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Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
And by the way, having just completed sharing Daisaku Ikeda's Lecture on the Heritage of the Ultimate Law of Life and Death with my group, I would HIGHLY suggest anyone being able to obtain a copy to do so and read it carefully. It's wonderful. And this lecture along with his lecture on The Opening of the Eyes have opened my eyes to the author in a light I had not seen in him previously.

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Three Great Secret Laws

Three Great Secret Laws

Three Great Secret Laws
[三大秘法] (Jpn sandai-hiho )
The core principles of Nichiren's teaching. They are the object of devotion of the essential teaching, the daimoku of the essential teaching, and the sanctuary of the essential teaching. Here, "essential teaching" refers to the teaching of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo and not to the essential teaching, or the latter fourteen chapters, of the Lotus Sutra. Nichiren (1222-1282) established these three essential principles to enable people in the Latter Day of the Law to attain Buddhahood. They are called secret because they are implicit in the text of the "Life Span" (sixteenth) chapter of the Lotus Sutra and remained hidden or unknown until Nichiren revealed them. Nichiren regarded them as the vital teaching that Shakyamuni Buddha transferred to Bodhisattva Superior Practices in the "Supernatural Powers" (twenty-first) chapter of the sutra. He regarded his mission as one with that of Bodhisattva Superior Practices.

The Three Great Secret Laws represent Nichiren's embodiment of the Mystic Law, to which he was enlightened, in a form that all people can practice and thereby gain access to that Law within their own lives. He associated the Three Great Secret Laws with the three types of learning set forth in Buddhism—precepts, meditation, and wisdom. Specifically, the object of devotion corresponds to meditation, the sanctuary to precepts, and the daimoku to wisdom. Concerning the three types of learning based on the Lotus Sutra, Dengyo(767-822), in his Questions and Answers on Regulations for Students of the Tendai Lotus School, states, "The spacelike immovable precept, the spacelike immovable meditation, and the spacelike immovable wisdom—these three all together are transmitted under the name 'Wonderful Law.'" The three types of learning based on the Lotus Sutra are called "spacelike" and "immovable" because, like space, which represents the ultimate truth, they are immovable, or imperturbable. Nikko, Nichiren's successor, stated that in Nichiren's teachings the object of devotion corresponds to the spacelike immovable meditation, the sanctuary to the sapcelike immovable precept, and the daimoku to the spacelike immovable wisdom.
Nichiren mentions the Three Great Secret Laws in several of his writings (all dated after his near execution at Tatsunokuchi and subsequent exile to Sado Island in 1271), and in a work known as On the Three Great Secret Laws, he offers a detailed definition.
At the core of the Three Great Secret Laws is the One Great Secret Law. This is the object of devotion of the essential teaching, or Nichiren's embodiment in the form of a mandala of the eternal Law of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, which he fully realized and manifested in his life. He writes in The Person and the Law, "Deep in this mortal flesh I preserve the ultimate secret Law inherited from Shakyamuni Buddha, the lord of teachings, at Eagle Peak" (1097). Because embracing this object of devotion called the Gohonzon is the only precept in Nichiren's teaching, the place where it is enshrined corresponds to the place where one vows to observe the Buddhist precepts—the ordination platform, or sanctuary, of the essential teaching. The term precept in Buddhism implies preventing error and putting an end to evil. The daimoku of the essential teaching indicates the invocation or chanting of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo with faith in the object of devotion; it includes chanting the daimoku for oneself and teaching it to others. Thus, both the sanctuary and the daimoku derive from the object of devotion.
Later Nichikan (1665-1726), the twenty-sixth chief priest of Taiseki-ji temple, classified the Three Great Secret Laws into Six Great Secret Laws. First, the object of devotion is viewed in terms of both Person and Law. The Person indicates Nichiren himself, who achieved the enlightenment and virtues of the eternal Buddha and who established the Buddhism of sowing for all people in the Latter Day of the Law. The object of devotion in terms of the Law is the Gohonzon, which embodies Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. Second, the sanctuary also has two aspects, the specified sanctuary and the general sanctuary. The former is the sanctuary to be built at the time of kosen-rufu, or wide propagation, in accordance with Nichiren's instruction. This is the place where the object of devotion Nichiren inscribed for all humanity (commonly known as the Dai-Gohonzon) is to be enshrined when his teaching has been widely spread and established. The general sanctuary is any place where one enshrines the object of devotion and engages in practice. Third, the daimoku of the essential teaching also has two aspects: the daimoku of faith and the daimoku of practice. The former means to believe in the Gohonzon, and the latter means to chant the daimoku and spread it.
According to Nichikan's "Interpreting the Text Based upon Its Essential Meaning," the Six Great Secret Laws are considered a crystallization of the Buddha's eighty-four thousand teachings, the Three Great Secret Laws a crystallization of the Six Great Secret Laws, and the One Great Secret Law a crystallization of the Three Great Secret Laws.


Not cool! So PB, you're in the priesthood now? This thread's flow lately has been going so great and then you gotta besmirch the organization you claim to be a part of by injecting priesthood related doubt in your post (again)? I read every word on this thread and I also know that you're intentions are purely intellectual, but in 2011 when members are encouraged to become courageous hearts members (befriend a temple member and show them the correct and gratitude based practice of the SGI) in your territory, will you accept that guidance or blatantly disregard the last 20 years of precedent against the erroneous and foul priesthood that is determined to obstruct your Buddhanature.

PB, in my opinion you are the Descartes of Buddhism that wishes to sit on a lonely rock and intellectualize ala Shariputra and miss out on the great benefit found in every other post in this thread. How about participating in this thread instead of blowing that confusing smoke you're preaching, yet again? Many members including me like the human side of PB, but when you start trying to lay out your version of "The Law" it gets hairy and scary.

I haven't needed a priestly intervention in the last 5 years of my practice and I don't believe I will anytime in this life time. In fact, I have only seen youtube videos of these priests that you revere and their arrogant nature is the only quality I could glean from those videos. In regards to their publications, do you feel comfortable about the fact that they are also passing out literature putting the SGI in the most foul and unreasonable light? Has that propaganda permeated your soul? If so, let it go man - you're hate will only lead to duplicity and further an ascent to the avichi hell of incessant suffering.

You've exposed to your true intent and the last few words of "Your Understanding" are proof that you only wish to flame a fire that has been non-existent since your previous departure. Nobody except you is advocating priestly superiority, with that said please go start a priesthood thread. Kindly cease and desist from imposing that pro-priest commentary around here because that karma should stay with you and those in your immediate reach. Stop trying to get it into my life and I hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving.



It is the words from the Gosho which Nichiren wrote that I depicted for you to see and read regardless of my alignment to SGI or the lack off. The reason that you get upset is that you see the discrepancies depicted in the Gosho and your hatred towards the priests negate what Nichiren wrote in this Gosho. After all Nichiren and Nikko and Nichikan were all priests, were they not?. So why are you bent out of shape? Is it because I reiterate Nichiren's words which seem clear today 700+ years later? If you claim to practice as Nichiren taught then please do refer to passages from the Gosho that condemn priests who chant the Daimoku like you and I with no regards to affiliation. It is because we all chant the Daimoku that we are Nichiren’s disciples not because of our deferent roll or function in the community of believers. Your intimidation and anger only reveal that Nichiren was right when he was pesecuted!!!



Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Actually pb, in my opinion you are a very confused and dishonest person, who masquerades as a sincere believer, but you aren't. Someone sincere, would never manipulate the teachings the way that you do. If you were truly correct in the points you are making, you wouldn't have to.

I initially deleted having said this after I hit the link to be able to discover where there were still online copies of the NSIC version of the Gosho in English, The Major Writings of Nichiren Daishonin. These translations were all dictated by the Nichiren Shoshu priests! Of course they are favorable towards the preisthood , just as are the English translations done by Nichiren Shu!

You quote the Nichiren Shoshu priest version of the Gosho and then link it to the SGI version we all know. How misleading! Who here, besides me would know to spot the difference? You're not an honest person pb. Stop acting like you are!

You take way too many chances on confusing people, as far as I'm concerned. This has been an ongoing issue that I have asked you to correct on several occassions before. I quit reading your posts months ago because they were so often at huge odds with the truth as I know it, through my personal experience. I am sorry that those experiences have not been yours as well.

But at this point, after this last intended disception, all I can ask is that you stay away as you have been. Thank you! Any additional posts by you will be deleted from this thread as soon as you make them. This thread is not a platform for you to use in the manner that you are attempting to.

Sorry Brother!



Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"Those who fall to the ground will get back on their feet by using the ground to push themselves up. In the same way, those who slander the Lotus Sutra will gain enlightenment through the Lotus Sutra. The Mystic Law embraces even those who form a reverse relationship with it, enabling all people to attain Buddhahood. Such is the unfathomable power of the 'poison-drum relationship' in Buddhism."

SGI Newsletter No. 8098, LEARNING FROM THE WRITINGS OF NICHIREN DAISHONIN: THE TEACHINGS FOR VICTORY, [20] 'The Proof of the Lotus Sutra', Possessing a Profound Connection with the Lotus Sutra, from the September 2010 issue of Daibyakurenge, translated Nov. 5th, 2010


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"Rather than offering up ten thousand prayers for remedy, it would be better simply to outlaw this one evil."

(On Establishing the Correct Teaching for the Peace of the Land - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, Vol.1, page 15) Selection source: "Kyo no Hosshin", Seikyo Shimbun, November 27th, 2010


wow, very trippy. the language in his posts were wayyyy off. thanks for the protection and support T.

Going to my mom's home this morning after a good chanting session and a Soka Spirit meeting. Every Sunday when I chant for the Chanting Growers from 8am- 9am (on the 2nd 3rd and 4th since KRG is the 1st Sunday) other people chant for those who specifically don't have a Gohonzon or chant in another group ( like with Priests) so that they overcome their obstacles and start chanting (Soka Spirit Toso is from 9 to 10 or 8 to 9 usually). The basis for this is if 1/3 of the world chants Nam-myoho-renge-kyo and another 1/3 accepts and respects the practice - that will be an awesome indication that kosen-rufu is the major influence throughout and in my heart I believe that will end wars, violence, useless threats and poverty.

I also believe that my practice will cure my mother's cancer again. She had stage 2 Multiple Myeloma a couple years ago and with daimoku from this thread's participants and others that joined me here locally, we beat my mother's cancer. Now its back and I'm going today to visit her and encourage her. I want to give her the Book Faith into Action which I have been studying for months during our monday night tosos. I also want to share with her, the Buddha in Your Mirror. Since her cancer has come back strongly she doesn't really feel that Buddhism is the devil anymore and is finally willing to accept these books. I have been trying for 5 years to help her understand this practice, to no avail and now she has agreed and this is great.

My father is a very arrogant catholic man that is clearly afraid if he studies another religion or philosophy he will go to hell (instantly). He has even told his ex-wife (my mom) that even yoga can lead someone to hell! I once gave my father Buddha in Your Mirror and took it back after three years in his possession because he kept it in the same bag I gave it to him in. The book was hidden in a dark place in his apartment and I was deeply saddened that he doesn't believe in the power of this practice because he hasn't given himself a chance to realize the power of it by studying it with an open heart!

Anybody who is even a little spiritual can relate to Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism. I was once a self proclaimed non-believer of everything, former christian turned atheist. Now, I am humbled on a daily basis by the Gohonzon's mercy and all the benefit I've gained since I started chanting with a Gohonzon in my home. The mini-benefits I got from just chanting at home or in my garden was good at first, but the truth is really found in your relationship with Gohonzon and the overall enhancement of life condition that follows like your shadow follows you.

I'm always grateful for everything I absorb and find here. I even more happy that my former group/chapter of 5 local chanting people has split twice and is now a chapter with over 60+ members! All this in 4.875 years since I joined the group. hahahaha, so many new happy people. The best is yet to come!

Much love to all,


Bodhisattva of the Earth
The Gohonzon is in my heart.

The Gohonzon is in my heart.

I know I'm one of them, without one, but I see her(him) in my mind more than ever, the Gohonzon.

I wish PB could be together with us rather than preaching to us.

I feel very humbled by Easy's post, just a perfect post bro.

And where has Forest been?

And "T" your courage is absolutely a beautiful thing.




3rd-Eye Jedi
Because embracing this object of devotion called the Gohonzon is the only precept in Nichiren's teaching, the place where it is enshrined corresponds to the place where one vows to observe the Buddhist precepts—the ordination platform, or sanctuary, of the essential teaching. The term precept in Buddhism implies preventing error and putting an end to evil. The daimoku of the essential teaching indicates the invocation or chanting of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo with faith in the object of devotion; it includes chanting the daimoku for oneself and teaching it to others. Thus, both the sanctuary and the daimoku derive from the object of devotion.

I had an epiphany when I read that and I will share it

This is not in lieu of a traditional Gohonzon but an interpretation of a deeper meaning

I believe Nichiren says do not seek the Gohonzon outside of yourself means seek the relative meaning of karmic cause and effect within your own life in the same way Nichiren discovered it in his, thus the understanding of cause and effect in his life should lead to a relative understanding of cause and effect in your own

secondarily if we seek the gohonzon from inside the place it is enshrined, our individual lives enshrined by the whole of our physical being, the place of sanctity becomes our body. the sanctuary of this understanding is what needs to be treated with like sanctity, our physical being treated with sanctity helps us sanctify the gohonzon that is our lives

in this way we are living as Nichiren did, seeking the relative cause and effect in his lifetime in our own and treating our body, the living vessel that enshrouds the living essence of the being that seeks to achieve buddhist understanding in our own lifetime we are achieving buddha nature

from my understanding this is how enlightenment and buddha nature can be achieved in a moment, by understanding the parallel of cause and effect in our lives as buddha did in his

and yes it is possible all with a simple chant

nam myoho renge kyo

nam myoho renge kyo

nam myoho renge kyo


ICmag's Official Black Guy
I know I'm one of them, without one, but I see her(him) in my mind more than ever, the Gohonzon.

I wish PB could be together with us rather than preaching to us.

I feel very humbled by Easy's post, just a perfect post bro.

And where has Forest been?

And "T" your courage is absolutely a beautiful thing.



I went to see family....I had a great time meet up with my brother and nephews...I feel rejuvenated nam myoho renge kyo!...:comfort:


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
I had an epiphany when I read that and I will share it

This is not in lieu of a traditional Gohonzon but an interpretation of a deeper meaning

and yes it is possible all with a simple chant

nam myoho renge kyo

nam myoho renge kyo

nam myoho renge kyo

Please note the respect with which Weird expresses his personal observation! He calls it an epiphany, but I think that was putting it mildly, and I'm so glad he shared it!

And I will remind all of those aware of their inner Gohonzon, that the external Gohonzon has a specific reason for being manifest. The Daishonin's teaching is not to seek the Gohonzon inside yourself, it is not to seek the Gohonzon outside of yourself. The teaching calls for an optimization which is achieved through a fusion of the inner Gohonzon and the external Gohonzon as one chants Daimoku to the Object of Devotion.

But like so many things in life, one would have to experience that to be able to appreciate the difference. I thought that was a very deep perception there, Weird! Thank you! But I think it's always important to remember that "...how enlightenment and buddha nature can be achieved in a moment..." isn't the hard part.

Nichiren says that happens automatically when you chant sincerely to the Object of Devotion. The hard part is overcoming one's fundamental darkness and making that tenth world our fundamental life condition. Accomplishing that has less to do with an intellectual understanding than it does with faith as expressed in the actions required to accomplish the Buddha's will, kosen-rufu.

Or at least that's how I understand it!

Bowing in humble obeisance,

T :thank you:


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
When we read the Gosho, in my personal opinion, two very important things to first consider about what we are reading are 1.) When in the Daishonin's life did he write it, and 2.) Who is the letter addressed to, and to what degree of insight can we have into their faith and practice.

If you think that the Daishonin spoke to everyone in the same manner, you haven't read very many Goshos! It is no different then the approach T'ien-t'ai took in categoring the sutras, which the Daishonin observed as being correct. In other words, the most correct understanding comes from being mindful of who the recipient is, and it's underlying message rather than a literal, intractable, never-changing declaration of "correct" and "incorrect," (unless he is stating it as such).

But also! Did he write what he is saying before or after the Tatsunokuchi Persecution (September 1271)? Did he say it before or after his life expressed the actual proof of his True Identity? The Daishonin himself says that this event serves as a sort of line of demarcation in his teachings.


And may I add, in my opinion, that to say the SGI "hates priests" is totally ludicrous! For an entity that "hates priests," they sure do quote them alot!!!!!!!!!!!!! Read those two lectures by Daisaku Ikeda I mentioned (Opening of the Eyes/Heritage of the Ultimate Law of Life and Death) and you'll see him quoting Nichiren and Nichiren Shoshu priests throughout. (As you'll see another example below!)
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