawgxC99, 2 survived. very bad total, lost some good genetics im sure.

Here are the ones that made it, transplanted into beer cups using FFOF/FFLW+perlite+mychorizae


Some of them still look droopy for some reason, what does this indicate?

Popped in early november, and still barely losing its shell! cold temps are NO JOKE!! heat up your veg areas!

The ones that made it, standing tall over the ones that didnt

Do you guys think the lights are still too far from the seedlings? they are about 5inches from the cups. the ones in the beercups are slammed right on the light pretty much.

And just to show im not a total jackass and purposelly killing seeds, here are 6 Sour Bubbles that i germ using a different method. got 6/6 with the Sour B because i sent the other 6 beans to a friend.


for the SB i dropped the germed seedlings into rapid rooters let them slowly grow up until they reached a few inches tall, then transplanted into beer cups within few days. gonna use more rapid rooters for seedlings in the future, the texture seems to support quicker growth and better sturdiness of the taproot than loose compact soil...


Well-known member
when u transplant the ones with the long stems bury those stems as deep as you can in the new cup

i slam my flouros as well...


Now in technicolor
First pic looks like pythium/damping off. The plant "falls off" and the part of the stem just off the surface of the medium flattens. NOT like the 3rd pic.

I had issues with germination as well. Keeping the water moist instead of damp is the key to preventing rot. I took pics and will write up a guide for icmag when I get a chance. I've dropped seeds into soil with excellent results but I prefer using rockwool cubes.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I get my best results soaking the seeds until they drop to the bottom. You need to check on them sometimes they wont sink unless u shack the glass a bit. Watch the seeds if they still float there not ready. After the sink I place them into paper towels. It normally takes no more then 48hrs-74hrs max to pop the seeds.


get those lights closer... you should know better by now ! :blowbubbles: 1 or 2 inches with some air movement


"easy growing type"
Ive been trying different methods of germing and growing seedlings and recently lost alot of my last batch. so learn from my mistakes and dont do what i did.

So my first mistake was putting the light way too far. for a few days the seedlings were in my mothering chamber and the light was two feet away. i noticed they were stretching and quickly put them into the clone chamber but too late.


Second mistake, using these small paper cups. i saw a fellow member rooting his clones in coco in these cups and figured it might work for seedlings, wrong. for some reason its not working in these, they dry out too quick and the seeds seem to loose root strengh from running out of room quick.

Third mistake, temps hit around 30-40 last week and my whole entire veg room pretty much stopped growing. these beans were popped on november 5th and they barely look a week old. so i went out and bought heating mats for all my veg areas and things are starting to perk up.

So, out of 6 Blue Satellite 2.2 seeds, only 3 survived. Out of 6 Purple Kush seeds, zero survived. Out of 3 chemdawgxC99, 2 survived. very bad total, lost some good genetics im sure.

Here are the ones that made it, transplanted into beer cups using FFOF/FFLW+perlite+mychorizae


Some of them still look droopy for some reason, what does this indicate?

Popped in early november, and still barely losing its shell! cold temps are NO JOKE!! heat up your veg areas!

The ones that made it, standing tall over the ones that didnt

Do you guys think the lights are still too far from the seedlings? they are about 5inches from the cups. the ones in the beercups are slammed right on the light pretty much.

And just to show im not a total jackass and purposelly killing seeds, here are 6 Sour Bubbles that i germ using a different method. got 6/6 with the Sour B because i sent the other 6 beans to a friend.


for the SB i dropped the germed seedlings into rapid rooters let them slowly grow up until they reached a few inches tall, then transplanted into beer cups within few days. gonna use more rapid rooters for seedlings in the future, the texture seems to support quicker growth and better sturdiness of the taproot than loose compact soil...

Excellent pictorial brother. This will help lots of people starting out and experienced alike!!

I was being TOO careful with the Rez-ChemDog-IBL's and allowed them to stretch on me before bringing them closer to the light. I lost one due to the fold in the stem. The others I buried in the hydroton.


Active member
get those lights closer... you should know better by now ! :blowbubbles: 1 or 2 inches with some air movement

yea i know man! gotta slam them...i propped up the paper cups of the live ones on top of the dead ones so they could gain another inch. im gonna have to rig up a seedling cab because its hard to prop them up all the way in the clone chamber....so many projects this week!

still glad i managed to save three of the Blue Satellite...the c99 were freebies and the purple kush was a trade but i did some research and found that the LVPK cut is better..so maybe it saved me some time. sorry ET for losing them you still got the other 6 right? let me know if you find a keeper..

just popped 8 blubonic germs into the same paper cups but gonna slam the lights on them and see if it works better...for the Blubonics i also wedged the germed seedling taproot into a chunk of rapid rooter so they feel a little more secure than the previous batch....


I'm a victim of fast women and slow horses
I'm going to subscribe dude.. Sat 2.2 is one of my first choices. Rock the show.


Active member
rapid rooters for the win...the Blubonics are all loooking really good. grab a chunk of rapid rooter mat, soak it, then slide the germed seedling into it, cuts it like butter. then stick that chunk in the soil. gives teh seedling a good foundation in the soil. i notice that when i water seedlings planted directly in soil, the current of the water sometimes shifts its entire position.